clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple amd64-unknown-openbsd7.4 -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name display_mode_vba_21.c -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model static -mframe-pointer=all -relaxed-aliasing -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -ffreestanding -mcmodel=kernel -target-cpu x86-64 -target-feature +retpoline-indirect-calls -target-feature +retpoline-indirect-branches -target-feature -3dnow -target-feature -mmx -target-feature +save-args -target-feature +retpoline-external-thunk -target-feature +sse -target-feature +sse2 -disable-red-zone -no-implicit-float -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP/obj -nostdsysteminc -nobuiltininc -resource-dir /usr/local/llvm16/lib/clang/16 -I /usr/src/sys -I /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP/obj -I /usr/src/sys/arch -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/include -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/include/uapi -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/include/asic_reg -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/include -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/amdgpu -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/include -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/dc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/amdgpu_dm -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/inc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/legacy-dpm -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/swsmu -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/inc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/smu11 -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/smu12 -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/smu13 -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/powerplay/inc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/powerplay/hwmgr -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/powerplay/smumgr -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/inc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/inc/pmfw_if -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/dc/inc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/dc/inc/hw -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/dc/clk_mgr -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/modules/inc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/modules/hdcp -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/dmub/inc -I /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/i915 -D DDB -D DIAGNOSTIC -D KTRACE -D ACCOUNTING -D KMEMSTATS -D PTRACE -D POOL_DEBUG -D CRYPTO -D SYSVMSG -D SYSVSEM -D SYSVSHM -D UVM_SWAP_ENCRYPT -D FFS -D FFS2 -D FFS_SOFTUPDATES -D UFS_DIRHASH -D QUOTA -D EXT2FS -D MFS -D NFSCLIENT -D NFSSERVER -D CD9660 -D UDF -D MSDOSFS -D FIFO -D FUSE -D SOCKET_SPLICE -D TCP_ECN -D TCP_SIGNATURE -D INET6 -D IPSEC -D PPP_BSDCOMP -D PPP_DEFLATE -D PIPEX -D MROUTING -D MPLS -D BOOT_CONFIG -D USER_PCICONF -D APERTURE -D MTRR -D NTFS -D SUSPEND -D HIBERNATE -D PCIVERBOSE -D USBVERBOSE -D WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_USL -D WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_RAWKBD -D WSDISPLAY_DEFAULTSCREENS=6 -D X86EMU -D ONEWIREVERBOSE -D MULTIPROCESSOR -D MAXUSERS=80 -D _KERNEL -O2 -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-gnu-folding-constant -fdebug-compilation-dir=/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP/obj -ferror-limit 19 -fwrapv -D_RET_PROTECTOR -ret-protector -fcf-protection=branch -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -fno-builtin-malloc -fno-builtin-calloc -fno-builtin-realloc -fno-builtin-valloc -fno-builtin-free -fno-builtin-strdup -fno-builtin-strndup -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -o /home/ben/Projects/scan/2024-01-11-110808-61670-1 -x c /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/display/dc/dml/dcn21/display_mode_vba_21.c
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27 | #include "../display_mode_lib.h" |
28 | #include "../dml_inline_defs.h" |
29 | #include "../display_mode_vba.h" |
30 | #include "display_mode_vba_21.h" |
31 | |
32 | |
33 | |
34 | |
35 | |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | |
39 | |
40 | |
41 | typedef struct { |
42 | double DPPCLK; |
43 | double DISPCLK; |
44 | double PixelClock; |
45 | double DCFCLKDeepSleep; |
46 | unsigned int DPPPerPlane; |
47 | bool ScalerEnabled; |
48 | enum scan_direction_class SourceScan; |
49 | unsigned int BlockWidth256BytesY; |
50 | unsigned int BlockHeight256BytesY; |
51 | unsigned int BlockWidth256BytesC; |
52 | unsigned int BlockHeight256BytesC; |
53 | unsigned int InterlaceEnable; |
54 | unsigned int NumberOfCursors; |
55 | unsigned int VBlank; |
56 | unsigned int HTotal; |
57 | } Pipe; |
58 | |
59 | typedef struct { |
60 | bool Enable; |
61 | unsigned int MaxPageTableLevels; |
62 | unsigned int CachedPageTableLevels; |
63 | } HostVM; |
64 | |
65 | #define BPP_INVALID 0 |
66 | #define BPP_BLENDED_PIPE 0xffffffff |
67 | #define DCN21_MAX_DSC_IMAGE_WIDTH 5184 |
68 | #define DCN21_MAX_420_IMAGE_WIDTH 4096 |
69 | |
70 | static void DisplayPipeConfiguration(struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib); |
71 | static void DISPCLKDPPCLKDCFCLKDeepSleepPrefetchParametersWatermarksAndPerformanceCalculation( |
72 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib); |
73 | static unsigned int dscceComputeDelay( |
74 | unsigned int bpc, |
75 | double bpp, |
76 | unsigned int sliceWidth, |
77 | unsigned int numSlices, |
78 | enum output_format_class pixelFormat); |
79 | static unsigned int dscComputeDelay(enum output_format_class pixelFormat); |
80 | |
81 | static bool CalculatePrefetchSchedule( |
82 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
83 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
84 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
85 | Pipe *myPipe, |
86 | unsigned int DSCDelay, |
87 | double DPPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
88 | double DPPCLKDelaySCL, |
89 | double DPPCLKDelaySCLLBOnly, |
90 | double DPPCLKDelayCNVCFormater, |
91 | double DPPCLKDelayCNVCCursor, |
92 | double DISPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
93 | unsigned int ScalerRecoutWidth, |
94 | enum output_format_class OutputFormat, |
95 | unsigned int MaxInterDCNTileRepeaters, |
96 | unsigned int VStartup, |
97 | unsigned int MaxVStartup, |
98 | unsigned int GPUVMPageTableLevels, |
99 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
100 | HostVM *myHostVM, |
101 | bool DynamicMetadataEnable, |
102 | int DynamicMetadataLinesBeforeActiveRequired, |
103 | unsigned int DynamicMetadataTransmittedBytes, |
104 | bool DCCEnable, |
105 | double UrgentLatency, |
106 | double UrgentExtraLatency, |
107 | double TCalc, |
108 | unsigned int PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame, |
109 | unsigned int MetaRowByte, |
110 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRow, |
111 | double PrefetchSourceLinesY, |
112 | unsigned int SwathWidthY, |
113 | double BytePerPixelDETY, |
114 | double VInitPreFillY, |
115 | unsigned int MaxNumSwathY, |
116 | double PrefetchSourceLinesC, |
117 | double BytePerPixelDETC, |
118 | double VInitPreFillC, |
119 | unsigned int MaxNumSwathC, |
120 | unsigned int SwathHeightY, |
121 | unsigned int SwathHeightC, |
122 | double TWait, |
123 | bool XFCEnabled, |
124 | double XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay, |
125 | bool ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
126 | double *DSTXAfterScaler, |
127 | double *DSTYAfterScaler, |
128 | double *DestinationLinesForPrefetch, |
129 | double *PrefetchBandwidth, |
130 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank, |
131 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank, |
132 | double *VRatioPrefetchY, |
133 | double *VRatioPrefetchC, |
134 | double *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma, |
135 | double *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma, |
136 | unsigned int *VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata, |
137 | double *Tno_bw, |
138 | double *prefetch_vmrow_bw, |
139 | unsigned int *swath_width_luma_ub, |
140 | unsigned int *swath_width_chroma_ub, |
141 | unsigned int *VUpdateOffsetPix, |
142 | double *VUpdateWidthPix, |
143 | double *VReadyOffsetPix); |
144 | static double RoundToDFSGranularityUp(double Clock, double VCOSpeed); |
145 | static double RoundToDFSGranularityDown(double Clock, double VCOSpeed); |
146 | static double CalculateDCCConfiguration( |
147 | bool DCCEnabled, |
148 | bool DCCProgrammingAssumesScanDirectionUnknown, |
149 | unsigned int ViewportWidth, |
150 | unsigned int ViewportHeight, |
151 | unsigned int DETBufferSize, |
152 | unsigned int RequestHeight256Byte, |
153 | unsigned int SwathHeight, |
154 | enum dm_swizzle_mode TilingFormat, |
155 | unsigned int BytePerPixel, |
156 | enum scan_direction_class ScanOrientation, |
157 | unsigned int *MaxUncompressedBlock, |
158 | unsigned int *MaxCompressedBlock, |
159 | unsigned int *Independent64ByteBlock); |
160 | static double CalculatePrefetchSourceLines( |
161 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
162 | double VRatio, |
163 | double vtaps, |
164 | bool Interlace, |
165 | bool ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
166 | unsigned int SwathHeight, |
167 | unsigned int ViewportYStart, |
168 | double *VInitPreFill, |
169 | unsigned int *MaxNumSwath); |
170 | static unsigned int CalculateVMAndRowBytes( |
171 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
172 | bool DCCEnable, |
173 | unsigned int BlockHeight256Bytes, |
174 | unsigned int BlockWidth256Bytes, |
175 | enum source_format_class SourcePixelFormat, |
176 | unsigned int SurfaceTiling, |
177 | unsigned int BytePerPixel, |
178 | enum scan_direction_class ScanDirection, |
179 | unsigned int ViewportWidth, |
180 | unsigned int ViewportHeight, |
181 | unsigned int SwathWidthY, |
182 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
183 | bool HostVMEnable, |
184 | unsigned int HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
185 | unsigned int HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
186 | unsigned int VMMPageSize, |
187 | unsigned int PTEBufferSizeInRequests, |
188 | unsigned int Pitch, |
189 | unsigned int DCCMetaPitch, |
190 | unsigned int *MacroTileWidth, |
191 | unsigned int *MetaRowByte, |
192 | unsigned int *PixelPTEBytesPerRow, |
193 | bool *PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded, |
194 | unsigned int *dpte_row_width_ub, |
195 | unsigned int *dpte_row_height, |
196 | unsigned int *MetaRequestWidth, |
197 | unsigned int *MetaRequestHeight, |
198 | unsigned int *meta_row_width, |
199 | unsigned int *meta_row_height, |
200 | unsigned int *vm_group_bytes, |
201 | unsigned int *dpte_group_bytes, |
202 | unsigned int *PixelPTEReqWidth, |
203 | unsigned int *PixelPTEReqHeight, |
204 | unsigned int *PTERequestSize, |
205 | unsigned int *DPDE0BytesFrame, |
206 | unsigned int *MetaPTEBytesFrame); |
207 | |
208 | static double CalculateTWait( |
209 | unsigned int PrefetchMode, |
210 | double DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
211 | double UrgentLatency, |
212 | double SREnterPlusExitTime); |
213 | static double CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay( |
214 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
215 | double VRatio, |
216 | double SwathWidth, |
217 | double Bpp, |
218 | double LineTime, |
219 | double XFCTSlvVupdateOffset, |
220 | double XFCTSlvVupdateWidth, |
221 | double XFCTSlvVreadyOffset, |
222 | double XFCXBUFLatencyTolerance, |
223 | double XFCFillBWOverhead, |
224 | double XFCSlvChunkSize, |
225 | double XFCBusTransportTime, |
226 | double TCalc, |
227 | double TWait, |
228 | double *SrcActiveDrainRate, |
229 | double *TInitXFill, |
230 | double *TslvChk); |
231 | static void CalculateActiveRowBandwidth( |
232 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
233 | enum source_format_class SourcePixelFormat, |
234 | double VRatio, |
235 | bool DCCEnable, |
236 | double LineTime, |
237 | unsigned int MetaRowByteLuma, |
238 | unsigned int MetaRowByteChroma, |
239 | unsigned int meta_row_height_luma, |
240 | unsigned int meta_row_height_chroma, |
241 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRowLuma, |
242 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRowChroma, |
243 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_luma, |
244 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_chroma, |
245 | double *meta_row_bw, |
246 | double *dpte_row_bw); |
247 | static void CalculateFlipSchedule( |
248 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
249 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
250 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
251 | double UrgentExtraLatency, |
252 | double UrgentLatency, |
253 | unsigned int GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
254 | bool HostVMEnable, |
255 | unsigned int HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
256 | unsigned int HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
257 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
258 | double PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame, |
259 | double MetaRowBytes, |
260 | double DPTEBytesPerRow, |
261 | double BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip, |
262 | unsigned int TotImmediateFlipBytes, |
263 | enum source_format_class SourcePixelFormat, |
264 | double LineTime, |
265 | double VRatio, |
266 | double Tno_bw, |
267 | bool DCCEnable, |
268 | unsigned int dpte_row_height, |
269 | unsigned int meta_row_height, |
270 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_chroma, |
271 | unsigned int meta_row_height_chroma, |
272 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip, |
273 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip, |
274 | double *final_flip_bw, |
275 | bool *ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe); |
276 | static double CalculateWriteBackDelay( |
277 | enum source_format_class WritebackPixelFormat, |
278 | double WritebackHRatio, |
279 | double WritebackVRatio, |
280 | unsigned int WritebackLumaHTaps, |
281 | unsigned int WritebackLumaVTaps, |
282 | unsigned int WritebackChromaHTaps, |
283 | unsigned int WritebackChromaVTaps, |
284 | unsigned int WritebackDestinationWidth); |
285 | static void CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport( |
286 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
287 | unsigned int PrefetchMode, |
288 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
289 | unsigned int MaxLineBufferLines, |
290 | unsigned int LineBufferSize, |
291 | unsigned int DPPOutputBufferPixels, |
292 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
293 | unsigned int WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize, |
294 | unsigned int WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize, |
295 | double DCFCLK, |
296 | double UrgentOutOfOrderReturn, |
297 | double ReturnBW, |
298 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
299 | int dpte_group_bytes[], |
300 | unsigned int MetaChunkSize, |
301 | double UrgentLatency, |
302 | double ExtraLatency, |
303 | double WritebackLatency, |
304 | double WritebackChunkSize, |
305 | double SOCCLK, |
306 | double DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
307 | double SRExitTime, |
308 | double SREnterPlusExitTime, |
309 | double DCFCLKDeepSleep, |
310 | int DPPPerPlane[], |
311 | bool DCCEnable[], |
312 | double DPPCLK[], |
313 | double SwathWidthSingleDPPY[], |
314 | unsigned int SwathHeightY[], |
315 | double ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[], |
316 | unsigned int SwathHeightC[], |
317 | double ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[], |
318 | unsigned int LBBitPerPixel[], |
319 | double SwathWidthY[], |
320 | double HRatio[], |
321 | unsigned int vtaps[], |
322 | unsigned int VTAPsChroma[], |
323 | double VRatio[], |
324 | unsigned int HTotal[], |
325 | double PixelClock[], |
326 | unsigned int BlendingAndTiming[], |
327 | double BytePerPixelDETY[], |
328 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
329 | bool WritebackEnable[], |
330 | enum source_format_class WritebackPixelFormat[], |
331 | double WritebackDestinationWidth[], |
332 | double WritebackDestinationHeight[], |
333 | double WritebackSourceHeight[], |
334 | enum clock_change_support *DRAMClockChangeSupport, |
335 | double *UrgentWatermark, |
336 | double *WritebackUrgentWatermark, |
337 | double *DRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
338 | double *WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
339 | double *StutterExitWatermark, |
340 | double *StutterEnterPlusExitWatermark, |
341 | double *MinActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencySupported); |
342 | static void CalculateDCFCLKDeepSleep( |
343 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
344 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
345 | double BytePerPixelDETY[], |
346 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
347 | double VRatio[], |
348 | double SwathWidthY[], |
349 | int DPPPerPlane[], |
350 | double HRatio[], |
351 | double PixelClock[], |
352 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT[], |
353 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[], |
354 | double DPPCLK[], |
355 | double *DCFCLKDeepSleep); |
356 | static void CalculateDETBufferSize( |
357 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
358 | unsigned int SwathHeightY, |
359 | unsigned int SwathHeightC, |
360 | unsigned int *DETBufferSizeY, |
361 | unsigned int *DETBufferSizeC); |
362 | static void CalculateUrgentBurstFactor( |
363 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
364 | unsigned int SwathHeightY, |
365 | unsigned int SwathHeightC, |
366 | unsigned int SwathWidthY, |
367 | double LineTime, |
368 | double UrgentLatency, |
369 | double CursorBufferSize, |
370 | unsigned int CursorWidth, |
371 | unsigned int CursorBPP, |
372 | double VRatio, |
373 | double VRatioPreY, |
374 | double VRatioPreC, |
375 | double BytePerPixelInDETY, |
376 | double BytePerPixelInDETC, |
377 | double *UrgentBurstFactorCursor, |
378 | double *UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre, |
379 | double *UrgentBurstFactorLuma, |
380 | double *UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre, |
381 | double *UrgentBurstFactorChroma, |
382 | double *UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre, |
383 | unsigned int *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding, |
384 | unsigned int *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre); |
385 | |
386 | static void CalculatePixelDeliveryTimes( |
387 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
388 | double VRatio[], |
389 | double VRatioPrefetchY[], |
390 | double VRatioPrefetchC[], |
391 | unsigned int swath_width_luma_ub[], |
392 | unsigned int swath_width_chroma_ub[], |
393 | int DPPPerPlane[], |
394 | double HRatio[], |
395 | double PixelClock[], |
396 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT[], |
397 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[], |
398 | double DPPCLK[], |
399 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
400 | enum scan_direction_class SourceScan[], |
401 | unsigned int BlockWidth256BytesY[], |
402 | unsigned int BlockHeight256BytesY[], |
403 | unsigned int BlockWidth256BytesC[], |
404 | unsigned int BlockHeight256BytesC[], |
405 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma[], |
406 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma[], |
407 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[], |
408 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[], |
409 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLuma[], |
410 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChroma[], |
411 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[], |
412 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[]); |
413 | |
414 | static void CalculateMetaAndPTETimes( |
415 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
416 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
417 | unsigned int MetaChunkSize, |
418 | unsigned int MinMetaChunkSizeBytes, |
419 | unsigned int GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
420 | unsigned int HTotal[], |
421 | double VRatio[], |
422 | double VRatioPrefetchY[], |
423 | double VRatioPrefetchC[], |
424 | double DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[], |
425 | double DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip[], |
426 | double DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank[], |
427 | double DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip[], |
428 | bool DCCEnable[], |
429 | double PixelClock[], |
430 | double BytePerPixelDETY[], |
431 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
432 | enum scan_direction_class SourceScan[], |
433 | unsigned int dpte_row_height[], |
434 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_chroma[], |
435 | unsigned int meta_row_width[], |
436 | unsigned int meta_row_height[], |
437 | unsigned int meta_req_width[], |
438 | unsigned int meta_req_height[], |
439 | int dpte_group_bytes[], |
440 | unsigned int PTERequestSizeY[], |
441 | unsigned int PTERequestSizeC[], |
442 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqWidthY[], |
443 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqHeightY[], |
444 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqWidthC[], |
445 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqHeightC[], |
446 | unsigned int dpte_row_width_luma_ub[], |
447 | unsigned int dpte_row_width_chroma_ub[], |
448 | unsigned int vm_group_bytes[], |
449 | unsigned int dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[], |
450 | unsigned int dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[], |
451 | unsigned int meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[], |
452 | unsigned int meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[], |
453 | double DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_L[], |
454 | double DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_C[], |
455 | double DST_Y_PER_META_ROW_NOM_L[], |
456 | double TimePerMetaChunkNominal[], |
457 | double TimePerMetaChunkVBlank[], |
458 | double TimePerMetaChunkFlip[], |
459 | double time_per_pte_group_nom_luma[], |
460 | double time_per_pte_group_vblank_luma[], |
461 | double time_per_pte_group_flip_luma[], |
462 | double time_per_pte_group_nom_chroma[], |
463 | double time_per_pte_group_vblank_chroma[], |
464 | double time_per_pte_group_flip_chroma[], |
465 | double TimePerVMGroupVBlank[], |
466 | double TimePerVMGroupFlip[], |
467 | double TimePerVMRequestVBlank[], |
468 | double TimePerVMRequestFlip[]); |
469 | |
470 | static double CalculateExtraLatency( |
471 | double UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatency, |
472 | int TotalNumberOfActiveDPP, |
473 | int PixelChunkSizeInKByte, |
474 | int TotalNumberOfDCCActiveDPP, |
475 | int MetaChunkSize, |
476 | double ReturnBW, |
477 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
478 | bool HostVMEnable, |
479 | int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
480 | int NumberOfDPP[], |
481 | int dpte_group_bytes[], |
482 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
483 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
484 | int HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
485 | int HostVMCachedPageTableLevels); |
486 | |
487 | void dml21_recalculate(struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib) |
488 | { |
489 | ModeSupportAndSystemConfiguration(mode_lib); |
490 | PixelClockAdjustmentForProgressiveToInterlaceUnit(mode_lib); |
491 | DisplayPipeConfiguration(mode_lib); |
492 | DISPCLKDPPCLKDCFCLKDeepSleepPrefetchParametersWatermarksAndPerformanceCalculation(mode_lib); |
493 | } |
494 | |
495 | static unsigned int dscceComputeDelay( |
496 | unsigned int bpc, |
497 | double bpp, |
498 | unsigned int sliceWidth, |
499 | unsigned int numSlices, |
500 | enum output_format_class pixelFormat) |
501 | { |
502 | |
503 | |
504 | |
505 | |
506 | |
507 | |
508 | |
509 | |
510 | |
511 | unsigned int rcModelSize = 8192; |
512 | |
513 | |
514 | unsigned int pixelsPerClock, lstall, D, initalXmitDelay, w, S, ix, wx, p, l0, a, ax, l, |
515 | Delay, pixels; |
516 | |
517 | if (pixelFormat == dm_n422 || pixelFormat == dm_420) |
518 | pixelsPerClock = 2; |
519 | |
520 | else |
521 | pixelsPerClock = 1; |
522 | |
523 | |
524 | initalXmitDelay = dml_round(rcModelSize / 2.0 / bpp / pixelsPerClock); |
525 | |
526 | |
527 | if (bpc == 8) |
528 | D = 81; |
529 | else if (bpc == 10) |
530 | D = 89; |
531 | else |
532 | D = 113; |
533 | |
534 | |
535 | w = sliceWidth / pixelsPerClock; |
536 | |
537 | |
538 | if (pixelFormat == dm_s422) |
539 | S = 1; |
540 | else |
541 | S = 0; |
542 | |
543 | |
544 | ix = initalXmitDelay + 45; |
545 | wx = (w + 2) / 3; |
546 | p = 3 * wx - w; |
547 | l0 = ix / w; |
548 | a = ix + p * l0; |
549 | ax = (a + 2) / 3 + D + 6 + 1; |
550 | l = (ax + wx - 1) / wx; |
551 | if ((ix % w) == 0 && p != 0) |
552 | lstall = 1; |
553 | else |
554 | lstall = 0; |
555 | Delay = l * wx * (numSlices - 1) + ax + S + lstall + 22; |
556 | |
557 | |
558 | pixels = Delay * 3 * pixelsPerClock; |
559 | return pixels; |
560 | } |
561 | |
562 | static unsigned int dscComputeDelay(enum output_format_class pixelFormat) |
563 | { |
564 | unsigned int Delay = 0; |
565 | |
566 | if (pixelFormat == dm_420) { |
567 | |
568 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
569 | |
570 | Delay = Delay + 0; |
571 | |
572 | Delay = Delay + 3; |
573 | |
574 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
575 | |
576 | Delay = Delay + 12; |
577 | |
578 | Delay = Delay + 13; |
579 | |
580 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
581 | |
582 | Delay = Delay + 7; |
583 | |
584 | Delay = Delay + 3; |
585 | |
586 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
587 | |
588 | Delay = Delay + 1; |
589 | |
590 | Delay = Delay + 1; |
591 | } else if (pixelFormat == dm_n422) { |
592 | |
593 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
594 | |
595 | Delay = Delay + 1; |
596 | |
597 | Delay = Delay + 5; |
598 | |
599 | Delay = Delay + 25; |
600 | |
601 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
602 | |
603 | Delay = Delay + 10; |
604 | |
605 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
606 | |
607 | Delay = Delay + 1; |
608 | |
609 | Delay = Delay + 1; |
610 | } else { |
611 | |
612 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
613 | |
614 | Delay = Delay + 0; |
615 | |
616 | Delay = Delay + 3; |
617 | |
618 | Delay = Delay + 12; |
619 | |
620 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
621 | |
622 | Delay = Delay + 7; |
623 | |
624 | Delay = Delay + 1; |
625 | |
626 | Delay = Delay + 2; |
627 | |
628 | Delay = Delay + 1; |
629 | } |
630 | |
631 | return Delay; |
632 | } |
633 | |
634 | static bool CalculatePrefetchSchedule( |
635 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
636 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
637 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
638 | Pipe *myPipe, |
639 | unsigned int DSCDelay, |
640 | double DPPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
641 | double DPPCLKDelaySCL, |
642 | double DPPCLKDelaySCLLBOnly, |
643 | double DPPCLKDelayCNVCFormater, |
644 | double DPPCLKDelayCNVCCursor, |
645 | double DISPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
646 | unsigned int ScalerRecoutWidth, |
647 | enum output_format_class OutputFormat, |
648 | unsigned int MaxInterDCNTileRepeaters, |
649 | unsigned int VStartup, |
650 | unsigned int MaxVStartup, |
651 | unsigned int GPUVMPageTableLevels, |
652 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
653 | HostVM *myHostVM, |
654 | bool DynamicMetadataEnable, |
655 | int DynamicMetadataLinesBeforeActiveRequired, |
656 | unsigned int DynamicMetadataTransmittedBytes, |
657 | bool DCCEnable, |
658 | double UrgentLatency, |
659 | double UrgentExtraLatency, |
660 | double TCalc, |
661 | unsigned int PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame, |
662 | unsigned int MetaRowByte, |
663 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRow, |
664 | double PrefetchSourceLinesY, |
665 | unsigned int SwathWidthY, |
666 | double BytePerPixelDETY, |
667 | double VInitPreFillY, |
668 | unsigned int MaxNumSwathY, |
669 | double PrefetchSourceLinesC, |
670 | double BytePerPixelDETC, |
671 | double VInitPreFillC, |
672 | unsigned int MaxNumSwathC, |
673 | unsigned int SwathHeightY, |
674 | unsigned int SwathHeightC, |
675 | double TWait, |
676 | bool XFCEnabled, |
677 | double XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay, |
678 | bool ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
679 | double *DSTXAfterScaler, |
680 | double *DSTYAfterScaler, |
681 | double *DestinationLinesForPrefetch, |
682 | double *PrefetchBandwidth, |
683 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank, |
684 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank, |
685 | double *VRatioPrefetchY, |
686 | double *VRatioPrefetchC, |
687 | double *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma, |
688 | double *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma, |
689 | unsigned int *VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata, |
690 | double *Tno_bw, |
691 | double *prefetch_vmrow_bw, |
692 | unsigned int *swath_width_luma_ub, |
693 | unsigned int *swath_width_chroma_ub, |
694 | unsigned int *VUpdateOffsetPix, |
695 | double *VUpdateWidthPix, |
696 | double *VReadyOffsetPix) |
697 | { |
698 | bool MyError = false; |
699 | unsigned int DPPCycles, DISPCLKCycles; |
700 | double DSTTotalPixelsAfterScaler, TotalRepeaterDelayTime; |
701 | double Tdm, LineTime, Tsetup; |
702 | double dst_y_prefetch_equ; |
703 | double Tsw_oto; |
704 | double prefetch_bw_oto; |
705 | double Tvm_oto; |
706 | double Tr0_oto; |
707 | double Tvm_oto_lines; |
708 | double Tr0_oto_lines; |
709 | double Tsw_oto_lines; |
710 | double dst_y_prefetch_oto; |
711 | double TimeForFetchingMetaPTE = 0; |
712 | double TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank = 0; |
713 | double LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData = 0; |
714 | double HostVMInefficiencyFactor; |
715 | unsigned int HostVMDynamicLevels; |
716 | |
717 | if (GPUVMEnable == true && myHostVM->Enable == true) { |
718 | HostVMInefficiencyFactor = |
719 | PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData |
720 | / PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly; |
721 | HostVMDynamicLevels = myHostVM->MaxPageTableLevels |
722 | - myHostVM->CachedPageTableLevels; |
723 | } else { |
724 | HostVMInefficiencyFactor = 1; |
725 | HostVMDynamicLevels = 0; |
726 | } |
727 | |
728 | if (myPipe->ScalerEnabled) |
729 | DPPCycles = DPPCLKDelaySubtotal + DPPCLKDelaySCL; |
730 | else |
731 | DPPCycles = DPPCLKDelaySubtotal + DPPCLKDelaySCLLBOnly; |
732 | |
733 | DPPCycles = DPPCycles + DPPCLKDelayCNVCFormater + myPipe->NumberOfCursors * DPPCLKDelayCNVCCursor; |
734 | |
735 | DISPCLKCycles = DISPCLKDelaySubtotal; |
736 | |
737 | if (myPipe->DPPCLK == 0.0 || myPipe->DISPCLK == 0.0) |
738 | return true; |
739 | |
740 | *DSTXAfterScaler = DPPCycles * myPipe->PixelClock / myPipe->DPPCLK |
741 | + DISPCLKCycles * myPipe->PixelClock / myPipe->DISPCLK + DSCDelay; |
742 | |
743 | if (myPipe->DPPPerPlane > 1) |
744 | *DSTXAfterScaler = *DSTXAfterScaler + ScalerRecoutWidth; |
745 | |
746 | if (OutputFormat == dm_420 || (myPipe->InterlaceEnable && ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP)) |
747 | *DSTYAfterScaler = 1; |
748 | else |
749 | *DSTYAfterScaler = 0; |
750 | |
751 | DSTTotalPixelsAfterScaler = ((double) (*DSTYAfterScaler * myPipe->HTotal)) + *DSTXAfterScaler; |
752 | *DSTYAfterScaler = dml_floor(DSTTotalPixelsAfterScaler / myPipe->HTotal, 1); |
753 | *DSTXAfterScaler = DSTTotalPixelsAfterScaler - ((double) (*DSTYAfterScaler * myPipe->HTotal)); |
754 | |
755 | *VUpdateOffsetPix = dml_ceil(myPipe->HTotal / 4.0, 1); |
756 | TotalRepeaterDelayTime = MaxInterDCNTileRepeaters * (2.0 / myPipe->DPPCLK + 3.0 / myPipe->DISPCLK); |
757 | *VUpdateWidthPix = (14.0 / myPipe->DCFCLKDeepSleep + 12.0 / myPipe->DPPCLK + TotalRepeaterDelayTime) |
758 | * myPipe->PixelClock; |
759 | |
760 | *VReadyOffsetPix = dml_max( |
761 | 150.0 / myPipe->DPPCLK, |
762 | TotalRepeaterDelayTime + 20.0 / myPipe->DCFCLKDeepSleep + 10.0 / myPipe->DPPCLK) |
763 | * myPipe->PixelClock; |
764 | |
765 | Tsetup = (double) (*VUpdateOffsetPix + *VUpdateWidthPix + *VReadyOffsetPix) / myPipe->PixelClock; |
766 | |
767 | LineTime = (double) myPipe->HTotal / myPipe->PixelClock; |
768 | |
769 | if (DynamicMetadataEnable) { |
770 | double Tdmbf, Tdmec, Tdmsks; |
771 | |
772 | Tdm = dml_max(0.0, UrgentExtraLatency - TCalc); |
773 | Tdmbf = DynamicMetadataTransmittedBytes / 4.0 / myPipe->DISPCLK; |
774 | Tdmec = LineTime; |
775 | if (DynamicMetadataLinesBeforeActiveRequired == -1) |
776 | Tdmsks = myPipe->VBlank * LineTime / 2.0; |
777 | else |
778 | Tdmsks = DynamicMetadataLinesBeforeActiveRequired * LineTime; |
779 | if (myPipe->InterlaceEnable && !ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP) |
780 | Tdmsks = Tdmsks / 2; |
781 | if (VStartup * LineTime |
782 | < Tsetup + TWait + UrgentExtraLatency + Tdmbf + Tdmec + Tdmsks) { |
783 | MyError = true; |
784 | *VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata = (Tsetup + TWait |
785 | + UrgentExtraLatency + Tdmbf + Tdmec + Tdmsks) / LineTime; |
786 | } else |
787 | *VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata = 0.0; |
788 | } else |
789 | Tdm = 0; |
790 | |
791 | if (GPUVMEnable) { |
792 | if (GPUVMPageTableLevels >= 3) |
793 | *Tno_bw = UrgentExtraLatency + UrgentLatency * ((GPUVMPageTableLevels - 2) * (myHostVM->MaxPageTableLevels + 1) - 1); |
794 | else |
795 | *Tno_bw = 0; |
796 | } else if (!DCCEnable) |
797 | *Tno_bw = LineTime; |
798 | else |
799 | *Tno_bw = LineTime / 4; |
800 | |
801 | dst_y_prefetch_equ = VStartup - dml_max(TCalc + TWait, XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay) / LineTime |
802 | - (Tsetup + Tdm) / LineTime |
803 | - (*DSTYAfterScaler + *DSTXAfterScaler / myPipe->HTotal); |
804 | |
805 | Tsw_oto = dml_max(PrefetchSourceLinesY, PrefetchSourceLinesC) * LineTime; |
806 | |
807 | if (myPipe->SourceScan == dm_horz) { |
808 | *swath_width_luma_ub = dml_ceil(SwathWidthY - 1, myPipe->BlockWidth256BytesY) + myPipe->BlockWidth256BytesY; |
809 | if (myPipe->BlockWidth256BytesC > 0) |
810 | *swath_width_chroma_ub = dml_ceil(SwathWidthY / 2 - 1, myPipe->BlockWidth256BytesC) + myPipe->BlockWidth256BytesC; |
811 | } else { |
812 | *swath_width_luma_ub = dml_ceil(SwathWidthY - 1, myPipe->BlockHeight256BytesY) + myPipe->BlockHeight256BytesY; |
813 | if (myPipe->BlockHeight256BytesC > 0) |
814 | *swath_width_chroma_ub = dml_ceil(SwathWidthY / 2 - 1, myPipe->BlockHeight256BytesC) + myPipe->BlockHeight256BytesC; |
815 | } |
816 | |
817 | prefetch_bw_oto = (PrefetchSourceLinesY * *swath_width_luma_ub * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY, 1) + PrefetchSourceLinesC * *swath_width_chroma_ub * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETC, 2)) / Tsw_oto; |
818 | |
819 | |
820 | if (GPUVMEnable == true) { |
821 | Tvm_oto = dml_max(*Tno_bw + PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / prefetch_bw_oto, |
822 | dml_max(UrgentExtraLatency + UrgentLatency * (GPUVMPageTableLevels * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1), |
823 | LineTime / 4.0)); |
824 | } else |
825 | Tvm_oto = LineTime / 4.0; |
826 | |
827 | if ((GPUVMEnable == true || DCCEnable == true)) { |
828 | Tr0_oto = dml_max( |
829 | (MetaRowByte + PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / prefetch_bw_oto, |
830 | dml_max(UrgentLatency * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1), dml_max(LineTime - Tvm_oto, LineTime / 4))); |
831 | } else |
832 | Tr0_oto = (LineTime - Tvm_oto) / 2.0; |
833 | |
834 | Tvm_oto_lines = dml_ceil(4 * Tvm_oto / LineTime, 1) / 4.0; |
835 | Tr0_oto_lines = dml_ceil(4 * Tr0_oto / LineTime, 1) / 4.0; |
836 | Tsw_oto_lines = dml_ceil(4 * Tsw_oto / LineTime, 1) / 4.0; |
837 | dst_y_prefetch_oto = Tvm_oto_lines + 2 * Tr0_oto_lines + Tsw_oto_lines + 0.75; |
838 | |
839 | dst_y_prefetch_equ = dml_floor(4.0 * (dst_y_prefetch_equ + 0.125), 1) / 4.0; |
840 | |
841 | if (dst_y_prefetch_oto < dst_y_prefetch_equ) |
842 | *DestinationLinesForPrefetch = dst_y_prefetch_oto; |
843 | else |
844 | *DestinationLinesForPrefetch = dst_y_prefetch_equ; |
845 | |
846 | |
847 | *DestinationLinesForPrefetch = dml_min(*DestinationLinesForPrefetch, 63.75); |
848 | |
849 | dml_print("DML: VStartup: %d\n", VStartup); |
850 | dml_print("DML: TCalc: %f\n", TCalc); |
851 | dml_print("DML: TWait: %f\n", TWait); |
852 | dml_print("DML: XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: %f\n", XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay); |
853 | dml_print("DML: LineTime: %f\n", LineTime); |
854 | dml_print("DML: Tsetup: %f\n", Tsetup); |
855 | dml_print("DML: Tdm: %f\n", Tdm); |
856 | dml_print("DML: DSTYAfterScaler: %f\n", *DSTYAfterScaler); |
857 | dml_print("DML: DSTXAfterScaler: %f\n", *DSTXAfterScaler); |
858 | dml_print("DML: HTotal: %d\n", myPipe->HTotal); |
859 | |
860 | *PrefetchBandwidth = 0; |
861 | *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank = 0; |
862 | *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank = 0; |
863 | *VRatioPrefetchY = 0; |
864 | *VRatioPrefetchC = 0; |
865 | *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma = 0; |
866 | if (*DestinationLinesForPrefetch > 1) { |
867 | double PrefetchBandwidth1 = (PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor + 2 * MetaRowByte |
868 | + 2 * PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor |
869 | + PrefetchSourceLinesY * *swath_width_luma_ub * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY, 1) |
870 | + PrefetchSourceLinesC * *swath_width_chroma_ub * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETC, 2)) |
871 | / (*DestinationLinesForPrefetch * LineTime - *Tno_bw); |
872 | |
873 | double PrefetchBandwidth2 = (PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * |
874 | HostVMInefficiencyFactor + PrefetchSourceLinesY * |
875 | *swath_width_luma_ub * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY, 1) + |
876 | PrefetchSourceLinesC * *swath_width_chroma_ub * |
877 | dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETC, 2)) / |
878 | (*DestinationLinesForPrefetch * LineTime - *Tno_bw - 2 * |
879 | UrgentLatency * (1 + HostVMDynamicLevels)); |
880 | |
881 | double PrefetchBandwidth3 = (2 * MetaRowByte + 2 * PixelPTEBytesPerRow |
882 | * HostVMInefficiencyFactor + PrefetchSourceLinesY * |
883 | *swath_width_luma_ub * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY, 1) + |
884 | PrefetchSourceLinesC * *swath_width_chroma_ub * |
885 | dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETC, 2)) / |
886 | (*DestinationLinesForPrefetch * LineTime - |
887 | UrgentExtraLatency - UrgentLatency * (GPUVMPageTableLevels |
888 | * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1)); |
889 | |
890 | double PrefetchBandwidth4 = (PrefetchSourceLinesY * *swath_width_luma_ub * |
891 | dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY, 1) + PrefetchSourceLinesC * |
892 | *swath_width_chroma_ub * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETC, 2)) / |
893 | (*DestinationLinesForPrefetch * LineTime - |
894 | UrgentExtraLatency - UrgentLatency * (GPUVMPageTableLevels |
895 | * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1) - 2 * UrgentLatency * |
896 | (1 + HostVMDynamicLevels)); |
897 | |
898 | if (VStartup == MaxVStartup && (PrefetchBandwidth1 > 4 * prefetch_bw_oto) && (*DestinationLinesForPrefetch - dml_ceil(Tsw_oto_lines, 1) / 4.0 - 0.75) * LineTime - *Tno_bw > 0) { |
899 | PrefetchBandwidth1 = (PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor + 2 * MetaRowByte + 2 * PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / ((*DestinationLinesForPrefetch - dml_ceil(Tsw_oto_lines, 1) / 4.0 - 0.75) * LineTime - *Tno_bw); |
900 | } |
901 | if (*Tno_bw + PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / PrefetchBandwidth1 >= UrgentExtraLatency + UrgentLatency * (GPUVMPageTableLevels * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1) && (MetaRowByte + PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / PrefetchBandwidth1 >= UrgentLatency * (1 + HostVMDynamicLevels)) { |
902 | *PrefetchBandwidth = PrefetchBandwidth1; |
903 | } else if (*Tno_bw + PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / PrefetchBandwidth2 >= UrgentExtraLatency + UrgentLatency * (GPUVMPageTableLevels * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1) && (MetaRowByte + PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / PrefetchBandwidth2 < UrgentLatency * (1 + HostVMDynamicLevels)) { |
904 | *PrefetchBandwidth = PrefetchBandwidth2; |
905 | } else if (*Tno_bw + PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / PrefetchBandwidth3 < UrgentExtraLatency + UrgentLatency * (GPUVMPageTableLevels * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1) && (MetaRowByte + PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / PrefetchBandwidth3 >= UrgentLatency * (1 + HostVMDynamicLevels)) { |
906 | *PrefetchBandwidth = PrefetchBandwidth3; |
907 | } else { |
908 | *PrefetchBandwidth = PrefetchBandwidth4; |
909 | } |
910 | |
911 | if (GPUVMEnable) { |
912 | TimeForFetchingMetaPTE = dml_max(*Tno_bw + (double) PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / *PrefetchBandwidth, |
913 | dml_max(UrgentExtraLatency + UrgentLatency * (GPUVMPageTableLevels * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1), LineTime / 4)); |
914 | } else { |
915 | |
916 | |
917 | |
918 | TimeForFetchingMetaPTE = LineTime / 4; |
919 | |
920 | |
921 | } |
922 | |
923 | if ((GPUVMEnable == true || DCCEnable == true)) { |
924 | TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank = |
925 | dml_max( |
926 | (MetaRowByte + PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) |
927 | / *PrefetchBandwidth, |
928 | dml_max( |
929 | UrgentLatency * (1 + HostVMDynamicLevels), |
930 | dml_max( |
931 | (LineTime |
932 | - TimeForFetchingMetaPTE) / 2.0, |
933 | LineTime |
934 | / 4.0))); |
935 | } else { |
936 | |
937 | |
938 | TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank = (LineTime - TimeForFetchingMetaPTE) / 2.0; |
939 | |
940 | |
941 | } |
942 | |
943 | *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank = dml_ceil(4.0 * TimeForFetchingMetaPTE / LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0; |
944 | |
945 | *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank = dml_ceil(4.0 * TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank / LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0; |
946 | |
947 | LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData = *DestinationLinesForPrefetch |
948 | |
949 | |
950 | - ((GPUVMEnable || DCCEnable) ? |
951 | (*DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank + 2 * *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank) : |
952 | 0.0); |
953 | |
954 | if (LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData > 0) { |
955 | |
956 | *VRatioPrefetchY = (double) PrefetchSourceLinesY |
957 | / LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData; |
958 | *VRatioPrefetchY = dml_max(*VRatioPrefetchY, 1.0); |
959 | if ((SwathHeightY > 4) && (VInitPreFillY > 3)) { |
960 | if (LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData > (VInitPreFillY - 3.0) / 2.0) { |
961 | *VRatioPrefetchY = |
962 | dml_max( |
963 | (double) PrefetchSourceLinesY |
964 | / LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData, |
965 | (double) MaxNumSwathY |
966 | * SwathHeightY |
967 | / (LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData |
968 | - (VInitPreFillY |
969 | - 3.0) |
970 | / 2.0)); |
971 | *VRatioPrefetchY = dml_max(*VRatioPrefetchY, 1.0); |
972 | } else { |
973 | MyError = true; |
974 | *VRatioPrefetchY = 0; |
975 | } |
976 | } |
977 | |
978 | *VRatioPrefetchC = (double) PrefetchSourceLinesC |
979 | / LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData; |
980 | *VRatioPrefetchC = dml_max(*VRatioPrefetchC, 1.0); |
981 | |
982 | if ((SwathHeightC > 4)) { |
983 | if (LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData > (VInitPreFillC - 3.0) / 2.0) { |
984 | *VRatioPrefetchC = |
985 | dml_max( |
986 | *VRatioPrefetchC, |
987 | (double) MaxNumSwathC |
988 | * SwathHeightC |
989 | / (LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData |
990 | - (VInitPreFillC |
991 | - 3.0) |
992 | / 2.0)); |
993 | *VRatioPrefetchC = dml_max(*VRatioPrefetchC, 1.0); |
994 | } else { |
995 | MyError = true; |
996 | *VRatioPrefetchC = 0; |
997 | } |
998 | } |
999 | |
1000 | *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma = myPipe->DPPPerPlane |
1001 | * (double) PrefetchSourceLinesY / LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData |
1002 | * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY, 1) |
1003 | * *swath_width_luma_ub / LineTime; |
1004 | *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma = myPipe->DPPPerPlane |
1005 | * (double) PrefetchSourceLinesC / LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData |
1006 | * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETC, 2) |
1007 | * *swath_width_chroma_ub / LineTime; |
1008 | } else { |
1009 | MyError = true; |
1010 | *VRatioPrefetchY = 0; |
1011 | *VRatioPrefetchC = 0; |
1012 | *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma = 0; |
1013 | *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma = 0; |
1014 | } |
1015 | |
1016 | dml_print("DML: Tvm: %fus\n", TimeForFetchingMetaPTE); |
1017 | dml_print("DML: Tr0: %fus\n", TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank); |
1018 | dml_print("DML: Tsw: %fus\n", (double)(*DestinationLinesForPrefetch) * LineTime - TimeForFetchingMetaPTE - TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank); |
1019 | dml_print("DML: Tpre: %fus\n", (double)(*DestinationLinesForPrefetch) * LineTime); |
1020 | dml_print("DML: row_bytes = dpte_row_bytes (per_pipe) = PixelPTEBytesPerRow = : %d\n", PixelPTEBytesPerRow); |
1021 | |
1022 | } else { |
1023 | MyError = true; |
1024 | } |
1025 | |
1026 | { |
1027 | double prefetch_vm_bw; |
1028 | double prefetch_row_bw; |
1029 | |
1030 | if (PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame == 0) { |
1031 | prefetch_vm_bw = 0; |
1032 | } else if (*DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank > 0) { |
1033 | prefetch_vm_bw = PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / (*DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank * LineTime); |
1034 | } else { |
1035 | prefetch_vm_bw = 0; |
1036 | MyError = true; |
1037 | } |
1038 | if (MetaRowByte + PixelPTEBytesPerRow == 0) { |
1039 | prefetch_row_bw = 0; |
1040 | } else if (*DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank > 0) { |
1041 | prefetch_row_bw = (MetaRowByte + PixelPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / (*DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank * LineTime); |
1042 | } else { |
1043 | prefetch_row_bw = 0; |
1044 | MyError = true; |
1045 | } |
1046 | |
1047 | *prefetch_vmrow_bw = dml_max(prefetch_vm_bw, prefetch_row_bw); |
1048 | } |
1049 | |
1050 | if (MyError) { |
1051 | *PrefetchBandwidth = 0; |
1052 | TimeForFetchingMetaPTE = 0; |
1053 | TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank = 0; |
1054 | *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank = 0; |
1055 | *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank = 0; |
1056 | *DestinationLinesForPrefetch = 0; |
1057 | LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData = 0; |
1058 | *VRatioPrefetchY = 0; |
1059 | *VRatioPrefetchC = 0; |
1060 | *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma = 0; |
1061 | *RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma = 0; |
1062 | } |
1063 | |
1064 | return MyError; |
1065 | } |
1066 | |
1067 | static double RoundToDFSGranularityUp(double Clock, double VCOSpeed) |
1068 | { |
1069 | return VCOSpeed * 4 / dml_floor(VCOSpeed * 4 / Clock, 1); |
1070 | } |
1071 | |
1072 | static double RoundToDFSGranularityDown(double Clock, double VCOSpeed) |
1073 | { |
1074 | return VCOSpeed * 4 / dml_ceil(VCOSpeed * 4 / Clock, 1); |
1075 | } |
1076 | |
1077 | static double CalculateDCCConfiguration( |
1078 | bool DCCEnabled, |
1079 | bool DCCProgrammingAssumesScanDirectionUnknown, |
1080 | unsigned int ViewportWidth, |
1081 | unsigned int ViewportHeight, |
1082 | unsigned int DETBufferSize, |
1083 | unsigned int RequestHeight256Byte, |
1084 | unsigned int SwathHeight, |
1085 | enum dm_swizzle_mode TilingFormat, |
1086 | unsigned int BytePerPixel, |
1087 | enum scan_direction_class ScanOrientation, |
1088 | unsigned int *MaxUncompressedBlock, |
1089 | unsigned int *MaxCompressedBlock, |
1090 | unsigned int *Independent64ByteBlock) |
1091 | { |
1092 | double MaximumDCCCompressionSurface = 0.0; |
1093 | enum { |
1094 | REQ_256Bytes, |
1095 | REQ_128BytesNonContiguous, |
1096 | REQ_128BytesContiguous, |
1097 | REQ_NA |
1098 | } Request = REQ_NA; |
1099 | |
1100 | if (DCCEnabled == true) { |
1101 | if (DCCProgrammingAssumesScanDirectionUnknown == true) { |
1102 | if (DETBufferSize >= RequestHeight256Byte * ViewportWidth * BytePerPixel |
1103 | && DETBufferSize |
1104 | >= 256 / RequestHeight256Byte |
1105 | * ViewportHeight) { |
1106 | Request = REQ_256Bytes; |
1107 | } else if ((DETBufferSize |
1108 | < RequestHeight256Byte * ViewportWidth * BytePerPixel |
1109 | && (BytePerPixel == 2 || BytePerPixel == 4)) |
1110 | || (DETBufferSize |
1111 | < 256 / RequestHeight256Byte |
1112 | * ViewportHeight |
1113 | && BytePerPixel == 8 |
1114 | && (TilingFormat == dm_sw_4kb_d |
1115 | || TilingFormat |
1116 | == dm_sw_4kb_d_x |
1117 | || TilingFormat |
1118 | == dm_sw_var_d |
1119 | || TilingFormat |
1120 | == dm_sw_var_d_x |
1121 | || TilingFormat |
1122 | == dm_sw_64kb_d |
1123 | || TilingFormat |
1124 | == dm_sw_64kb_d_x |
1125 | || TilingFormat |
1126 | == dm_sw_64kb_d_t |
1127 | || TilingFormat |
1128 | == dm_sw_64kb_r_x))) { |
1129 | Request = REQ_128BytesNonContiguous; |
1130 | } else { |
1131 | Request = REQ_128BytesContiguous; |
1132 | } |
1133 | } else { |
1134 | if (BytePerPixel == 1) { |
1135 | if (ScanOrientation == dm_vert || SwathHeight == 16) { |
1136 | Request = REQ_256Bytes; |
1137 | } else { |
1138 | Request = REQ_128BytesContiguous; |
1139 | } |
1140 | } else if (BytePerPixel == 2) { |
1141 | if ((ScanOrientation == dm_vert && SwathHeight == 16) || (ScanOrientation != dm_vert && SwathHeight == 8)) { |
1142 | Request = REQ_256Bytes; |
1143 | } else if (ScanOrientation == dm_vert) { |
1144 | Request = REQ_128BytesContiguous; |
1145 | } else { |
1146 | Request = REQ_128BytesNonContiguous; |
1147 | } |
1148 | } else if (BytePerPixel == 4) { |
1149 | if (SwathHeight == 8) { |
1150 | Request = REQ_256Bytes; |
1151 | } else if (ScanOrientation == dm_vert) { |
1152 | Request = REQ_128BytesContiguous; |
1153 | } else { |
1154 | Request = REQ_128BytesNonContiguous; |
1155 | } |
1156 | } else if (BytePerPixel == 8) { |
1157 | if (TilingFormat == dm_sw_4kb_d || TilingFormat == dm_sw_4kb_d_x |
1158 | || TilingFormat == dm_sw_var_d |
1159 | || TilingFormat == dm_sw_var_d_x |
1160 | || TilingFormat == dm_sw_64kb_d |
1161 | || TilingFormat == dm_sw_64kb_d_x |
1162 | || TilingFormat == dm_sw_64kb_d_t |
1163 | || TilingFormat == dm_sw_64kb_r_x) { |
1164 | if ((ScanOrientation == dm_vert && SwathHeight == 8) |
1165 | || (ScanOrientation != dm_vert |
1166 | && SwathHeight == 4)) { |
1167 | Request = REQ_256Bytes; |
1168 | } else if (ScanOrientation != dm_vert) { |
1169 | Request = REQ_128BytesContiguous; |
1170 | } else { |
1171 | Request = REQ_128BytesNonContiguous; |
1172 | } |
1173 | } else { |
1174 | if (ScanOrientation != dm_vert || SwathHeight == 8) { |
1175 | Request = REQ_256Bytes; |
1176 | } else { |
1177 | Request = REQ_128BytesContiguous; |
1178 | } |
1179 | } |
1180 | } |
1181 | } |
1182 | } else { |
1183 | Request = REQ_NA; |
1184 | } |
1185 | |
1186 | if (Request == REQ_256Bytes) { |
1187 | *MaxUncompressedBlock = 256; |
1188 | *MaxCompressedBlock = 256; |
1189 | *Independent64ByteBlock = false; |
1190 | MaximumDCCCompressionSurface = 4.0; |
1191 | } else if (Request == REQ_128BytesContiguous) { |
1192 | *MaxUncompressedBlock = 128; |
1193 | *MaxCompressedBlock = 128; |
1194 | *Independent64ByteBlock = false; |
1195 | MaximumDCCCompressionSurface = 2.0; |
1196 | } else if (Request == REQ_128BytesNonContiguous) { |
1197 | *MaxUncompressedBlock = 256; |
1198 | *MaxCompressedBlock = 64; |
1199 | *Independent64ByteBlock = true; |
1200 | MaximumDCCCompressionSurface = 4.0; |
1201 | } else { |
1202 | *MaxUncompressedBlock = 0; |
1203 | *MaxCompressedBlock = 0; |
1204 | *Independent64ByteBlock = 0; |
1205 | MaximumDCCCompressionSurface = 0.0; |
1206 | } |
1207 | |
1208 | return MaximumDCCCompressionSurface; |
1209 | } |
1210 | |
1211 | static double CalculatePrefetchSourceLines( |
1212 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
1213 | double VRatio, |
1214 | double vtaps, |
1215 | bool Interlace, |
1216 | bool ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
1217 | unsigned int SwathHeight, |
1218 | unsigned int ViewportYStart, |
1219 | double *VInitPreFill, |
1220 | unsigned int *MaxNumSwath) |
1221 | { |
1222 | unsigned int MaxPartialSwath; |
1223 | |
1224 | if (ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP) |
1225 | *VInitPreFill = dml_floor((VRatio + vtaps + 1) / 2.0, 1); |
1226 | else |
1227 | *VInitPreFill = dml_floor((VRatio + vtaps + 1 + Interlace * 0.5 * VRatio) / 2.0, 1); |
1228 | |
1229 | if (!mode_lib->vba.IgnoreViewportPositioning) { |
1230 | |
1231 | *MaxNumSwath = dml_ceil((*VInitPreFill - 1.0) / SwathHeight, 1) + 1.0; |
1232 | |
1233 | if (*VInitPreFill > 1.0) |
1234 | MaxPartialSwath = (unsigned int) (*VInitPreFill - 2) % SwathHeight; |
1235 | else |
1236 | MaxPartialSwath = (unsigned int) (*VInitPreFill + SwathHeight - 2) |
1237 | % SwathHeight; |
1238 | MaxPartialSwath = dml_max(1U, MaxPartialSwath); |
1239 | |
1240 | } else { |
1241 | |
1242 | if (ViewportYStart != 0) |
1243 | dml_print( |
1244 | "WARNING DML: using viewport y position of 0 even though actual viewport y position is non-zero in prefetch source lines calculation\n"); |
1245 | |
1246 | *MaxNumSwath = dml_ceil(*VInitPreFill / SwathHeight, 1); |
1247 | |
1248 | if (*VInitPreFill > 1.0) |
1249 | MaxPartialSwath = (unsigned int) (*VInitPreFill - 1) % SwathHeight; |
1250 | else |
1251 | MaxPartialSwath = (unsigned int) (*VInitPreFill + SwathHeight - 1) |
1252 | % SwathHeight; |
1253 | } |
1254 | |
1255 | return *MaxNumSwath * SwathHeight + MaxPartialSwath; |
1256 | } |
1257 | |
1258 | static unsigned int CalculateVMAndRowBytes( |
1259 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
1260 | bool DCCEnable, |
1261 | unsigned int BlockHeight256Bytes, |
1262 | unsigned int BlockWidth256Bytes, |
1263 | enum source_format_class SourcePixelFormat, |
1264 | unsigned int SurfaceTiling, |
1265 | unsigned int BytePerPixel, |
1266 | enum scan_direction_class ScanDirection, |
1267 | unsigned int ViewportWidth, |
1268 | unsigned int ViewportHeight, |
1269 | unsigned int SwathWidth, |
1270 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
1271 | bool HostVMEnable, |
1272 | unsigned int HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
1273 | unsigned int HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
1274 | unsigned int VMMPageSize, |
1275 | unsigned int PTEBufferSizeInRequests, |
1276 | unsigned int Pitch, |
1277 | unsigned int DCCMetaPitch, |
1278 | unsigned int *MacroTileWidth, |
1279 | unsigned int *MetaRowByte, |
1280 | unsigned int *PixelPTEBytesPerRow, |
1281 | bool *PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded, |
1282 | unsigned int *dpte_row_width_ub, |
1283 | unsigned int *dpte_row_height, |
1284 | unsigned int *MetaRequestWidth, |
1285 | unsigned int *MetaRequestHeight, |
1286 | unsigned int *meta_row_width, |
1287 | unsigned int *meta_row_height, |
1288 | unsigned int *vm_group_bytes, |
1289 | unsigned int *dpte_group_bytes, |
1290 | unsigned int *PixelPTEReqWidth, |
1291 | unsigned int *PixelPTEReqHeight, |
1292 | unsigned int *PTERequestSize, |
1293 | unsigned int *DPDE0BytesFrame, |
1294 | unsigned int *MetaPTEBytesFrame) |
1295 | { |
1296 | unsigned int MPDEBytesFrame; |
1297 | unsigned int DCCMetaSurfaceBytes; |
1298 | unsigned int MacroTileSizeBytes; |
1299 | unsigned int MacroTileHeight; |
1300 | unsigned int ExtraDPDEBytesFrame; |
1301 | unsigned int PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame; |
1302 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqHeightPTEs = 0; |
1303 | |
1304 | if (DCCEnable == true) { |
1305 | *MetaRequestHeight = 8 * BlockHeight256Bytes; |
1306 | *MetaRequestWidth = 8 * BlockWidth256Bytes; |
1307 | if (ScanDirection == dm_horz) { |
1308 | *meta_row_height = *MetaRequestHeight; |
1309 | *meta_row_width = dml_ceil((double) SwathWidth - 1, *MetaRequestWidth) |
1310 | + *MetaRequestWidth; |
1311 | *MetaRowByte = *meta_row_width * *MetaRequestHeight * BytePerPixel / 256.0; |
1312 | } else { |
1313 | *meta_row_height = *MetaRequestWidth; |
1314 | *meta_row_width = dml_ceil((double) SwathWidth - 1, *MetaRequestHeight) |
1315 | + *MetaRequestHeight; |
1316 | *MetaRowByte = *meta_row_width * *MetaRequestWidth * BytePerPixel / 256.0; |
1317 | } |
1318 | if (ScanDirection == dm_horz) { |
1319 | DCCMetaSurfaceBytes = DCCMetaPitch |
1320 | * (dml_ceil(ViewportHeight - 1, 64 * BlockHeight256Bytes) |
1321 | + 64 * BlockHeight256Bytes) * BytePerPixel |
1322 | / 256; |
1323 | } else { |
1324 | DCCMetaSurfaceBytes = DCCMetaPitch |
1325 | * (dml_ceil( |
1326 | (double) ViewportHeight - 1, |
1327 | 64 * BlockHeight256Bytes) |
1328 | + 64 * BlockHeight256Bytes) * BytePerPixel |
1329 | / 256; |
1330 | } |
1331 | if (GPUVMEnable == true) { |
1332 | *MetaPTEBytesFrame = (dml_ceil( |
1333 | (double) (DCCMetaSurfaceBytes - VMMPageSize) |
1334 | / (8 * VMMPageSize), |
1335 | 1) + 1) * 64; |
1336 | MPDEBytesFrame = 128 * ((mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels + 1) * (mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels + 1) - 2); |
1337 | } else { |
1338 | *MetaPTEBytesFrame = 0; |
1339 | MPDEBytesFrame = 0; |
1340 | } |
1341 | } else { |
1342 | *MetaPTEBytesFrame = 0; |
1343 | MPDEBytesFrame = 0; |
1344 | *MetaRowByte = 0; |
1345 | } |
1346 | |
1347 | if (SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_linear || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_gfx7_2d_thin_gl || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_gfx7_2d_thin_l_vp) { |
1348 | MacroTileSizeBytes = 256; |
1349 | MacroTileHeight = BlockHeight256Bytes; |
1350 | } else if (SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_4kb_s || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_4kb_s_x |
1351 | || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_4kb_d || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_4kb_d_x) { |
1352 | MacroTileSizeBytes = 4096; |
1353 | MacroTileHeight = 4 * BlockHeight256Bytes; |
1354 | } else if (SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_64kb_s || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_64kb_s_t |
1355 | || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_64kb_s_x || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_64kb_d |
1356 | || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_64kb_d_t || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_64kb_d_x |
1357 | || SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_64kb_r_x) { |
1358 | MacroTileSizeBytes = 65536; |
1359 | MacroTileHeight = 16 * BlockHeight256Bytes; |
1360 | } else { |
1361 | MacroTileSizeBytes = 262144; |
1362 | MacroTileHeight = 32 * BlockHeight256Bytes; |
1363 | } |
1364 | *MacroTileWidth = MacroTileSizeBytes / BytePerPixel / MacroTileHeight; |
1365 | |
1366 | if (GPUVMEnable == true && (mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels + 1) * (mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels + 1) > 2) { |
1367 | if (ScanDirection == dm_horz) { |
1368 | *DPDE0BytesFrame = 64 * (dml_ceil(((Pitch * (dml_ceil(ViewportHeight - 1, MacroTileHeight) + MacroTileHeight) * BytePerPixel) - MacroTileSizeBytes) / (8 * 2097152), 1) + 1); |
1369 | } else { |
1370 | *DPDE0BytesFrame = 64 * (dml_ceil(((Pitch * (dml_ceil((double) SwathWidth - 1, MacroTileHeight) + MacroTileHeight) * BytePerPixel) - MacroTileSizeBytes) / (8 * 2097152), 1) + 1); |
1371 | } |
1372 | ExtraDPDEBytesFrame = 128 * ((mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels + 1) * (mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels + 1) - 3); |
1373 | } else { |
1374 | *DPDE0BytesFrame = 0; |
1375 | ExtraDPDEBytesFrame = 0; |
1376 | } |
1377 | |
1378 | PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame = *MetaPTEBytesFrame + MPDEBytesFrame + *DPDE0BytesFrame |
1379 | + ExtraDPDEBytesFrame; |
1380 | |
1381 | if (HostVMEnable == true) { |
1382 | PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame = PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * (1 + 8 * (HostVMMaxPageTableLevels - HostVMCachedPageTableLevels)); |
1383 | } |
1384 | |
1385 | if (GPUVMEnable == true) { |
1386 | double FractionOfPTEReturnDrop; |
1387 | |
1388 | if (SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_linear) { |
1389 | PixelPTEReqHeightPTEs = 1; |
1390 | *PixelPTEReqHeight = 1; |
1391 | *PixelPTEReqWidth = 8.0 * VMMPageSize / BytePerPixel; |
1392 | *PTERequestSize = 64; |
1393 | FractionOfPTEReturnDrop = 0; |
1394 | } else if (MacroTileSizeBytes == 4096) { |
1395 | PixelPTEReqHeightPTEs = 1; |
1396 | *PixelPTEReqHeight = MacroTileHeight; |
1397 | *PixelPTEReqWidth = 8 * *MacroTileWidth; |
1398 | *PTERequestSize = 64; |
1399 | if (ScanDirection == dm_horz) |
1400 | FractionOfPTEReturnDrop = 0; |
1401 | else |
1402 | FractionOfPTEReturnDrop = 7 / 8; |
1403 | } else if (VMMPageSize == 4096 && MacroTileSizeBytes > 4096) { |
1404 | PixelPTEReqHeightPTEs = 16; |
1405 | *PixelPTEReqHeight = 16 * BlockHeight256Bytes; |
1406 | *PixelPTEReqWidth = 16 * BlockWidth256Bytes; |
1407 | *PTERequestSize = 128; |
1408 | FractionOfPTEReturnDrop = 0; |
1409 | } else { |
1410 | PixelPTEReqHeightPTEs = 1; |
1411 | *PixelPTEReqHeight = MacroTileHeight; |
1412 | *PixelPTEReqWidth = 8 * *MacroTileWidth; |
1413 | *PTERequestSize = 64; |
1414 | FractionOfPTEReturnDrop = 0; |
1415 | } |
1416 | |
1417 | if (SurfaceTiling == dm_sw_linear) { |
1418 | *dpte_row_height = dml_min(128, |
1419 | 1 << (unsigned int) dml_floor( |
1420 | dml_log2( |
1421 | (double) PTEBufferSizeInRequests * *PixelPTEReqWidth / Pitch), |
1422 | 1)); |
1423 | *dpte_row_width_ub = (dml_ceil((double) (Pitch * *dpte_row_height - 1) / *PixelPTEReqWidth, 1) + 1) * *PixelPTEReqWidth; |
1424 | *PixelPTEBytesPerRow = *dpte_row_width_ub / *PixelPTEReqWidth * *PTERequestSize; |
1425 | } else if (ScanDirection == dm_horz) { |
1426 | *dpte_row_height = *PixelPTEReqHeight; |
1427 | *dpte_row_width_ub = (dml_ceil((double) (SwathWidth - 1) / *PixelPTEReqWidth, 1) + 1) * *PixelPTEReqWidth; |
1428 | *PixelPTEBytesPerRow = *dpte_row_width_ub / *PixelPTEReqWidth * *PTERequestSize; |
1429 | } else { |
1430 | *dpte_row_height = dml_min(*PixelPTEReqWidth, *MacroTileWidth); |
1431 | *dpte_row_width_ub = (dml_ceil((double) (SwathWidth - 1) / *PixelPTEReqHeight, 1) + 1) * *PixelPTEReqHeight; |
1432 | *PixelPTEBytesPerRow = *dpte_row_width_ub / *PixelPTEReqHeight * *PTERequestSize; |
1433 | } |
1434 | if (*PixelPTEBytesPerRow * (1 - FractionOfPTEReturnDrop) |
1435 | <= 64 * PTEBufferSizeInRequests) { |
1436 | *PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded = true; |
1437 | } else { |
1438 | *PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded = false; |
1439 | } |
1440 | } else { |
1441 | *PixelPTEBytesPerRow = 0; |
1442 | *PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded = true; |
1443 | } |
1444 | dml_print("DML: vm_bytes = meta_pte_bytes_per_frame (per_pipe) = MetaPTEBytesFrame = : %d\n", *MetaPTEBytesFrame); |
1445 | |
1446 | if (HostVMEnable == true) { |
1447 | *PixelPTEBytesPerRow = *PixelPTEBytesPerRow * (1 + 8 * (HostVMMaxPageTableLevels - HostVMCachedPageTableLevels)); |
1448 | } |
1449 | |
1450 | if (HostVMEnable == true) { |
1451 | *vm_group_bytes = 512; |
1452 | *dpte_group_bytes = 512; |
1453 | } else if (GPUVMEnable == true) { |
1454 | *vm_group_bytes = 2048; |
1455 | if (SurfaceTiling != dm_sw_linear && PixelPTEReqHeightPTEs == 1 && ScanDirection != dm_horz) { |
1456 | *dpte_group_bytes = 512; |
1457 | } else { |
1458 | *dpte_group_bytes = 2048; |
1459 | } |
1460 | } else { |
1461 | *vm_group_bytes = 0; |
1462 | *dpte_group_bytes = 0; |
1463 | } |
1464 | |
1465 | return PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame; |
1466 | } |
1467 | |
1468 | static void DISPCLKDPPCLKDCFCLKDeepSleepPrefetchParametersWatermarksAndPerformanceCalculation( |
1469 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib) |
1470 | { |
1471 | struct vba_vars_st *locals = &mode_lib->vba; |
1472 | unsigned int j, k; |
1473 | |
1474 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDISPCLK = 0.0; |
1475 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping = 0; |
1476 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping = 0; |
1477 | mode_lib->vba.GlobalDPPCLK = 0.0; |
1478 | |
1479 | |
1480 | |
1481 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 1 | Assuming 'k' is >= field 'NumberOfActivePlanes' | |
| 2 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1501 | |
1482 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k]) { |
1483 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDISPCLK = |
1484 | dml_max( |
1485 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDISPCLK, |
1486 | CalculateWriteBackDISPCLK( |
1487 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k], |
1488 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
1489 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k], |
1490 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k], |
1491 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k], |
1492 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k], |
1493 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k], |
1494 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k], |
1495 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k], |
1496 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k], |
1497 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaLineBufferWidth)); |
1498 | } |
1499 | } |
1500 | |
1501 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 3 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1587 | |
1502 | if (mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] > 1) { |
1503 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_LUMA[k] = dml_min( |
1504 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
1505 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput |
1506 | * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
1507 | / dml_ceil( |
1508 | mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] |
1509 | / 6.0, |
1510 | 1)); |
1511 | } else { |
1512 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_LUMA[k] = dml_min( |
1513 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
1514 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput); |
1515 | } |
1516 | |
1517 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPLuma = |
1518 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
1519 | * dml_max( |
1520 | mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] / 6.0 |
1521 | * dml_min( |
1522 | 1.0, |
1523 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k]), |
1524 | dml_max( |
1525 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
1526 | * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] |
1527 | / locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_LUMA[k], |
1528 | 1.0)); |
1529 | |
1530 | if ((mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] > 6 || mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] > 6) |
1531 | && mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPLuma |
1532 | < 2 * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) { |
1533 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPLuma = 2 * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
1534 | } |
1535 | |
1536 | if ((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_420_8 |
1537 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_420_10)) { |
1538 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[k] = 0.0; |
1539 | locals->DPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] = |
1540 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPLuma; |
1541 | } else { |
1542 | if (mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] > 1) { |
1543 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[k] = |
1544 | dml_min( |
1545 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
1546 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput |
1547 | * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
1548 | / 2 |
1549 | / dml_ceil( |
1550 | mode_lib->vba.HTAPsChroma[k] |
1551 | / 6.0, |
1552 | 1.0)); |
1553 | } else { |
1554 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[k] = dml_min( |
1555 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
1556 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput); |
1557 | } |
1558 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPChroma = |
1559 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
1560 | * dml_max( |
1561 | mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k] |
1562 | / 6.0 |
1563 | * dml_min( |
1564 | 1.0, |
1565 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
1566 | / 2), |
1567 | dml_max( |
1568 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
1569 | * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] |
1570 | / 4 |
1571 | / locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[k], |
1572 | 1.0)); |
1573 | |
1574 | if ((mode_lib->vba.HTAPsChroma[k] > 6 || mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k] > 6) |
1575 | && mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPChroma |
1576 | < 2 * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) { |
1577 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPChroma = 2 |
1578 | * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
1579 | } |
1580 | |
1581 | locals->DPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] = dml_max( |
1582 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPLuma, |
1583 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKUsingSingleDPPChroma); |
1584 | } |
1585 | } |
1586 | |
1587 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 4 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1629 | |
1588 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] != k) |
1589 | continue; |
1590 | if (mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k]) { |
1591 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping = |
1592 | dml_max( |
1593 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping, |
1594 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] / 2 |
1595 | * (1 |
1596 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading |
1597 | / 100) |
1598 | * (1 |
1599 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKRampingMargin |
1600 | / 100)); |
1601 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping = |
1602 | dml_max( |
1603 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping, |
1604 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] / 2 |
1605 | * (1 |
1606 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading |
1607 | / 100)); |
1608 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k]) { |
1609 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping = |
1610 | dml_max( |
1611 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping, |
1612 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
1613 | * (1 |
1614 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading |
1615 | / 100) |
1616 | * (1 |
1617 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKRampingMargin |
1618 | / 100)); |
1619 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping = |
1620 | dml_max( |
1621 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping, |
1622 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
1623 | * (1 |
1624 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading |
1625 | / 100)); |
1626 | } |
1627 | } |
1628 | |
1629 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping = dml_max( |
1630 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping, |
1631 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDISPCLK); |
1632 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping = dml_max( |
1633 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping, |
1634 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDISPCLK); |
1635 | |
1636 | ASSERT(mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed != 0); |
| |
| |
| 7 | | Loop condition is false. Exiting loop | |
1637 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRampingRoundedToDFSGranularity = RoundToDFSGranularityUp( |
1638 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRamping, |
1639 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed); |
1640 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRampingRoundedToDFSGranularity = RoundToDFSGranularityUp( |
1641 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRamping, |
1642 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed); |
1643 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedToDFSGranularity = RoundToDFSGranularityDown( |
1644 | mode_lib->vba.soc.clock_limits[mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states - 1].dispclk_mhz, |
1645 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed); |
1646 | if (mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRampingRoundedToDFSGranularity |
| 8 | | Assuming field 'DISPCLKWithoutRampingRoundedToDFSGranularity' is > field 'MaxDispclkRoundedToDFSGranularity' | |
| |
1647 | > mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedToDFSGranularity) { |
1648 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK_calculated = |
1649 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithoutRampingRoundedToDFSGranularity; |
1650 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRampingRoundedToDFSGranularity |
1651 | > mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedToDFSGranularity) { |
1652 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK_calculated = mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedToDFSGranularity; |
1653 | } else { |
1654 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK_calculated = |
1655 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKWithRampingRoundedToDFSGranularity; |
1656 | } |
1657 | DTRACE(" dispclk_mhz (calculated) = %f", mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK_calculated); |
| 10 | | Loop condition is false. Exiting loop | |
1658 | |
1659 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 11 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1667 | |
1660 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLK_calculated[k] = locals->DPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] |
1661 | / mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane[k] |
1662 | * (1 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100); |
1663 | mode_lib->vba.GlobalDPPCLK = dml_max( |
1664 | mode_lib->vba.GlobalDPPCLK, |
1665 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLK_calculated[k]); |
1666 | } |
1667 | mode_lib->vba.GlobalDPPCLK = RoundToDFSGranularityUp( |
1668 | mode_lib->vba.GlobalDPPCLK, |
1669 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed); |
1670 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 12 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1680 | |
1671 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLK_calculated[k] = mode_lib->vba.GlobalDPPCLK / 255 |
1672 | * dml_ceil( |
1673 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLK_calculated[k] * 255 |
1674 | / mode_lib->vba.GlobalDPPCLK, |
1675 | 1); |
1676 | DTRACE(" dppclk_mhz[%i] (calculated) = %f", k, mode_lib->vba.DPPCLK_calculated[k]); |
1677 | } |
1678 | |
1679 | |
1680 | DTRACE(" dcfclk_mhz = %f", mode_lib->vba.DCFCLK); |
| 13 | | Loop condition is false. Exiting loop | |
1681 | DTRACE(" return_bw_to_dcn = %f", mode_lib->vba.ReturnBandwidthToDCN); |
| 14 | | Loop condition is false. Exiting loop | |
1682 | DTRACE(" return_bus_bw = %f", mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW); |
| 15 | | Loop condition is false. Exiting loop | |
1683 | |
1684 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 16 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1710 | |
1685 | bool MainPlaneDoesODMCombine = false; |
1686 | |
1687 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) |
1688 | locals->SwathWidthSingleDPPY[k] = mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k]; |
1689 | else |
1690 | locals->SwathWidthSingleDPPY[k] = mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k]; |
1691 | |
1692 | if (mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) |
1693 | MainPlaneDoesODMCombine = true; |
1694 | for (j = 0; j < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++j) |
1695 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == j |
1696 | && mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) |
1697 | MainPlaneDoesODMCombine = true; |
1698 | |
1699 | if (MainPlaneDoesODMCombine == true) |
1700 | locals->SwathWidthY[k] = dml_min( |
1701 | (double) locals->SwathWidthSingleDPPY[k], |
1702 | dml_round( |
1703 | mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] / 2.0 |
1704 | * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k])); |
1705 | else |
1706 | locals->SwathWidthY[k] = locals->SwathWidthSingleDPPY[k] |
1707 | / mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane[k]; |
1708 | } |
1709 | |
1710 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 17 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1732 | |
1711 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64) { |
1712 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k] = 8; |
1713 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k] = 0; |
1714 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32) { |
1715 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k] = 4; |
1716 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k] = 0; |
1717 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_16 || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_mono_16) { |
1718 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k] = 2; |
1719 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k] = 0; |
1720 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_8 || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_mono_8) { |
1721 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k] = 1; |
1722 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k] = 0; |
1723 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8) { |
1724 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k] = 1; |
1725 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k] = 2; |
1726 | } else { |
1727 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k] = 4.0 / 3.0; |
1728 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k] = 8.0 / 3.0; |
1729 | } |
1730 | } |
1731 | |
1732 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth = 0.0; |
1733 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 18 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1752 | |
1734 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] = locals->SwathWidthSingleDPPY[k] |
1735 | * dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1) |
1736 | / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) |
1737 | * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k]; |
1738 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k] = locals->SwathWidthSingleDPPY[k] |
1739 | / 2 * dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k], 2) |
1740 | / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) |
1741 | * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] / 2; |
1742 | DTRACE( |
1743 | " read_bw[%i] = %fBps", |
1744 | k, |
1745 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] |
1746 | + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k]); |
1747 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth += locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] |
1748 | + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k]; |
1749 | } |
1750 | |
1751 | |
1752 | CalculateDCFCLKDeepSleep( |
1753 | mode_lib, |
1754 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
1755 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY, |
1756 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC, |
1757 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio, |
1758 | locals->SwathWidthY, |
1759 | mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane, |
1760 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio, |
1761 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock, |
1762 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_LUMA, |
1763 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA, |
1764 | locals->DPPCLK, |
1765 | &mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleep); |
1766 | |
1767 | |
1768 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 19 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1796 | |
1769 | if ((mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] != k) || !mode_lib->vba.DSCEnabled[k]) { |
1770 | locals->DSCCLK_calculated[k] = 0.0; |
1771 | } else { |
1772 | if (mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k] == dm_420 |
1773 | || mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k] == dm_n422) |
1774 | mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor = 2; |
1775 | else |
1776 | mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor = 1; |
1777 | if (mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k]) |
1778 | locals->DSCCLK_calculated[k] = |
1779 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] / 6 |
1780 | / mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor |
1781 | / (1 |
1782 | - mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading |
1783 | / 100); |
1784 | else |
1785 | locals->DSCCLK_calculated[k] = |
1786 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] / 3 |
1787 | / mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor |
1788 | / (1 |
1789 | - mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading |
1790 | / 100); |
1791 | } |
1792 | } |
1793 | |
1794 | |
1795 | |
1796 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 20 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1837 | |
1797 | double bpp = mode_lib->vba.OutputBpp[k]; |
1798 | unsigned int slices = mode_lib->vba.NumberOfDSCSlices[k]; |
1799 | |
1800 | if (mode_lib->vba.DSCEnabled[k] && bpp != 0) { |
1801 | if (!mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k]) { |
1802 | locals->DSCDelay[k] = |
1803 | dscceComputeDelay( |
1804 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k], |
1805 | bpp, |
1806 | dml_ceil( |
1807 | (double) mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] |
1808 | / mode_lib->vba.NumberOfDSCSlices[k], |
1809 | 1), |
1810 | slices, |
1811 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k]) |
1812 | + dscComputeDelay( |
1813 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k]); |
1814 | } else { |
1815 | locals->DSCDelay[k] = |
1816 | 2 |
1817 | * (dscceComputeDelay( |
1818 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k], |
1819 | bpp, |
1820 | dml_ceil( |
1821 | (double) mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] |
1822 | / mode_lib->vba.NumberOfDSCSlices[k], |
1823 | 1), |
1824 | slices / 2.0, |
1825 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k]) |
1826 | + dscComputeDelay( |
1827 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k])); |
1828 | } |
1829 | locals->DSCDelay[k] = locals->DSCDelay[k] |
1830 | * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
1831 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k]; |
1832 | } else { |
1833 | locals->DSCDelay[k] = 0; |
1834 | } |
1835 | } |
1836 | |
1837 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) |
| 21 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1844 | |
1838 | for (j = 0; j < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++j) |
1839 | if (j != k && mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == j |
1840 | && mode_lib->vba.DSCEnabled[j]) |
1841 | locals->DSCDelay[k] = locals->DSCDelay[j]; |
1842 | |
1843 | |
1844 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 22 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2000 | |
1845 | unsigned int PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrameY; |
1846 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRowY; |
1847 | unsigned int MetaRowByteY; |
1848 | unsigned int MetaRowByteC; |
1849 | unsigned int PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrameC; |
1850 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRowC; |
1851 | bool PTEBufferSizeNotExceededY; |
1852 | bool PTEBufferSizeNotExceededC; |
1853 | |
1854 | Calculate256BBlockSizes( |
1855 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
1856 | mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k], |
1857 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1), |
1858 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k], 2), |
1859 | &locals->BlockHeight256BytesY[k], |
1860 | &locals->BlockHeight256BytesC[k], |
1861 | &locals->BlockWidth256BytesY[k], |
1862 | &locals->BlockWidth256BytesC[k]); |
1863 | |
1864 | locals->PrefetchSourceLinesY[k] = CalculatePrefetchSourceLines( |
1865 | mode_lib, |
1866 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
1867 | mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k], |
1868 | mode_lib->vba.Interlace[k], |
1869 | mode_lib->vba.ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
1870 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k], |
1871 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportYStartY[k], |
1872 | &locals->VInitPreFillY[k], |
1873 | &locals->MaxNumSwathY[k]); |
1874 | |
1875 | if ((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_64 |
1876 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_32 |
1877 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_16 |
1878 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_8)) { |
1879 | PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrameC = |
1880 | CalculateVMAndRowBytes( |
1881 | mode_lib, |
1882 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
1883 | locals->BlockHeight256BytesC[k], |
1884 | locals->BlockWidth256BytesC[k], |
1885 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
1886 | mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k], |
1887 | dml_ceil( |
1888 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k], |
1889 | 2), |
1890 | mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k], |
1891 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k] / 2, |
1892 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k] / 2, |
1893 | locals->SwathWidthY[k] / 2, |
1894 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
1895 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
1896 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
1897 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
1898 | mode_lib->vba.VMMPageSize, |
1899 | mode_lib->vba.PTEBufferSizeInRequestsChroma, |
1900 | mode_lib->vba.PitchC[k], |
1901 | mode_lib->vba.DCCMetaPitchC[k], |
1902 | &locals->MacroTileWidthC[k], |
1903 | &MetaRowByteC, |
1904 | &PixelPTEBytesPerRowC, |
1905 | &PTEBufferSizeNotExceededC, |
1906 | &locals->dpte_row_width_chroma_ub[k], |
1907 | &locals->dpte_row_height_chroma[k], |
1908 | &locals->meta_req_width_chroma[k], |
1909 | &locals->meta_req_height_chroma[k], |
1910 | &locals->meta_row_width_chroma[k], |
1911 | &locals->meta_row_height_chroma[k], |
1912 | &locals->vm_group_bytes_chroma, |
1913 | &locals->dpte_group_bytes_chroma, |
1914 | &locals->PixelPTEReqWidthC[k], |
1915 | &locals->PixelPTEReqHeightC[k], |
1916 | &locals->PTERequestSizeC[k], |
1917 | &locals->dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k], |
1918 | &locals->meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k]); |
1919 | |
1920 | locals->PrefetchSourceLinesC[k] = CalculatePrefetchSourceLines( |
1921 | mode_lib, |
1922 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] / 2, |
1923 | mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k], |
1924 | mode_lib->vba.Interlace[k], |
1925 | mode_lib->vba.ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
1926 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC[k], |
1927 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportYStartC[k], |
1928 | &locals->VInitPreFillC[k], |
1929 | &locals->MaxNumSwathC[k]); |
1930 | } else { |
1931 | PixelPTEBytesPerRowC = 0; |
1932 | PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrameC = 0; |
1933 | MetaRowByteC = 0; |
1934 | locals->MaxNumSwathC[k] = 0; |
1935 | locals->PrefetchSourceLinesC[k] = 0; |
1936 | locals->PTEBufferSizeInRequestsForLuma = mode_lib->vba.PTEBufferSizeInRequestsLuma + mode_lib->vba.PTEBufferSizeInRequestsChroma; |
1937 | } |
1938 | |
1939 | PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrameY = CalculateVMAndRowBytes( |
1940 | mode_lib, |
1941 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
1942 | locals->BlockHeight256BytesY[k], |
1943 | locals->BlockWidth256BytesY[k], |
1944 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
1945 | mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k], |
1946 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1), |
1947 | mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k], |
1948 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k], |
1949 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k], |
1950 | locals->SwathWidthY[k], |
1951 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
1952 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
1953 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
1954 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
1955 | mode_lib->vba.VMMPageSize, |
1956 | locals->PTEBufferSizeInRequestsForLuma, |
1957 | mode_lib->vba.PitchY[k], |
1958 | mode_lib->vba.DCCMetaPitchY[k], |
1959 | &locals->MacroTileWidthY[k], |
1960 | &MetaRowByteY, |
1961 | &PixelPTEBytesPerRowY, |
1962 | &PTEBufferSizeNotExceededY, |
1963 | &locals->dpte_row_width_luma_ub[k], |
1964 | &locals->dpte_row_height[k], |
1965 | &locals->meta_req_width[k], |
1966 | &locals->meta_req_height[k], |
1967 | &locals->meta_row_width[k], |
1968 | &locals->meta_row_height[k], |
1969 | &locals->vm_group_bytes[k], |
1970 | &locals->dpte_group_bytes[k], |
1971 | &locals->PixelPTEReqWidthY[k], |
1972 | &locals->PixelPTEReqHeightY[k], |
1973 | &locals->PTERequestSizeY[k], |
1974 | &locals->dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k], |
1975 | &locals->meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]); |
1976 | |
1977 | locals->PixelPTEBytesPerRow[k] = PixelPTEBytesPerRowY + PixelPTEBytesPerRowC; |
1978 | locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame[k] = PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrameY |
1979 | + PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrameC; |
1980 | locals->MetaRowByte[k] = MetaRowByteY + MetaRowByteC; |
1981 | |
1982 | CalculateActiveRowBandwidth( |
1983 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
1984 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
1985 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
1986 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
1987 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
1988 | MetaRowByteY, |
1989 | MetaRowByteC, |
1990 | locals->meta_row_height[k], |
1991 | locals->meta_row_height_chroma[k], |
1992 | PixelPTEBytesPerRowY, |
1993 | PixelPTEBytesPerRowC, |
1994 | locals->dpte_row_height[k], |
1995 | locals->dpte_row_height_chroma[k], |
1996 | &locals->meta_row_bw[k], |
1997 | &locals->dpte_row_bw[k]); |
1998 | } |
1999 | |
2000 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDCCActiveDPP = 0; |
2001 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveDPP = 0; |
2002 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 23 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2010 | |
2003 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveDPP = mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveDPP |
2004 | + mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane[k]; |
2005 | if (mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k]) |
2006 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDCCActiveDPP = mode_lib->vba.TotalDCCActiveDPP |
2007 | + mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane[k]; |
2008 | } |
2009 | |
2010 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannel = dml_max3( |
2011 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelPixelDataOnly, |
2012 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelPixelMixedWithVMData, |
2013 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelVMDataOnly); |
2014 | |
2015 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatency = |
2016 | (mode_lib->vba.RoundTripPingLatencyCycles + 32) / mode_lib->vba.DCFCLK |
2017 | + mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannel |
2018 | * mode_lib->vba.NumberOfChannels |
2019 | / mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW; |
2020 | |
2021 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentExtraLatency = CalculateExtraLatency( |
2022 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatency, |
2023 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveDPP, |
2024 | mode_lib->vba.PixelChunkSizeInKByte, |
2025 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDCCActiveDPP, |
2026 | mode_lib->vba.MetaChunkSize, |
2027 | mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW, |
2028 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
2029 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
2030 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
2031 | mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane, |
2032 | locals->dpte_group_bytes, |
2033 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
2034 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
2035 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
2036 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels); |
2037 | |
2038 | |
2039 | mode_lib->vba.TCalc = 24.0 / mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleep; |
2040 | |
2041 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 24 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2080 | |
2042 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
2043 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
2044 | locals->WritebackDelay[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k] = |
2045 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency |
2046 | + CalculateWriteBackDelay( |
2047 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k], |
2048 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k], |
2049 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k], |
2050 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k], |
2051 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k], |
2052 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k], |
2053 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k], |
2054 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k]) |
2055 | / mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK; |
2056 | } else |
2057 | locals->WritebackDelay[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k] = 0; |
2058 | for (j = 0; j < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++j) { |
2059 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[j] == k |
2060 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[j] == true) { |
2061 | locals->WritebackDelay[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k] = |
2062 | dml_max( |
2063 | locals->WritebackDelay[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k], |
2064 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency |
2065 | + CalculateWriteBackDelay( |
2066 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[j], |
2067 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[j], |
2068 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[j], |
2069 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[j], |
2070 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[j], |
2071 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[j], |
2072 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[j], |
2073 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[j]) |
2074 | / mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK); |
2075 | } |
2076 | } |
2077 | } |
2078 | } |
2079 | |
2080 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) |
| 25 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2086 | |
2081 | for (j = 0; j < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++j) |
2082 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == j) |
2083 | locals->WritebackDelay[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k] = |
2084 | locals->WritebackDelay[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][j]; |
2085 | |
2086 | mode_lib->vba.VStartupLines = 13; |
2087 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 26 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2091 | |
2088 | locals->MaxVStartupLines[k] = mode_lib->vba.VTotal[k] - mode_lib->vba.VActive[k] - dml_max(1.0, dml_ceil(locals->WritebackDelay[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k] / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]), 1)); |
2089 | } |
2090 | |
2091 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) |
| 27 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2096 | |
2092 | locals->MaximumMaxVStartupLines = dml_max(locals->MaximumMaxVStartupLines, locals->MaxVStartupLines[k]); |
2093 | |
2094 | |
2095 | |
2096 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency = dml_max3(mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatencyPixelDataOnly, mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatencyVMDataOnly); |
2097 | |
2098 | do { |
| 35 | | Loop condition is false. Exiting loop | |
2099 | double MaxTotalRDBandwidth = 0; |
2100 | double MaxTotalRDBandwidthNoUrgentBurst = 0; |
2101 | bool DestinationLineTimesForPrefetchLessThan2 = false; |
2102 | bool VRatioPrefetchMoreThan4 = false; |
2103 | double TWait = CalculateTWait( |
2104 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][mode_lib->vba.maxMpcComb], |
2105 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
2106 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
2107 | mode_lib->vba.SREnterPlusExitTime); |
2108 | |
2109 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 28 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2243 | |
2110 | Pipe myPipe; |
2111 | HostVM myHostVM; |
2112 | |
2113 | if (mode_lib->vba.XFCEnabled[k] == true) { |
2114 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay = |
2115 | CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay( |
2116 | mode_lib, |
2117 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
2118 | locals->SwathWidthY[k], |
2119 | dml_ceil( |
2120 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], |
2121 | 1), |
2122 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2123 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
2124 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateOffset, |
2125 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateWidth, |
2126 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVreadyOffset, |
2127 | mode_lib->vba.XFCXBUFLatencyTolerance, |
2128 | mode_lib->vba.XFCFillBWOverhead, |
2129 | mode_lib->vba.XFCSlvChunkSize, |
2130 | mode_lib->vba.XFCBusTransportTime, |
2131 | mode_lib->vba.TCalc, |
2132 | TWait, |
2133 | &mode_lib->vba.SrcActiveDrainRate, |
2134 | &mode_lib->vba.TInitXFill, |
2135 | &mode_lib->vba.TslvChk); |
2136 | } else { |
2137 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay = 0; |
2138 | } |
2139 | |
2140 | myPipe.DPPCLK = locals->DPPCLK[k]; |
2141 | myPipe.DISPCLK = mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK; |
2142 | myPipe.PixelClock = mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
2143 | myPipe.DCFCLKDeepSleep = mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleep; |
2144 | myPipe.DPPPerPlane = mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane[k]; |
2145 | myPipe.ScalerEnabled = mode_lib->vba.ScalerEnabled[k]; |
2146 | myPipe.SourceScan = mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k]; |
2147 | myPipe.BlockWidth256BytesY = locals->BlockWidth256BytesY[k]; |
2148 | myPipe.BlockHeight256BytesY = locals->BlockHeight256BytesY[k]; |
2149 | myPipe.BlockWidth256BytesC = locals->BlockWidth256BytesC[k]; |
2150 | myPipe.BlockHeight256BytesC = locals->BlockHeight256BytesC[k]; |
2151 | myPipe.InterlaceEnable = mode_lib->vba.Interlace[k]; |
2152 | myPipe.NumberOfCursors = mode_lib->vba.NumberOfCursors[k]; |
2153 | myPipe.VBlank = mode_lib->vba.VTotal[k] - mode_lib->vba.VActive[k]; |
2154 | myPipe.HTotal = mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k]; |
2155 | |
2156 | |
2157 | myHostVM.Enable = mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable; |
2158 | myHostVM.MaxPageTableLevels = mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels; |
2159 | myHostVM.CachedPageTableLevels = mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels; |
2160 | |
2161 | mode_lib->vba.ErrorResult[k] = |
2162 | CalculatePrefetchSchedule( |
2163 | mode_lib, |
2164 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
2165 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
2166 | &myPipe, |
2167 | locals->DSCDelay[k], |
2168 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
2169 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelaySCL, |
2170 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelaySCLLBOnly, |
2171 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelayCNVCFormater, |
2172 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelayCNVCCursor, |
2173 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
2174 | (unsigned int) (locals->SwathWidthY[k] |
2175 | / mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k]), |
2176 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
2177 | mode_lib->vba.MaxInterDCNTileRepeaters, |
2178 | dml_min(mode_lib->vba.VStartupLines, locals->MaxVStartupLines[k]), |
2179 | locals->MaxVStartupLines[k], |
2180 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
2181 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
2182 | &myHostVM, |
2183 | mode_lib->vba.DynamicMetadataEnable[k], |
2184 | mode_lib->vba.DynamicMetadataLinesBeforeActiveRequired[k], |
2185 | mode_lib->vba.DynamicMetadataTransmittedBytes[k], |
2186 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
2187 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
2188 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentExtraLatency, |
2189 | mode_lib->vba.TCalc, |
2190 | locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame[k], |
2191 | locals->MetaRowByte[k], |
2192 | locals->PixelPTEBytesPerRow[k], |
2193 | locals->PrefetchSourceLinesY[k], |
2194 | locals->SwathWidthY[k], |
2195 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], |
2196 | locals->VInitPreFillY[k], |
2197 | locals->MaxNumSwathY[k], |
2198 | locals->PrefetchSourceLinesC[k], |
2199 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k], |
2200 | locals->VInitPreFillC[k], |
2201 | locals->MaxNumSwathC[k], |
2202 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k], |
2203 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC[k], |
2204 | TWait, |
2205 | mode_lib->vba.XFCEnabled[k], |
2206 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay, |
2207 | mode_lib->vba.ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
2208 | &locals->DSTXAfterScaler[k], |
2209 | &locals->DSTYAfterScaler[k], |
2210 | &locals->DestinationLinesForPrefetch[k], |
2211 | &locals->PrefetchBandwidth[k], |
2212 | &locals->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank[k], |
2213 | &locals->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[k], |
2214 | &locals->VRatioPrefetchY[k], |
2215 | &locals->VRatioPrefetchC[k], |
2216 | &locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma[k], |
2217 | &locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma[k], |
2218 | &locals->VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata, |
2219 | &locals->Tno_bw[k], |
2220 | &locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
2221 | &locals->swath_width_luma_ub[k], |
2222 | &locals->swath_width_chroma_ub[k], |
2223 | &mode_lib->vba.VUpdateOffsetPix[k], |
2224 | &mode_lib->vba.VUpdateWidthPix[k], |
2225 | &mode_lib->vba.VReadyOffsetPix[k]); |
2226 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
2227 | locals->VStartup[k] = dml_min( |
2228 | mode_lib->vba.VStartupLines, |
2229 | locals->MaxVStartupLines[k]); |
2230 | if (locals->VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata |
2231 | != 0) { |
2232 | locals->VStartup[k] = |
2233 | locals->VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata; |
2234 | } |
2235 | } else { |
2236 | locals->VStartup[k] = |
2237 | dml_min( |
2238 | mode_lib->vba.VStartupLines, |
2239 | locals->MaxVStartupLines[mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k]]); |
2240 | } |
2241 | } |
2242 | |
2243 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 29 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2306 | |
2244 | unsigned int m; |
2245 | |
2246 | locals->cursor_bw[k] = 0; |
2247 | locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] = 0; |
2248 | for (m = 0; m < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfCursors[k]; m++) { |
2249 | locals->cursor_bw[k] += mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][m] * mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][m] / 8.0 / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k]; |
2250 | locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] += mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][m] * mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][m] / 8.0 / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * locals->VRatioPrefetchY[k]; |
2251 | } |
2252 | |
2253 | CalculateUrgentBurstFactor( |
2254 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0], |
2255 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k], |
2256 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC[k], |
2257 | locals->SwathWidthY[k], |
2258 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / |
2259 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
2260 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
2261 | mode_lib->vba.CursorBufferSize, |
2262 | mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][0] + mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][1], |
2263 | dml_max(mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][0], mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][1]), |
2264 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
2265 | locals->VRatioPrefetchY[k], |
2266 | locals->VRatioPrefetchC[k], |
2267 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], |
2268 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC[k], |
2269 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k], |
2270 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k], |
2271 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k], |
2272 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k], |
2273 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k], |
2274 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k], |
2275 | &locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding[0][0], |
2276 | &locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre); |
2277 | |
2278 | if (mode_lib->vba.UseUrgentBurstBandwidth == false) { |
2279 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] = 1; |
2280 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] = 1; |
2281 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k] = 1; |
2282 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] = 1; |
2283 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] = 1; |
2284 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k] = 1; |
2285 | } |
2286 | |
2287 | MaxTotalRDBandwidth = MaxTotalRDBandwidth + |
2288 | dml_max3(locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
2289 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] |
2290 | + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] + locals->cursor_bw[k] |
2291 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k] + locals->meta_row_bw[k] + locals->dpte_row_bw[k], |
2292 | locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma[k] |
2293 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] + locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k]); |
2294 | |
2295 | MaxTotalRDBandwidthNoUrgentBurst = MaxTotalRDBandwidthNoUrgentBurst + |
2296 | dml_max3(locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
2297 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k] + locals->cursor_bw[k] |
2298 | + locals->meta_row_bw[k] + locals->dpte_row_bw[k], |
2299 | locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma[k] + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma[k] + locals->cursor_bw_pre[k]); |
2300 | |
2301 | if (locals->DestinationLinesForPrefetch[k] < 2) |
2302 | DestinationLineTimesForPrefetchLessThan2 = true; |
2303 | if (locals->VRatioPrefetchY[k] > 4 || locals->VRatioPrefetchC[k] > 4) |
2304 | VRatioPrefetchMoreThan4 = true; |
2305 | } |
2306 | mode_lib->vba.FractionOfUrgentBandwidth = MaxTotalRDBandwidthNoUrgentBurst / mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW; |
2307 | |
2308 | if (MaxTotalRDBandwidth <= mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW && locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding[0][0] == 0 && |
| 30 | | Assuming 'MaxTotalRDBandwidth' is > field 'ReturnBW' | |
2309 | locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre == 0 && !VRatioPrefetchMoreThan4 |
2310 | && !DestinationLineTimesForPrefetchLessThan2) |
2311 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchModeSupported = true; |
2312 | else { |
2313 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchModeSupported = false; |
2314 | dml_print( |
| 31 | | Loop condition is false. Exiting loop | |
2315 | "DML: CalculatePrefetchSchedule ***failed***. Bandwidth violation. Results are NOT valid\n"); |
2316 | } |
2317 | |
2318 | if (mode_lib->vba.PrefetchModeSupported == true) { |
| |
2319 | mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip = mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW; |
2320 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2321 | mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip = |
2322 | mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip |
2323 | - dml_max( |
2324 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] |
2325 | + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] |
2326 | + locals->cursor_bw[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k], |
2327 | locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] + |
2328 | locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] + |
2329 | locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k]); |
2330 | } |
2331 | |
2332 | mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes = 0; |
2333 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2334 | mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes = mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes + locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame[k] + locals->MetaRowByte[k] + locals->PixelPTEBytesPerRow[k]; |
2335 | } |
2336 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2337 | CalculateFlipSchedule( |
2338 | mode_lib, |
2339 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
2340 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
2341 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentExtraLatency, |
2342 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
2343 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
2344 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
2345 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
2346 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
2347 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
2348 | locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame[k], |
2349 | locals->MetaRowByte[k], |
2350 | locals->PixelPTEBytesPerRow[k], |
2351 | mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip, |
2352 | mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes, |
2353 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
2354 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
2355 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
2356 | locals->Tno_bw[k], |
2357 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
2358 | locals->dpte_row_height[k], |
2359 | locals->meta_row_height[k], |
2360 | locals->dpte_row_height_chroma[k], |
2361 | locals->meta_row_height_chroma[k], |
2362 | &locals->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip[k], |
2363 | &locals->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip[k], |
2364 | &locals->final_flip_bw[k], |
2365 | &locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe[k]); |
2366 | } |
2367 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip = 0.0; |
2368 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip_no_urgent_burst = 0.0; |
2369 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2370 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip = |
2371 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip + dml_max3( |
2372 | locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
2373 | locals->final_flip_bw[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] |
2374 | + locals->ReadBandwidthChroma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] + locals->cursor_bw[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k], |
2375 | locals->final_flip_bw[k] + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] |
2376 | + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] |
2377 | + locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k]); |
2378 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip_no_urgent_burst = |
2379 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip_no_urgent_burst + |
2380 | dml_max3(locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
2381 | locals->final_flip_bw[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k] + locals->cursor_bw[k], |
2382 | locals->final_flip_bw[k] + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWLuma[k] + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixDataBWChroma[k] + locals->cursor_bw_pre[k]); |
2383 | |
2384 | } |
2385 | mode_lib->vba.FractionOfUrgentBandwidthImmediateFlip = mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip_no_urgent_burst / mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW; |
2386 | |
2387 | mode_lib->vba.ImmediateFlipSupported = true; |
2388 | if (mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip > mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW) { |
2389 | mode_lib->vba.ImmediateFlipSupported = false; |
2390 | } |
2391 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2392 | if (locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe[k] == false) { |
2393 | mode_lib->vba.ImmediateFlipSupported = false; |
2394 | } |
2395 | } |
2396 | } else { |
2397 | mode_lib->vba.ImmediateFlipSupported = false; |
2398 | } |
2399 | |
2400 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 33 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 2408 | |
2401 | if (mode_lib->vba.ErrorResult[k]) { |
2402 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchModeSupported = false; |
2403 | dml_print( |
2404 | "DML: CalculatePrefetchSchedule ***failed***. Prefetch schedule violation. Results are NOT valid\n"); |
2405 | } |
2406 | } |
2407 | |
2408 | mode_lib->vba.VStartupLines = mode_lib->vba.VStartupLines + 1; |
2409 | } while (!((mode_lib->vba.PrefetchModeSupported |
2410 | && ((!mode_lib->vba.ImmediateFlipSupport && !mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable) |
2411 | || mode_lib->vba.ImmediateFlipSupported)) |
2412 | || locals->MaximumMaxVStartupLines < mode_lib->vba.VStartupLines)); |
| 34 | | Assuming field 'MaximumMaxVStartupLines' is < field 'VStartupLines' | |
2413 | |
2414 | |
2415 | { |
2416 | enum clock_change_support DRAMClockChangeSupport; |
2417 | CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport( |
| 36 | | Calling 'CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport' | |
2418 | mode_lib, |
2419 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][mode_lib->vba.maxMpcComb], |
2420 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
2421 | mode_lib->vba.MaxLineBufferLines, |
2422 | mode_lib->vba.LineBufferSize, |
2423 | mode_lib->vba.DPPOutputBufferPixels, |
2424 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0], |
2425 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize, |
2426 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize, |
2427 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLK, |
2428 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannel * mode_lib->vba.NumberOfChannels, |
2429 | mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW, |
2430 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
2431 | locals->dpte_group_bytes, |
2432 | mode_lib->vba.MetaChunkSize, |
2433 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
2434 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentExtraLatency, |
2435 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency, |
2436 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChunkSize, |
2437 | mode_lib->vba.SOCCLK, |
2438 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
2439 | mode_lib->vba.SRExitTime, |
2440 | mode_lib->vba.SREnterPlusExitTime, |
2441 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleep, |
2442 | mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane, |
2443 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable, |
2444 | locals->DPPCLK, |
2445 | locals->SwathWidthSingleDPPY, |
2446 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY, |
2447 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma, |
2448 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC, |
2449 | locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma, |
2450 | mode_lib->vba.LBBitPerPixel, |
2451 | locals->SwathWidthY, |
2452 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio, |
2453 | mode_lib->vba.vtaps, |
2454 | mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma, |
2455 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio, |
2456 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal, |
2457 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock, |
2458 | mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming, |
2459 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY, |
2460 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC, |
2461 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable, |
2462 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat, |
2463 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth, |
2464 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationHeight, |
2465 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackSourceHeight, |
2466 | &DRAMClockChangeSupport, |
2467 | &mode_lib->vba.UrgentWatermark, |
2468 | &mode_lib->vba.WritebackUrgentWatermark, |
2469 | &mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
2470 | &mode_lib->vba.WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
2471 | &mode_lib->vba.StutterExitWatermark, |
2472 | &mode_lib->vba.StutterEnterPlusExitWatermark, |
2473 | &mode_lib->vba.MinActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencySupported); |
2474 | } |
2475 | |
2476 | |
2477 | |
2478 | CalculatePixelDeliveryTimes( |
2479 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
2480 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio, |
2481 | locals->VRatioPrefetchY, |
2482 | locals->VRatioPrefetchC, |
2483 | locals->swath_width_luma_ub, |
2484 | locals->swath_width_chroma_ub, |
2485 | mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane, |
2486 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio, |
2487 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock, |
2488 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_LUMA, |
2489 | locals->PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA, |
2490 | locals->DPPCLK, |
2491 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC, |
2492 | mode_lib->vba.SourceScan, |
2493 | locals->BlockWidth256BytesY, |
2494 | locals->BlockHeight256BytesY, |
2495 | locals->BlockWidth256BytesC, |
2496 | locals->BlockHeight256BytesC, |
2497 | locals->DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma, |
2498 | locals->DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma, |
2499 | locals->DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch, |
2500 | locals->DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch, |
2501 | locals->DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLuma, |
2502 | locals->DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChroma, |
2503 | locals->DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch, |
2504 | locals->DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch); |
2505 | |
2506 | CalculateMetaAndPTETimes( |
2507 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
2508 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
2509 | mode_lib->vba.MetaChunkSize, |
2510 | mode_lib->vba.MinMetaChunkSizeBytes, |
2511 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
2512 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal, |
2513 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio, |
2514 | locals->VRatioPrefetchY, |
2515 | locals->VRatioPrefetchC, |
2516 | locals->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank, |
2517 | locals->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip, |
2518 | locals->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank, |
2519 | locals->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip, |
2520 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable, |
2521 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock, |
2522 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY, |
2523 | locals->BytePerPixelDETC, |
2524 | mode_lib->vba.SourceScan, |
2525 | locals->dpte_row_height, |
2526 | locals->dpte_row_height_chroma, |
2527 | locals->meta_row_width, |
2528 | locals->meta_row_height, |
2529 | locals->meta_req_width, |
2530 | locals->meta_req_height, |
2531 | locals->dpte_group_bytes, |
2532 | locals->PTERequestSizeY, |
2533 | locals->PTERequestSizeC, |
2534 | locals->PixelPTEReqWidthY, |
2535 | locals->PixelPTEReqHeightY, |
2536 | locals->PixelPTEReqWidthC, |
2537 | locals->PixelPTEReqHeightC, |
2538 | locals->dpte_row_width_luma_ub, |
2539 | locals->dpte_row_width_chroma_ub, |
2540 | locals->vm_group_bytes, |
2541 | locals->dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l, |
2542 | locals->dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c, |
2543 | locals->meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l, |
2544 | locals->meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c, |
2545 | locals->DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_L, |
2546 | locals->DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_C, |
2547 | locals->DST_Y_PER_META_ROW_NOM_L, |
2548 | locals->TimePerMetaChunkNominal, |
2549 | locals->TimePerMetaChunkVBlank, |
2550 | locals->TimePerMetaChunkFlip, |
2551 | locals->time_per_pte_group_nom_luma, |
2552 | locals->time_per_pte_group_vblank_luma, |
2553 | locals->time_per_pte_group_flip_luma, |
2554 | locals->time_per_pte_group_nom_chroma, |
2555 | locals->time_per_pte_group_vblank_chroma, |
2556 | locals->time_per_pte_group_flip_chroma, |
2557 | locals->TimePerVMGroupVBlank, |
2558 | locals->TimePerVMGroupFlip, |
2559 | locals->TimePerVMRequestVBlank, |
2560 | locals->TimePerVMRequestFlip); |
2561 | |
2562 | |
2563 | |
2564 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2565 | if (mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][mode_lib->vba.maxMpcComb] == 0) { |
2566 | locals->AllowDRAMClockChangeDuringVBlank[k] = true; |
2567 | locals->AllowDRAMSelfRefreshDuringVBlank[k] = true; |
2568 | locals->MinTTUVBlank[k] = dml_max( |
2569 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
2570 | dml_max( |
2571 | mode_lib->vba.StutterEnterPlusExitWatermark, |
2572 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentWatermark)); |
2573 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][mode_lib->vba.maxMpcComb] == 1) { |
2574 | locals->AllowDRAMClockChangeDuringVBlank[k] = false; |
2575 | locals->AllowDRAMSelfRefreshDuringVBlank[k] = true; |
2576 | locals->MinTTUVBlank[k] = dml_max( |
2577 | mode_lib->vba.StutterEnterPlusExitWatermark, |
2578 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentWatermark); |
2579 | } else { |
2580 | locals->AllowDRAMClockChangeDuringVBlank[k] = false; |
2581 | locals->AllowDRAMSelfRefreshDuringVBlank[k] = false; |
2582 | locals->MinTTUVBlank[k] = mode_lib->vba.UrgentWatermark; |
2583 | } |
2584 | if (!mode_lib->vba.DynamicMetadataEnable[k]) |
2585 | locals->MinTTUVBlank[k] = mode_lib->vba.TCalc |
2586 | + locals->MinTTUVBlank[k]; |
2587 | } |
2588 | |
2589 | |
2590 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveDPPs = 0; |
2591 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2592 | locals->MaximumDCCCompressionYSurface[k] = CalculateDCCConfiguration( |
2593 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
2594 | false, |
2595 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k], |
2596 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k], |
2597 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0] * 1024, |
2598 | locals->BlockHeight256BytesY[k], |
2599 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k], |
2600 | mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k], |
2601 | locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], |
2602 | mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k], |
2603 | &locals->DCCYMaxUncompressedBlock[k], |
2604 | &locals->DCCYMaxCompressedBlock[k], |
2605 | &locals->DCCYIndependent64ByteBlock[k]); |
2606 | } |
2607 | |
2608 | |
2609 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2610 | if (mode_lib->vba.XFCEnabled[k] == true) { |
2611 | double TWait; |
2612 | |
2613 | locals->XFCSlaveVUpdateOffset[k] = mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateOffset; |
2614 | locals->XFCSlaveVupdateWidth[k] = mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateWidth; |
2615 | locals->XFCSlaveVReadyOffset[k] = mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVreadyOffset; |
2616 | TWait = CalculateTWait( |
2617 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][mode_lib->vba.maxMpcComb], |
2618 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
2619 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
2620 | mode_lib->vba.SREnterPlusExitTime); |
2621 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay = CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay( |
2622 | mode_lib, |
2623 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
2624 | locals->SwathWidthY[k], |
2625 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1), |
2626 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
2627 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateOffset, |
2628 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateWidth, |
2629 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVreadyOffset, |
2630 | mode_lib->vba.XFCXBUFLatencyTolerance, |
2631 | mode_lib->vba.XFCFillBWOverhead, |
2632 | mode_lib->vba.XFCSlvChunkSize, |
2633 | mode_lib->vba.XFCBusTransportTime, |
2634 | mode_lib->vba.TCalc, |
2635 | TWait, |
2636 | &mode_lib->vba.SrcActiveDrainRate, |
2637 | &mode_lib->vba.TInitXFill, |
2638 | &mode_lib->vba.TslvChk); |
2639 | locals->XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipLatency[k] = |
2640 | dml_floor( |
2641 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay |
2642 | / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2643 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]), |
2644 | 1); |
2645 | locals->XFCTransferDelay[k] = |
2646 | dml_ceil( |
2647 | mode_lib->vba.XFCBusTransportTime |
2648 | / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2649 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]), |
2650 | 1); |
2651 | locals->XFCPrechargeDelay[k] = |
2652 | dml_ceil( |
2653 | (mode_lib->vba.XFCBusTransportTime |
2654 | + mode_lib->vba.TInitXFill |
2655 | + mode_lib->vba.TslvChk) |
2656 | / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2657 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]), |
2658 | 1); |
2659 | mode_lib->vba.InitFillLevel = mode_lib->vba.XFCXBUFLatencyTolerance |
2660 | * mode_lib->vba.SrcActiveDrainRate; |
2661 | mode_lib->vba.FinalFillMargin = |
2662 | (locals->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank[k] |
2663 | + locals->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[k]) |
2664 | * mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2665 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
2666 | * mode_lib->vba.SrcActiveDrainRate |
2667 | + mode_lib->vba.XFCFillConstant; |
2668 | mode_lib->vba.FinalFillLevel = mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay |
2669 | * mode_lib->vba.SrcActiveDrainRate |
2670 | + mode_lib->vba.FinalFillMargin; |
2671 | mode_lib->vba.RemainingFillLevel = dml_max( |
2672 | 0.0, |
2673 | mode_lib->vba.FinalFillLevel - mode_lib->vba.InitFillLevel); |
2674 | mode_lib->vba.TFinalxFill = mode_lib->vba.RemainingFillLevel |
2675 | / (mode_lib->vba.SrcActiveDrainRate |
2676 | * mode_lib->vba.XFCFillBWOverhead / 100); |
2677 | locals->XFCPrefetchMargin[k] = |
2678 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay |
2679 | + mode_lib->vba.TFinalxFill |
2680 | + (locals->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank[k] |
2681 | + locals->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[k]) |
2682 | * mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2683 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
2684 | } else { |
2685 | locals->XFCSlaveVUpdateOffset[k] = 0; |
2686 | locals->XFCSlaveVupdateWidth[k] = 0; |
2687 | locals->XFCSlaveVReadyOffset[k] = 0; |
2688 | locals->XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipLatency[k] = 0; |
2689 | locals->XFCPrechargeDelay[k] = 0; |
2690 | locals->XFCTransferDelay[k] = 0; |
2691 | locals->XFCPrefetchMargin[k] = 0; |
2692 | } |
2693 | } |
2694 | |
2695 | |
2696 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2697 | CalculateDETBufferSize( |
2698 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0], |
2699 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k], |
2700 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC[k], |
2701 | &locals->DETBufferSizeY[k], |
2702 | &locals->DETBufferSizeC[k]); |
2703 | |
2704 | locals->LinesInDETY[k] = (double)locals->DETBufferSizeY[k] |
2705 | / locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k] / locals->SwathWidthY[k]; |
2706 | locals->LinesInDETYRoundedDownToSwath[k] = dml_floor( |
2707 | locals->LinesInDETY[k], |
2708 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k]); |
2709 | locals->FullDETBufferingTimeY[k] = |
2710 | locals->LinesInDETYRoundedDownToSwath[k] |
2711 | * (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2712 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) |
2713 | / mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k]; |
2714 | } |
2715 | |
2716 | mode_lib->vba.StutterPeriod = 999999.0; |
2717 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2718 | if (locals->FullDETBufferingTimeY[k] < mode_lib->vba.StutterPeriod) { |
2719 | mode_lib->vba.StutterPeriod = locals->FullDETBufferingTimeY[k]; |
2720 | mode_lib->vba.FrameTimeForMinFullDETBufferingTime = |
2721 | (double) mode_lib->vba.VTotal[k] * mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2722 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
2723 | locals->BytePerPixelYCriticalPlane = dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1); |
2724 | locals->SwathWidthYCriticalPlane = locals->SwathWidthY[k]; |
2725 | locals->LinesToFinishSwathTransferStutterCriticalPlane = |
2726 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k] - (locals->LinesInDETY[k] - locals->LinesInDETYRoundedDownToSwath[k]); |
2727 | } |
2728 | } |
2729 | |
2730 | mode_lib->vba.AverageReadBandwidth = 0.0; |
2731 | mode_lib->vba.TotalRowReadBandwidth = 0.0; |
2732 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2733 | unsigned int DCCRateLimit; |
2734 | |
2735 | if (mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k]) { |
2736 | if (locals->DCCYMaxCompressedBlock[k] == 256) |
2737 | DCCRateLimit = 4; |
2738 | else |
2739 | DCCRateLimit = 2; |
2740 | |
2741 | mode_lib->vba.AverageReadBandwidth = |
2742 | mode_lib->vba.AverageReadBandwidth |
2743 | + (locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k]) / |
2744 | dml_min(mode_lib->vba.DCCRate[k], DCCRateLimit); |
2745 | } else { |
2746 | mode_lib->vba.AverageReadBandwidth = |
2747 | mode_lib->vba.AverageReadBandwidth |
2748 | + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] |
2749 | + locals->ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k]; |
2750 | } |
2751 | mode_lib->vba.TotalRowReadBandwidth = mode_lib->vba.TotalRowReadBandwidth + |
2752 | locals->meta_row_bw[k] + locals->dpte_row_bw[k]; |
2753 | } |
2754 | |
2755 | mode_lib->vba.AverageDCCCompressionRate = mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth / mode_lib->vba.AverageReadBandwidth; |
2756 | |
2757 | mode_lib->vba.PartOfBurstThatFitsInROB = |
2758 | dml_min( |
2759 | mode_lib->vba.StutterPeriod |
2760 | * mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth, |
2761 | mode_lib->vba.ROBBufferSizeInKByte * 1024 |
2762 | * mode_lib->vba.AverageDCCCompressionRate); |
2763 | mode_lib->vba.StutterBurstTime = mode_lib->vba.PartOfBurstThatFitsInROB |
2764 | / mode_lib->vba.AverageDCCCompressionRate / mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW |
2765 | + (mode_lib->vba.StutterPeriod * mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth |
2766 | - mode_lib->vba.PartOfBurstThatFitsInROB) |
2767 | / (mode_lib->vba.DCFCLK * 64) |
2768 | + mode_lib->vba.StutterPeriod * mode_lib->vba.TotalRowReadBandwidth / mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW; |
2769 | mode_lib->vba.StutterBurstTime = dml_max( |
2770 | mode_lib->vba.StutterBurstTime, |
2771 | (locals->LinesToFinishSwathTransferStutterCriticalPlane * locals->BytePerPixelYCriticalPlane * |
2772 | locals->SwathWidthYCriticalPlane / mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW) |
2773 | ); |
2774 | |
2775 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback = 0; |
2776 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2777 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
2778 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback = mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback + 1; |
2779 | } |
2780 | } |
2781 | |
2782 | if (mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback == 0) { |
2783 | mode_lib->vba.StutterEfficiencyNotIncludingVBlank = (1 |
2784 | - (mode_lib->vba.SRExitTime + mode_lib->vba.StutterBurstTime) |
2785 | / mode_lib->vba.StutterPeriod) * 100; |
2786 | } else { |
2787 | mode_lib->vba.StutterEfficiencyNotIncludingVBlank = 0; |
2788 | } |
2789 | |
2790 | mode_lib->vba.SmallestVBlank = 999999; |
2791 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2792 | if (mode_lib->vba.SynchronizedVBlank || mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes == 1) { |
2793 | mode_lib->vba.VBlankTime = (double) (mode_lib->vba.VTotal[k] |
2794 | - mode_lib->vba.VActive[k]) * mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
2795 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
2796 | } else { |
2797 | mode_lib->vba.VBlankTime = 0; |
2798 | } |
2799 | mode_lib->vba.SmallestVBlank = dml_min( |
2800 | mode_lib->vba.SmallestVBlank, |
2801 | mode_lib->vba.VBlankTime); |
2802 | } |
2803 | |
2804 | mode_lib->vba.StutterEfficiency = (mode_lib->vba.StutterEfficiencyNotIncludingVBlank / 100 |
2805 | * (mode_lib->vba.FrameTimeForMinFullDETBufferingTime |
2806 | - mode_lib->vba.SmallestVBlank) |
2807 | + mode_lib->vba.SmallestVBlank) |
2808 | / mode_lib->vba.FrameTimeForMinFullDETBufferingTime * 100; |
2809 | } |
2810 | |
2811 | static void DisplayPipeConfiguration(struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib) |
2812 | { |
2813 | |
2814 | double BytePerPixDETY; |
2815 | double BytePerPixDETC; |
2816 | double Read256BytesBlockHeightY; |
2817 | double Read256BytesBlockHeightC; |
2818 | double Read256BytesBlockWidthY; |
2819 | double Read256BytesBlockWidthC; |
2820 | double MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2821 | double MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2822 | double MinimumSwathHeightY; |
2823 | double MinimumSwathHeightC; |
2824 | double SwathWidth; |
2825 | double SwathWidthGranularityY; |
2826 | double SwathWidthGranularityC; |
2827 | double RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY; |
2828 | double RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC; |
2829 | unsigned int j, k; |
2830 | |
2831 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
2832 | bool MainPlaneDoesODMCombine = false; |
2833 | |
2834 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64) { |
2835 | BytePerPixDETY = 8; |
2836 | BytePerPixDETC = 0; |
2837 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32) { |
2838 | BytePerPixDETY = 4; |
2839 | BytePerPixDETC = 0; |
2840 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_16) { |
2841 | BytePerPixDETY = 2; |
2842 | BytePerPixDETC = 0; |
2843 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_8) { |
2844 | BytePerPixDETY = 1; |
2845 | BytePerPixDETC = 0; |
2846 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8) { |
2847 | BytePerPixDETY = 1; |
2848 | BytePerPixDETC = 2; |
2849 | } else { |
2850 | BytePerPixDETY = 4.0 / 3.0; |
2851 | BytePerPixDETC = 8.0 / 3.0; |
2852 | } |
2853 | |
2854 | if ((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64 |
2855 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32 |
2856 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_16 |
2857 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_8)) { |
2858 | if (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear) { |
2859 | Read256BytesBlockHeightY = 1; |
2860 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64) { |
2861 | Read256BytesBlockHeightY = 4; |
2862 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32 |
2863 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_16) { |
2864 | Read256BytesBlockHeightY = 8; |
2865 | } else { |
2866 | Read256BytesBlockHeightY = 16; |
2867 | } |
2868 | Read256BytesBlockWidthY = 256 / dml_ceil(BytePerPixDETY, 1) |
2869 | / Read256BytesBlockHeightY; |
2870 | Read256BytesBlockHeightC = 0; |
2871 | Read256BytesBlockWidthC = 0; |
2872 | } else { |
2873 | if (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear) { |
2874 | Read256BytesBlockHeightY = 1; |
2875 | Read256BytesBlockHeightC = 1; |
2876 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8) { |
2877 | Read256BytesBlockHeightY = 16; |
2878 | Read256BytesBlockHeightC = 8; |
2879 | } else { |
2880 | Read256BytesBlockHeightY = 8; |
2881 | Read256BytesBlockHeightC = 8; |
2882 | } |
2883 | Read256BytesBlockWidthY = 256 / dml_ceil(BytePerPixDETY, 1) |
2884 | / Read256BytesBlockHeightY; |
2885 | Read256BytesBlockWidthC = 256 / dml_ceil(BytePerPixDETC, 2) |
2886 | / Read256BytesBlockHeightC; |
2887 | } |
2888 | |
2889 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
2890 | MaximumSwathHeightY = Read256BytesBlockHeightY; |
2891 | MaximumSwathHeightC = Read256BytesBlockHeightC; |
2892 | } else { |
2893 | MaximumSwathHeightY = Read256BytesBlockWidthY; |
2894 | MaximumSwathHeightC = Read256BytesBlockWidthC; |
2895 | } |
2896 | |
2897 | if ((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64 |
2898 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32 |
2899 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_16 |
2900 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_8)) { |
2901 | if (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear |
2902 | || (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64 |
2903 | && (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
2904 | == dm_sw_4kb_s |
2905 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
2906 | == dm_sw_4kb_s_x |
2907 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
2908 | == dm_sw_64kb_s |
2909 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
2910 | == dm_sw_64kb_s_t |
2911 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
2912 | == dm_sw_64kb_s_x |
2913 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
2914 | == dm_sw_var_s |
2915 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
2916 | == dm_sw_var_s_x) |
2917 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz)) { |
2918 | MinimumSwathHeightY = MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2919 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_8 |
2920 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] != dm_horz) { |
2921 | MinimumSwathHeightY = MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2922 | } else { |
2923 | MinimumSwathHeightY = MaximumSwathHeightY / 2.0; |
2924 | } |
2925 | MinimumSwathHeightC = MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2926 | } else { |
2927 | if (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear) { |
2928 | MinimumSwathHeightY = MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2929 | MinimumSwathHeightC = MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2930 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8 |
2931 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
2932 | MinimumSwathHeightY = MaximumSwathHeightY / 2.0; |
2933 | MinimumSwathHeightC = MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2934 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10 |
2935 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
2936 | MinimumSwathHeightC = MaximumSwathHeightC / 2.0; |
2937 | MinimumSwathHeightY = MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2938 | } else { |
2939 | MinimumSwathHeightY = MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2940 | MinimumSwathHeightC = MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2941 | } |
2942 | } |
2943 | |
2944 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
2945 | SwathWidth = mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k]; |
2946 | } else { |
2947 | SwathWidth = mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k]; |
2948 | } |
2949 | |
2950 | if (mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) { |
2951 | MainPlaneDoesODMCombine = true; |
2952 | } |
2953 | for (j = 0; j < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++j) { |
2954 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == j |
2955 | && mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) { |
2956 | MainPlaneDoesODMCombine = true; |
2957 | } |
2958 | } |
2959 | |
2960 | if (MainPlaneDoesODMCombine == true) { |
2961 | SwathWidth = dml_min( |
2962 | SwathWidth, |
2963 | mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] / 2.0 * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k]); |
2964 | } else { |
2965 | SwathWidth = SwathWidth / mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane[k]; |
2966 | } |
2967 | |
2968 | SwathWidthGranularityY = 256 / dml_ceil(BytePerPixDETY, 1) / MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2969 | RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY = (dml_ceil( |
2970 | (double) (SwathWidth - 1), |
2971 | SwathWidthGranularityY) + SwathWidthGranularityY) * BytePerPixDETY |
2972 | * MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2973 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10) { |
2974 | RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY = dml_ceil(RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY, 256) |
2975 | + 256; |
2976 | } |
2977 | if (MaximumSwathHeightC > 0) { |
2978 | SwathWidthGranularityC = 256.0 / dml_ceil(BytePerPixDETC, 2) |
2979 | / MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2980 | RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC = (dml_ceil( |
2981 | (double) (SwathWidth / 2.0 - 1), |
2982 | SwathWidthGranularityC) + SwathWidthGranularityC) |
2983 | * BytePerPixDETC * MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2984 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10) { |
2985 | RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC = dml_ceil( |
2986 | RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC, |
2987 | 256) + 256; |
2988 | } |
2989 | } else |
2990 | RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC = 0.0; |
2991 | |
2992 | if (RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY + RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC |
2993 | <= mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0] * 1024.0 / 2.0) { |
2994 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k] = MaximumSwathHeightY; |
2995 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC[k] = MaximumSwathHeightC; |
2996 | } else { |
2997 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k] = MinimumSwathHeightY; |
2998 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC[k] = MinimumSwathHeightC; |
2999 | } |
3000 | |
3001 | CalculateDETBufferSize( |
3002 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0], |
3003 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightY[k], |
3004 | mode_lib->vba.SwathHeightC[k], |
3005 | &mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeY[k], |
3006 | &mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeC[k]); |
3007 | } |
3008 | } |
3009 | |
3010 | static double CalculateTWait( |
3011 | unsigned int PrefetchMode, |
3012 | double DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
3013 | double UrgentLatency, |
3014 | double SREnterPlusExitTime) |
3015 | { |
3016 | if (PrefetchMode == 0) { |
3017 | return dml_max( |
3018 | DRAMClockChangeLatency + UrgentLatency, |
3019 | dml_max(SREnterPlusExitTime, UrgentLatency)); |
3020 | } else if (PrefetchMode == 1) { |
3021 | return dml_max(SREnterPlusExitTime, UrgentLatency); |
3022 | } else { |
3023 | return UrgentLatency; |
3024 | } |
3025 | } |
3026 | |
3027 | static double CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay( |
3028 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
3029 | double VRatio, |
3030 | double SwathWidth, |
3031 | double Bpp, |
3032 | double LineTime, |
3033 | double XFCTSlvVupdateOffset, |
3034 | double XFCTSlvVupdateWidth, |
3035 | double XFCTSlvVreadyOffset, |
3036 | double XFCXBUFLatencyTolerance, |
3037 | double XFCFillBWOverhead, |
3038 | double XFCSlvChunkSize, |
3039 | double XFCBusTransportTime, |
3040 | double TCalc, |
3041 | double TWait, |
3042 | double *SrcActiveDrainRate, |
3043 | double *TInitXFill, |
3044 | double *TslvChk) |
3045 | { |
3046 | double TSlvSetup, AvgfillRate, result; |
3047 | |
3048 | *SrcActiveDrainRate = VRatio * SwathWidth * Bpp / LineTime; |
3049 | TSlvSetup = XFCTSlvVupdateOffset + XFCTSlvVupdateWidth + XFCTSlvVreadyOffset; |
3050 | *TInitXFill = XFCXBUFLatencyTolerance / (1 + XFCFillBWOverhead / 100); |
3051 | AvgfillRate = *SrcActiveDrainRate * (1 + XFCFillBWOverhead / 100); |
3052 | *TslvChk = XFCSlvChunkSize / AvgfillRate; |
3053 | dml_print( |
3054 | "DML::CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: SrcActiveDrainRate: %f\n", |
3055 | *SrcActiveDrainRate); |
3056 | dml_print("DML::CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: TSlvSetup: %f\n", TSlvSetup); |
3057 | dml_print("DML::CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: TInitXFill: %f\n", *TInitXFill); |
3058 | dml_print("DML::CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: AvgfillRate: %f\n", AvgfillRate); |
3059 | dml_print("DML::CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: TslvChk: %f\n", *TslvChk); |
3060 | result = 2 * XFCBusTransportTime + TSlvSetup + TCalc + TWait + *TslvChk + *TInitXFill; |
3061 | dml_print("DML::CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: RemoteSurfaceFlipDelay: %f\n", result); |
3062 | return result; |
3063 | } |
3064 | |
3065 | static double CalculateWriteBackDelay( |
3066 | enum source_format_class WritebackPixelFormat, |
3067 | double WritebackHRatio, |
3068 | double WritebackVRatio, |
3069 | unsigned int WritebackLumaHTaps, |
3070 | unsigned int WritebackLumaVTaps, |
3071 | unsigned int WritebackChromaHTaps, |
3072 | unsigned int WritebackChromaVTaps, |
3073 | unsigned int WritebackDestinationWidth) |
3074 | { |
3075 | double CalculateWriteBackDelay = |
3076 | dml_max( |
3077 | dml_ceil(WritebackLumaHTaps / 4.0, 1) / WritebackHRatio, |
3078 | WritebackLumaVTaps * dml_ceil(1.0 / WritebackVRatio, 1) |
3079 | * dml_ceil( |
3080 | WritebackDestinationWidth |
3081 | / 4.0, |
3082 | 1) |
3083 | + dml_ceil(1.0 / WritebackVRatio, 1) |
3084 | * (dml_ceil( |
3085 | WritebackLumaVTaps |
3086 | / 4.0, |
3087 | 1) + 4)); |
3088 | |
3089 | if (WritebackPixelFormat != dm_444_32) { |
3090 | CalculateWriteBackDelay = |
3091 | dml_max( |
3092 | CalculateWriteBackDelay, |
3093 | dml_max( |
3094 | dml_ceil( |
3095 | WritebackChromaHTaps |
3096 | / 2.0, |
3097 | 1) |
3098 | / (2 |
3099 | * WritebackHRatio), |
3100 | WritebackChromaVTaps |
3101 | * dml_ceil( |
3102 | 1 |
3103 | / (2 |
3104 | * WritebackVRatio), |
3105 | 1) |
3106 | * dml_ceil( |
3107 | WritebackDestinationWidth |
3108 | / 2.0 |
3109 | / 2.0, |
3110 | 1) |
3111 | + dml_ceil( |
3112 | 1 |
3113 | / (2 |
3114 | * WritebackVRatio), |
3115 | 1) |
3116 | * (dml_ceil( |
3117 | WritebackChromaVTaps |
3118 | / 4.0, |
3119 | 1) |
3120 | + 4))); |
3121 | } |
3122 | return CalculateWriteBackDelay; |
3123 | } |
3124 | |
3125 | static void CalculateActiveRowBandwidth( |
3126 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
3127 | enum source_format_class SourcePixelFormat, |
3128 | double VRatio, |
3129 | bool DCCEnable, |
3130 | double LineTime, |
3131 | unsigned int MetaRowByteLuma, |
3132 | unsigned int MetaRowByteChroma, |
3133 | unsigned int meta_row_height_luma, |
3134 | unsigned int meta_row_height_chroma, |
3135 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRowLuma, |
3136 | unsigned int PixelPTEBytesPerRowChroma, |
3137 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_luma, |
3138 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_chroma, |
3139 | double *meta_row_bw, |
3140 | double *dpte_row_bw) |
3141 | { |
3142 | if (DCCEnable != true) { |
3143 | *meta_row_bw = 0; |
3144 | } else if (SourcePixelFormat == dm_420_8 || SourcePixelFormat == dm_420_10) { |
3145 | *meta_row_bw = VRatio * MetaRowByteLuma / (meta_row_height_luma * LineTime) |
3146 | + VRatio / 2 * MetaRowByteChroma |
3147 | / (meta_row_height_chroma * LineTime); |
3148 | } else { |
3149 | *meta_row_bw = VRatio * MetaRowByteLuma / (meta_row_height_luma * LineTime); |
3150 | } |
3151 | |
3152 | if (GPUVMEnable != true) { |
3153 | *dpte_row_bw = 0; |
3154 | } else if (SourcePixelFormat == dm_420_8 || SourcePixelFormat == dm_420_10) { |
3155 | *dpte_row_bw = VRatio * PixelPTEBytesPerRowLuma / (dpte_row_height_luma * LineTime) |
3156 | + VRatio / 2 * PixelPTEBytesPerRowChroma |
3157 | / (dpte_row_height_chroma * LineTime); |
3158 | } else { |
3159 | *dpte_row_bw = VRatio * PixelPTEBytesPerRowLuma / (dpte_row_height_luma * LineTime); |
3160 | } |
3161 | } |
3162 | |
3163 | static void CalculateFlipSchedule( |
3164 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
3165 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
3166 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
3167 | double UrgentExtraLatency, |
3168 | double UrgentLatency, |
3169 | unsigned int GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
3170 | bool HostVMEnable, |
3171 | unsigned int HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
3172 | unsigned int HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
3173 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
3174 | double PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame, |
3175 | double MetaRowBytes, |
3176 | double DPTEBytesPerRow, |
3177 | double BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip, |
3178 | unsigned int TotImmediateFlipBytes, |
3179 | enum source_format_class SourcePixelFormat, |
3180 | double LineTime, |
3181 | double VRatio, |
3182 | double Tno_bw, |
3183 | bool DCCEnable, |
3184 | unsigned int dpte_row_height, |
3185 | unsigned int meta_row_height, |
3186 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_chroma, |
3187 | unsigned int meta_row_height_chroma, |
3188 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip, |
3189 | double *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip, |
3190 | double *final_flip_bw, |
3191 | bool *ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe) |
3192 | { |
3193 | double min_row_time = 0.0; |
3194 | unsigned int HostVMDynamicLevels; |
3195 | double TimeForFetchingMetaPTEImmediateFlip; |
3196 | double TimeForFetchingRowInVBlankImmediateFlip; |
3197 | double ImmediateFlipBW; |
3198 | double HostVMInefficiencyFactor; |
3199 | double VRatioClamped; |
3200 | |
3201 | if (GPUVMEnable == true && HostVMEnable == true) { |
3202 | HostVMInefficiencyFactor = |
3203 | PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData |
3204 | / PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly; |
3205 | HostVMDynamicLevels = HostVMMaxPageTableLevels - HostVMCachedPageTableLevels; |
3206 | } else { |
3207 | HostVMInefficiencyFactor = 1; |
3208 | HostVMDynamicLevels = 0; |
3209 | } |
3210 | |
3211 | ImmediateFlipBW = (PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame + MetaRowBytes + DPTEBytesPerRow) |
3212 | * BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip / TotImmediateFlipBytes; |
3213 | |
3214 | if (GPUVMEnable == true) { |
3215 | TimeForFetchingMetaPTEImmediateFlip = dml_max3( |
3216 | Tno_bw + PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / ImmediateFlipBW, |
3217 | UrgentExtraLatency + UrgentLatency * (GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1) - 1), |
3218 | LineTime / 4.0); |
3219 | } else { |
3220 | TimeForFetchingMetaPTEImmediateFlip = 0; |
3221 | } |
3222 | |
3223 | *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip = dml_ceil(4.0 * (TimeForFetchingMetaPTEImmediateFlip / LineTime), 1) / 4.0; |
3224 | if ((GPUVMEnable == true || DCCEnable == true)) { |
3225 | TimeForFetchingRowInVBlankImmediateFlip = dml_max3((MetaRowBytes + DPTEBytesPerRow) * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / ImmediateFlipBW, UrgentLatency * (HostVMDynamicLevels + 1), LineTime / 4); |
3226 | } else { |
3227 | TimeForFetchingRowInVBlankImmediateFlip = 0; |
3228 | } |
3229 | |
3230 | *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip = dml_ceil(4.0 * (TimeForFetchingRowInVBlankImmediateFlip / LineTime), 1) / 4.0; |
3231 | *final_flip_bw = dml_max(PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / (*DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip * LineTime), (MetaRowBytes + DPTEBytesPerRow) * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / (*DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip * LineTime)); |
3232 | VRatioClamped = (VRatio < 1.0) ? 1.0 : VRatio; |
3233 | if (SourcePixelFormat == dm_420_8 || SourcePixelFormat == dm_420_10) { |
3234 | if (GPUVMEnable == true && DCCEnable != true) { |
3235 | min_row_time = dml_min( |
3236 | dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped, |
3237 | dpte_row_height_chroma * LineTime / (VRatioClamped / 2)); |
3238 | } else if (GPUVMEnable != true && DCCEnable == true) { |
3239 | min_row_time = dml_min( |
3240 | meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped, |
3241 | meta_row_height_chroma * LineTime / (VRatioClamped / 2)); |
3242 | } else { |
3243 | min_row_time = dml_min4( |
3244 | dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped, |
3245 | meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped, |
3246 | dpte_row_height_chroma * LineTime / (VRatioClamped / 2), |
3247 | meta_row_height_chroma * LineTime / (VRatioClamped / 2)); |
3248 | } |
3249 | } else { |
3250 | if (GPUVMEnable == true && DCCEnable != true) { |
3251 | min_row_time = dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped; |
3252 | } else if (GPUVMEnable != true && DCCEnable == true) { |
3253 | min_row_time = meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped; |
3254 | } else { |
3255 | min_row_time = dml_min( |
3256 | dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped, |
3257 | meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatioClamped); |
3258 | } |
3259 | } |
3260 | |
3261 | if (*DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip >= 32 |
3262 | || *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip >= 16 |
3263 | || TimeForFetchingMetaPTEImmediateFlip + 2 * TimeForFetchingRowInVBlankImmediateFlip > min_row_time) { |
3264 | *ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe = false; |
3265 | } else { |
3266 | *ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe = true; |
3267 | } |
3268 | } |
3269 | |
3270 | static unsigned int TruncToValidBPP( |
3271 | double DecimalBPP, |
3272 | double DesiredBPP, |
3273 | bool DSCEnabled, |
3274 | enum output_encoder_class Output, |
3275 | enum output_format_class Format, |
3276 | unsigned int DSCInputBitPerComponent) |
3277 | { |
3278 | if (Output == dm_hdmi) { |
3279 | if (Format == dm_420) { |
3280 | if (DecimalBPP >= 18 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 18)) |
3281 | return 18; |
3282 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 15 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 15)) |
3283 | return 15; |
3284 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 12 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 12)) |
3285 | return 12; |
3286 | else |
3287 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3288 | } else if (Format == dm_444) { |
3289 | if (DecimalBPP >= 36 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 36)) |
3290 | return 36; |
3291 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 30 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 30)) |
3292 | return 30; |
3293 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 24 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 24)) |
3294 | return 24; |
3295 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 18 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 18)) |
3296 | return 18; |
3297 | else |
3298 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3299 | } else { |
3300 | if (DecimalBPP / 1.5 >= 24 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 24)) |
3301 | return 24; |
3302 | else if (DecimalBPP / 1.5 >= 20 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 20)) |
3303 | return 20; |
3304 | else if (DecimalBPP / 1.5 >= 16 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 16)) |
3305 | return 16; |
3306 | else |
3307 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3308 | } |
3309 | } else { |
3310 | if (DSCEnabled) { |
3311 | if (Format == dm_420) { |
3312 | if (DesiredBPP == 0) { |
3313 | if (DecimalBPP < 6) |
3314 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3315 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 1.5 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0) |
3316 | return 1.5 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0; |
3317 | else |
3318 | return dml_floor(16 * DecimalBPP, 1) / 16.0; |
3319 | } else { |
3320 | if (DecimalBPP < 6 |
3321 | || DesiredBPP < 6 |
3322 | || DesiredBPP > 1.5 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0 |
3323 | || DecimalBPP < DesiredBPP) { |
3324 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3325 | } else { |
3326 | return DesiredBPP; |
3327 | } |
3328 | } |
3329 | } else if (Format == dm_n422) { |
3330 | if (DesiredBPP == 0) { |
3331 | if (DecimalBPP < 7) |
3332 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3333 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 2 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0) |
3334 | return 2 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0; |
3335 | else |
3336 | return dml_floor(16 * DecimalBPP, 1) / 16.0; |
3337 | } else { |
3338 | if (DecimalBPP < 7 |
3339 | || DesiredBPP < 7 |
3340 | || DesiredBPP > 2 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0 |
3341 | || DecimalBPP < DesiredBPP) { |
3342 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3343 | } else { |
3344 | return DesiredBPP; |
3345 | } |
3346 | } |
3347 | } else { |
3348 | if (DesiredBPP == 0) { |
3349 | if (DecimalBPP < 8) |
3350 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3351 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 3 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0) |
3352 | return 3 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0; |
3353 | else |
3354 | return dml_floor(16 * DecimalBPP, 1) / 16.0; |
3355 | } else { |
3356 | if (DecimalBPP < 8 |
3357 | || DesiredBPP < 8 |
3358 | || DesiredBPP > 3 * DSCInputBitPerComponent - 1.0 / 16.0 |
3359 | || DecimalBPP < DesiredBPP) { |
3360 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3361 | } else { |
3362 | return DesiredBPP; |
3363 | } |
3364 | } |
3365 | } |
3366 | } else if (Format == dm_420) { |
3367 | if (DecimalBPP >= 18 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 18)) |
3368 | return 18; |
3369 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 15 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 15)) |
3370 | return 15; |
3371 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 12 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 12)) |
3372 | return 12; |
3373 | else |
3374 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3375 | } else if (Format == dm_s422 || Format == dm_n422) { |
3376 | if (DecimalBPP >= 24 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 24)) |
3377 | return 24; |
3378 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 20 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 20)) |
3379 | return 20; |
3380 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 16 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 16)) |
3381 | return 16; |
3382 | else |
3383 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3384 | } else { |
3385 | if (DecimalBPP >= 36 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 36)) |
3386 | return 36; |
3387 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 30 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 30)) |
3388 | return 30; |
3389 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 24 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 24)) |
3390 | return 24; |
3391 | else if (DecimalBPP >= 18 && (DesiredBPP == 0 || DesiredBPP == 18)) |
3392 | return 18; |
3393 | else |
3394 | return BPP_INVALID; |
3395 | } |
3396 | } |
3397 | } |
3398 | |
3399 | |
3400 | static noinline void CalculatePrefetchSchedulePerPlane( |
3401 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
3402 | int i, |
3403 | unsigned j, |
3404 | unsigned k) |
3405 | { |
3406 | struct vba_vars_st *locals = &mode_lib->vba; |
3407 | Pipe myPipe; |
3408 | HostVM myHostVM; |
3409 | |
3410 | if (mode_lib->vba.XFCEnabled[k] == true) { |
3411 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay = |
3412 | CalculateRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay( |
3413 | mode_lib, |
3414 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
3415 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k], |
3416 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k], 1.0), |
3417 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
3418 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateOffset, |
3419 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVupdateWidth, |
3420 | mode_lib->vba.XFCTSlvVreadyOffset, |
3421 | mode_lib->vba.XFCXBUFLatencyTolerance, |
3422 | mode_lib->vba.XFCFillBWOverhead, |
3423 | mode_lib->vba.XFCSlvChunkSize, |
3424 | mode_lib->vba.XFCBusTransportTime, |
3425 | mode_lib->vba.TimeCalc, |
3426 | mode_lib->vba.TWait, |
3427 | &mode_lib->vba.SrcActiveDrainRate, |
3428 | &mode_lib->vba.TInitXFill, |
3429 | &mode_lib->vba.TslvChk); |
3430 | } else { |
3431 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay = 0.0; |
3432 | } |
3433 | |
3434 | myPipe.DPPCLK = locals->RequiredDPPCLK[i][j][k]; |
3435 | myPipe.DISPCLK = locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j]; |
3436 | myPipe.PixelClock = mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
3437 | myPipe.DCFCLKDeepSleep = mode_lib->vba.ProjectedDCFCLKDeepSleep[0][0]; |
3438 | myPipe.DPPPerPlane = locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k]; |
3439 | myPipe.ScalerEnabled = mode_lib->vba.ScalerEnabled[k]; |
3440 | myPipe.SourceScan = mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k]; |
3441 | myPipe.BlockWidth256BytesY = locals->Read256BlockWidthY[k]; |
3442 | myPipe.BlockHeight256BytesY = locals->Read256BlockHeightY[k]; |
3443 | myPipe.BlockWidth256BytesC = locals->Read256BlockWidthC[k]; |
3444 | myPipe.BlockHeight256BytesC = locals->Read256BlockHeightC[k]; |
3445 | myPipe.InterlaceEnable = mode_lib->vba.Interlace[k]; |
3446 | myPipe.NumberOfCursors = mode_lib->vba.NumberOfCursors[k]; |
3447 | myPipe.VBlank = mode_lib->vba.VTotal[k] - mode_lib->vba.VActive[k]; |
3448 | myPipe.HTotal = mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k]; |
3449 | |
3450 | |
3451 | myHostVM.Enable = mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable; |
3452 | myHostVM.MaxPageTableLevels = mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels; |
3453 | myHostVM.CachedPageTableLevels = mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels; |
3454 | |
3455 | |
3456 | mode_lib->vba.IsErrorResult[i][j][k] = CalculatePrefetchSchedule( |
3457 | mode_lib, |
3458 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
3459 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
3460 | &myPipe, |
3461 | locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][k], |
3462 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
3463 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelaySCL, |
3464 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelaySCLLBOnly, |
3465 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelayCNVCFormater, |
3466 | mode_lib->vba.DPPCLKDelayCNVCCursor, |
3467 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDelaySubtotal, |
3468 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k] / mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k], |
3469 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
3470 | mode_lib->vba.MaxInterDCNTileRepeaters, |
3471 | dml_min(mode_lib->vba.MaxVStartup, locals->MaximumVStartup[0][0][k]), |
3472 | locals->MaximumVStartup[0][0][k], |
3473 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
3474 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
3475 | &myHostVM, |
3476 | mode_lib->vba.DynamicMetadataEnable[k], |
3477 | mode_lib->vba.DynamicMetadataLinesBeforeActiveRequired[k], |
3478 | mode_lib->vba.DynamicMetadataTransmittedBytes[k], |
3479 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
3480 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
3481 | mode_lib->vba.ExtraLatency, |
3482 | mode_lib->vba.TimeCalc, |
3483 | locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame[0][0][k], |
3484 | locals->MetaRowBytes[0][0][k], |
3485 | locals->DPTEBytesPerRow[0][0][k], |
3486 | locals->PrefetchLinesY[0][0][k], |
3487 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k], |
3488 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k], |
3489 | locals->PrefillY[k], |
3490 | locals->MaxNumSwY[k], |
3491 | locals->PrefetchLinesC[0][0][k], |
3492 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k], |
3493 | locals->PrefillC[k], |
3494 | locals->MaxNumSwC[k], |
3495 | locals->SwathHeightYThisState[k], |
3496 | locals->SwathHeightCThisState[k], |
3497 | mode_lib->vba.TWait, |
3498 | mode_lib->vba.XFCEnabled[k], |
3499 | mode_lib->vba.XFCRemoteSurfaceFlipDelay, |
3500 | mode_lib->vba.ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
3501 | &locals->dst_x_after_scaler, |
3502 | &locals->dst_y_after_scaler, |
3503 | &locals->LineTimesForPrefetch[k], |
3504 | &locals->PrefetchBW[k], |
3505 | &locals->LinesForMetaPTE[k], |
3506 | &locals->LinesForMetaAndDPTERow[k], |
3507 | &locals->VRatioPreY[i][j][k], |
3508 | &locals->VRatioPreC[i][j][k], |
3509 | &locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWLuma[i][j][k], |
3510 | &locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWChroma[i][j][k], |
3511 | &locals->VStartupRequiredWhenNotEnoughTimeForDynamicMetadata, |
3512 | &locals->Tno_bw[k], |
3513 | &locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
3514 | locals->swath_width_luma_ub, |
3515 | locals->swath_width_chroma_ub, |
3516 | &mode_lib->vba.VUpdateOffsetPix[k], |
3517 | &mode_lib->vba.VUpdateWidthPix[k], |
3518 | &mode_lib->vba.VReadyOffsetPix[k]); |
3519 | } |
3520 | void dml21_ModeSupportAndSystemConfigurationFull(struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib) |
3521 | { |
3522 | struct vba_vars_st *locals = &mode_lib->vba; |
3523 | |
3524 | int i; |
3525 | unsigned int j, k, m; |
3526 | |
3527 | |
3528 | |
3529 | |
3530 | |
3531 | mode_lib->vba.ScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = true; |
3532 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3533 | if (mode_lib->vba.ScalerEnabled[k] == false |
3534 | && ((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_64 |
3535 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_32 |
3536 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_16 |
3537 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_16 |
3538 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_8) |
3539 | || mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] != 1.0 |
3540 | || mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] != 1.0 |
3541 | || mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] != 1.0 |
3542 | || mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] != 1.0)) { |
3543 | mode_lib->vba.ScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = false; |
3544 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] < 1.0 || mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] > 8.0 |
3545 | || mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] < 1.0 || mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] > 8.0 |
3546 | || (mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] > 1.0 |
3547 | && (mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] % 2) == 1) |
3548 | || mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] > mode_lib->vba.MaxHSCLRatio |
3549 | || mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] > mode_lib->vba.MaxVSCLRatio |
3550 | || mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] > mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] |
3551 | || mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] > mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] |
3552 | || (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_64 |
3553 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_32 |
3554 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_16 |
3555 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_16 |
3556 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_8 |
3557 | && (mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] / 2.0 |
3558 | > mode_lib->vba.HTAPsChroma[k] |
3559 | || mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] / 2.0 |
3560 | > mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k]))) { |
3561 | mode_lib->vba.ScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = false; |
3562 | } |
3563 | } |
3564 | |
3565 | |
3566 | mode_lib->vba.SourceFormatPixelAndScanSupport = true; |
3567 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3568 | if ((mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear |
3569 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] != dm_horz) |
3570 | || ((mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_4kb_d |
3571 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_4kb_d_x |
3572 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_64kb_d |
3573 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_64kb_d_t |
3574 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_64kb_d_x |
3575 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_var_d |
3576 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_var_d_x) |
3577 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_64) |
3578 | || (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_64kb_r_x |
3579 | && (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_mono_8 |
3580 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] |
3581 | == dm_420_8 |
3582 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] |
3583 | == dm_420_10)) |
3584 | || (((mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_gfx7_2d_thin_gl |
3585 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3586 | == dm_sw_gfx7_2d_thin_l_vp) |
3587 | && !((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] |
3588 | == dm_444_64 |
3589 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] |
3590 | == dm_444_32) |
3591 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] |
3592 | == dm_horz |
3593 | && mode_lib->vba.SupportGFX7CompatibleTilingIn32bppAnd64bpp |
3594 | == true |
3595 | && mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k] |
3596 | == false)) |
3597 | || (mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k] == true |
3598 | && (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3599 | == dm_sw_linear |
3600 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] |
3601 | == dm_420_8 |
3602 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] |
3603 | == dm_420_10)))) { |
3604 | mode_lib->vba.SourceFormatPixelAndScanSupport = false; |
3605 | } |
3606 | } |
3607 | |
3608 | |
3609 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3610 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64) { |
3611 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] = 8.0; |
3612 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] = 0.0; |
3613 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32) { |
3614 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] = 4.0; |
3615 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] = 0.0; |
3616 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_16 |
3617 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_mono_16) { |
3618 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] = 2.0; |
3619 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] = 0.0; |
3620 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_mono_8) { |
3621 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] = 1.0; |
3622 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] = 0.0; |
3623 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8) { |
3624 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] = 1.0; |
3625 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] = 2.0; |
3626 | } else { |
3627 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] = 4.0 / 3; |
3628 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] = 8.0 / 3; |
3629 | } |
3630 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
3631 | locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] = mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k]; |
3632 | } else { |
3633 | locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] = mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k]; |
3634 | } |
3635 | } |
3636 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3637 | locals->ReadBandwidthLuma[k] = locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] * dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k], 1.0) |
3638 | / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k]; |
3639 | locals->ReadBandwidthChroma[k] = locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] / 2 * dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k], 2.0) |
3640 | / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] / 2.0; |
3641 | locals->ReadBandwidth[k] = locals->ReadBandwidthLuma[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthChroma[k]; |
3642 | } |
3643 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3644 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true |
3645 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32) { |
3646 | locals->WriteBandwidth[k] = mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3647 | * mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationHeight[k] |
3648 | / (mode_lib->vba.WritebackSourceHeight[k] |
3649 | * mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
3650 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * 4.0; |
3651 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true |
3652 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10) { |
3653 | locals->WriteBandwidth[k] = mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3654 | * mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationHeight[k] |
3655 | / (mode_lib->vba.WritebackSourceHeight[k] |
3656 | * mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
3657 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * 3.0; |
3658 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
3659 | locals->WriteBandwidth[k] = mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3660 | * mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationHeight[k] |
3661 | / (mode_lib->vba.WritebackSourceHeight[k] |
3662 | * mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] |
3663 | / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * 1.5; |
3664 | } else { |
3665 | locals->WriteBandwidth[k] = 0.0; |
3666 | } |
3667 | } |
3668 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnabledInAnyPlane = false; |
3669 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3670 | if (mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k] == true) { |
3671 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnabledInAnyPlane = true; |
3672 | } |
3673 | } |
3674 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
3675 | locals->IdealSDPPortBandwidthPerState[i][0] = dml_min3( |
3676 | mode_lib->vba.ReturnBusWidth * mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKPerState[i], |
3677 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMSpeedPerState[i] * mode_lib->vba.NumberOfChannels |
3678 | * mode_lib->vba.DRAMChannelWidth, |
3679 | mode_lib->vba.FabricClockPerState[i] |
3680 | * mode_lib->vba.FabricDatapathToDCNDataReturn); |
3681 | if (mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable == false) { |
3682 | locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0] = locals->IdealSDPPortBandwidthPerState[i][0] |
3683 | * mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelDataOnly / 100.0; |
3684 | } else { |
3685 | locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0] = locals->IdealSDPPortBandwidthPerState[i][0] |
3686 | * mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData / 100.0; |
3687 | } |
3688 | } |
3689 | |
3690 | |
3691 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatencySupport = true; |
3692 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3693 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
3694 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32) { |
3695 | if (locals->WriteBandwidth[k] |
3696 | > (mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize |
3697 | + mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize) |
3698 | / mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency) { |
3699 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatencySupport = false; |
3700 | } |
3701 | } else { |
3702 | if (locals->WriteBandwidth[k] |
3703 | > 1.5 |
3704 | * dml_min( |
3705 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize, |
3706 | 2.0 |
3707 | * mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize) |
3708 | / mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency) { |
3709 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatencySupport = false; |
3710 | } |
3711 | } |
3712 | } |
3713 | } |
3714 | |
3715 | |
3716 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
3717 | locals->UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatencyPerState[i] = |
3718 | (mode_lib->vba.RoundTripPingLatencyCycles + 32.0) / mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKPerState[i] |
3719 | + dml_max3(mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelPixelDataOnly, |
3720 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelPixelMixedWithVMData, |
3721 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelVMDataOnly) |
3722 | * mode_lib->vba.NumberOfChannels / locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0]; |
3723 | if ((mode_lib->vba.ROBBufferSizeInKByte - mode_lib->vba.PixelChunkSizeInKByte) * 1024.0 / locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0] |
3724 | > locals->UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatencyPerState[i]) { |
3725 | locals->ROBSupport[i][0] = true; |
3726 | } else { |
3727 | locals->ROBSupport[i][0] = false; |
3728 | } |
3729 | } |
3730 | |
3731 | |
3732 | mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveWriteback = 0; |
3733 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3734 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
3735 | if (mode_lib->vba.ActiveWritebacksPerPlane[k] == 0) |
3736 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveWritebacksPerPlane[k] = 1; |
3737 | mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveWriteback = |
3738 | mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveWriteback |
3739 | + mode_lib->vba.ActiveWritebacksPerPlane[k]; |
3740 | } |
3741 | } |
3742 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackModeSupport = true; |
3743 | if (mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveWriteback > mode_lib->vba.MaxNumWriteback) { |
3744 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackModeSupport = false; |
3745 | } |
3746 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3747 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true |
3748 | && mode_lib->vba.Writeback10bpc420Supported != true |
3749 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10) { |
3750 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackModeSupport = false; |
3751 | } |
3752 | } |
3753 | |
3754 | |
3755 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = true; |
3756 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3757 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
3758 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaAndChromaScalingSupported == false |
3759 | && (mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k] != 1.0 |
3760 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k] != 1.0)) { |
3761 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = false; |
3762 | } |
3763 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k] > mode_lib->vba.WritebackMaxHSCLRatio |
3764 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k] |
3765 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackMaxVSCLRatio |
3766 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k] |
3767 | < mode_lib->vba.WritebackMinHSCLRatio |
3768 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k] |
3769 | < mode_lib->vba.WritebackMinVSCLRatio |
3770 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k] |
3771 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackMaxHSCLTaps |
3772 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k] |
3773 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackMaxVSCLTaps |
3774 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k] |
3775 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k] |
3776 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k] |
3777 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k] |
3778 | || (mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k] > 2.0 |
3779 | && ((mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k] % 2) |
3780 | == 1)) |
3781 | || (mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] != dm_444_32 |
3782 | && (mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k] |
3783 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackMaxHSCLTaps |
3784 | || mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k] |
3785 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackMaxVSCLTaps |
3786 | || 2.0 |
3787 | * mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k] |
3788 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k] |
3789 | || 2.0 |
3790 | * mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k] |
3791 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k] |
3792 | || (mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k] > 2.0 |
3793 | && ((mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k] % 2) == 1))))) { |
3794 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = false; |
3795 | } |
3796 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k] < 1.0) { |
3797 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVExtra = |
3798 | dml_max(1.0 - 2.0 / dml_ceil(1.0 / mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k], 1.0), 0.0); |
3799 | } else { |
3800 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVExtra = -1; |
3801 | } |
3802 | if ((mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32 |
3803 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k] |
3804 | > (mode_lib->vba.WritebackLineBufferLumaBufferSize |
3805 | + mode_lib->vba.WritebackLineBufferChromaBufferSize) |
3806 | / 3.0 |
3807 | / mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3808 | - mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVExtra) |
3809 | || (mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8 |
3810 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k] |
3811 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackLineBufferLumaBufferSize |
3812 | * 8.0 / 10.0 / mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3813 | - mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVExtra) |
3814 | || (mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10 |
3815 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k] |
3816 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackLineBufferLumaBufferSize |
3817 | * 8.0 / 10.0 |
3818 | / mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3819 | - mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVExtra)) { |
3820 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = false; |
3821 | } |
3822 | if (2.0 * mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k] < 1) { |
3823 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVExtra = 0.0; |
3824 | } else { |
3825 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVExtra = -1; |
3826 | } |
3827 | if ((mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8 |
3828 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k] |
3829 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackLineBufferChromaBufferSize |
3830 | * 8.0 / 10.0 / mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3831 | - mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVExtra) |
3832 | || (mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10 |
3833 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k] |
3834 | > mode_lib->vba.WritebackLineBufferChromaBufferSize |
3835 | * 8.0 / 10.0 |
3836 | / mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
3837 | - mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVExtra)) { |
3838 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackScaleRatioAndTapsSupport = false; |
3839 | } |
3840 | } |
3841 | } |
3842 | |
3843 | |
3844 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackRequiredDISPCLK = 0.0; |
3845 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3846 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
3847 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackRequiredDISPCLK = |
3848 | dml_max( |
3849 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackRequiredDISPCLK, |
3850 | CalculateWriteBackDISPCLK( |
3851 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k], |
3852 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
3853 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k], |
3854 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k], |
3855 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k], |
3856 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k], |
3857 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k], |
3858 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k], |
3859 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k], |
3860 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k], |
3861 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaLineBufferWidth)); |
3862 | } |
3863 | } |
3864 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3865 | if (mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] > 1.0) { |
3866 | locals->PSCL_FACTOR[k] = dml_min( |
3867 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
3868 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput |
3869 | * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
3870 | / dml_ceil( |
3871 | mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] |
3872 | / 6.0, |
3873 | 1.0)); |
3874 | } else { |
3875 | locals->PSCL_FACTOR[k] = dml_min( |
3876 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
3877 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput); |
3878 | } |
3879 | if (locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] == 0.0) { |
3880 | locals->PSCL_FACTOR_CHROMA[k] = 0.0; |
3881 | locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] = |
3882 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
3883 | * dml_max3( |
3884 | mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] / 6.0 |
3885 | * dml_min( |
3886 | 1.0, |
3887 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k]), |
3888 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
3889 | * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] |
3890 | / locals->PSCL_FACTOR[k], |
3891 | 1.0); |
3892 | if ((mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] > 6.0 || mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] > 6.0) |
3893 | && locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] |
3894 | < 2.0 * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) { |
3895 | locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] = 2.0 |
3896 | * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
3897 | } |
3898 | } else { |
3899 | if (mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] / 2.0 > 1.0) { |
3900 | locals->PSCL_FACTOR_CHROMA[k] = |
3901 | dml_min( |
3902 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
3903 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput |
3904 | * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
3905 | / 2.0 |
3906 | / dml_ceil( |
3907 | mode_lib->vba.HTAPsChroma[k] |
3908 | / 6.0, |
3909 | 1.0)); |
3910 | } else { |
3911 | locals->PSCL_FACTOR_CHROMA[k] = dml_min( |
3912 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDCHUBToPSCLThroughput, |
3913 | mode_lib->vba.MaxPSCLToLBThroughput); |
3914 | } |
3915 | locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] = |
3916 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
3917 | * dml_max5( |
3918 | mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] / 6.0 |
3919 | * dml_min( |
3920 | 1.0, |
3921 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k]), |
3922 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
3923 | * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] |
3924 | / locals->PSCL_FACTOR[k], |
3925 | mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k] |
3926 | / 6.0 |
3927 | * dml_min( |
3928 | 1.0, |
3929 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
3930 | / 2.0), |
3931 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
3932 | * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] |
3933 | / 4.0 |
3934 | / locals->PSCL_FACTOR_CHROMA[k], |
3935 | 1.0); |
3936 | if ((mode_lib->vba.htaps[k] > 6.0 || mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] > 6.0 |
3937 | || mode_lib->vba.HTAPsChroma[k] > 6.0 |
3938 | || mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k] > 6.0) |
3939 | && locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] |
3940 | < 2.0 * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) { |
3941 | locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] = 2.0 |
3942 | * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]; |
3943 | } |
3944 | } |
3945 | } |
3946 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
3947 | Calculate256BBlockSizes( |
3948 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
3949 | mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k], |
3950 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k], 1.0), |
3951 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k], 2.0), |
3952 | &locals->Read256BlockHeightY[k], |
3953 | &locals->Read256BlockHeightC[k], |
3954 | &locals->Read256BlockWidthY[k], |
3955 | &locals->Read256BlockWidthC[k]); |
3956 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
3957 | locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k] = locals->Read256BlockHeightY[k]; |
3958 | locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k] = locals->Read256BlockHeightC[k]; |
3959 | } else { |
3960 | locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k] = locals->Read256BlockWidthY[k]; |
3961 | locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k] = locals->Read256BlockWidthC[k]; |
3962 | } |
3963 | if ((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64 |
3964 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32 |
3965 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_16 |
3966 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_mono_16 |
3967 | || mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_mono_8)) { |
3968 | if (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear |
3969 | || (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_444_64 |
3970 | && (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3971 | == dm_sw_4kb_s |
3972 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3973 | == dm_sw_4kb_s_x |
3974 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3975 | == dm_sw_64kb_s |
3976 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3977 | == dm_sw_64kb_s_t |
3978 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3979 | == dm_sw_64kb_s_x |
3980 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3981 | == dm_sw_var_s |
3982 | || mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] |
3983 | == dm_sw_var_s_x) |
3984 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz)) { |
3985 | locals->MinSwathHeightY[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k]; |
3986 | } else { |
3987 | locals->MinSwathHeightY[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k] |
3988 | / 2.0; |
3989 | } |
3990 | locals->MinSwathHeightC[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k]; |
3991 | } else { |
3992 | if (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear) { |
3993 | locals->MinSwathHeightY[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k]; |
3994 | locals->MinSwathHeightC[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k]; |
3995 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_8 |
3996 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
3997 | locals->MinSwathHeightY[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k] |
3998 | / 2.0; |
3999 | locals->MinSwathHeightC[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k]; |
4000 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10 |
4001 | && mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
4002 | locals->MinSwathHeightC[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k] |
4003 | / 2.0; |
4004 | locals->MinSwathHeightY[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k]; |
4005 | } else { |
4006 | locals->MinSwathHeightY[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k]; |
4007 | locals->MinSwathHeightC[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k]; |
4008 | } |
4009 | } |
4010 | if (mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k] == dm_sw_linear) { |
4011 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthSupport = 8192.0; |
4012 | } else { |
4013 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthSupport = 5120.0; |
4014 | } |
4015 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthInDETBuffer = |
4016 | dml_min( |
4017 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthSupport, |
4018 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0] * 1024.0 / 2.0 |
4019 | / (locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] |
4020 | * locals->MinSwathHeightY[k] |
4021 | + locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] |
4022 | / 2.0 |
4023 | * locals->MinSwathHeightC[k])); |
4024 | if (locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] == 0.0) { |
4025 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthInLineBuffer = |
4026 | mode_lib->vba.LineBufferSize |
4027 | * dml_max(mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k], 1.0) |
4028 | / mode_lib->vba.LBBitPerPixel[k] |
4029 | / (mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] |
4030 | + dml_max( |
4031 | dml_ceil( |
4032 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
4033 | 1.0) |
4034 | - 2, |
4035 | 0.0)); |
4036 | } else { |
4037 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthInLineBuffer = |
4038 | dml_min( |
4039 | mode_lib->vba.LineBufferSize |
4040 | * dml_max( |
4041 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k], |
4042 | 1.0) |
4043 | / mode_lib->vba.LBBitPerPixel[k] |
4044 | / (mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k] |
4045 | + dml_max( |
4046 | dml_ceil( |
4047 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
4048 | 1.0) |
4049 | - 2, |
4050 | 0.0)), |
4051 | 2.0 * mode_lib->vba.LineBufferSize |
4052 | * dml_max( |
4053 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k] |
4054 | / 2.0, |
4055 | 1.0) |
4056 | / mode_lib->vba.LBBitPerPixel[k] |
4057 | / (mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k] |
4058 | + dml_max( |
4059 | dml_ceil( |
4060 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k] |
4061 | / 2.0, |
4062 | 1.0) |
4063 | - 2, |
4064 | 0.0))); |
4065 | } |
4066 | locals->MaximumSwathWidth[k] = dml_min( |
4067 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthInDETBuffer, |
4068 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumSwathWidthInLineBuffer); |
4069 | } |
4070 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4071 | double MaxMaxDispclkRoundedDown = RoundToDFSGranularityDown( |
4072 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclk[mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states], |
4073 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed); |
4074 | |
4075 | for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { |
4076 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity = RoundToDFSGranularityDown( |
4077 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclk[i], |
4078 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed); |
4079 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDppclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity = RoundToDFSGranularityDown( |
4080 | mode_lib->vba.MaxDppclk[i], |
4081 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKVCOSpeed); |
4082 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j] = 0.0; |
4083 | locals->DISPCLK_DPPCLK_Support[i][j] = true; |
4084 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4085 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithoutODMCombine = |
4086 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
4087 | * (1.0 |
4088 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading |
4089 | / 100.0) |
4090 | * (1.0 |
4091 | + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKRampingMargin |
4092 | / 100.0); |
4093 | if (mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithoutODMCombine >= mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclk[i] |
4094 | && i == mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states) |
4095 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithoutODMCombine = mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
4096 | * (1 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0); |
4097 | |
4098 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithODMCombine = mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] / 2 |
4099 | * (1 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) * (1 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKRampingMargin / 100.0); |
4100 | if (mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithODMCombine >= mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclk[i] |
4101 | && i == mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states) |
4102 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithODMCombine = mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] / 2 |
4103 | * (1 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0); |
4104 | |
4105 | locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] = dm_odm_combine_mode_disabled; |
4106 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK = mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithoutODMCombine; |
4107 | if (mode_lib->vba.ODMCapability) { |
4108 | if (locals->PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithoutODMCombine > MaxMaxDispclkRoundedDown) { |
4109 | locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] = dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1; |
4110 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK = mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithODMCombine; |
4111 | } else if (locals->DSCEnabled[k] && (locals->HActive[k] > DCN21_MAX_DSC_IMAGE_WIDTH)) { |
4112 | locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] = dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1; |
4113 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK = mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithODMCombine; |
4114 | } else if (locals->HActive[k] > DCN21_MAX_420_IMAGE_WIDTH && locals->OutputFormat[k] == dm_420) { |
4115 | locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] = dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1; |
4116 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK = mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLKWithODMCombine; |
4117 | } |
4118 | } |
4119 | |
4120 | if (locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) <= mode_lib->vba.MaxDppclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity |
4121 | && locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] <= locals->MaximumSwathWidth[k] |
4122 | && locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_disabled) { |
4123 | locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k] = 1; |
4124 | locals->RequiredDPPCLK[i][j][k] = |
4125 | locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0); |
4126 | } else { |
4127 | locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k] = 2; |
4128 | locals->RequiredDPPCLK[i][j][k] = |
4129 | locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) / 2.0; |
4130 | } |
4131 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j] = dml_max( |
4132 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j], |
4133 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK); |
4134 | if ((locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] / locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k] * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) |
4135 | > mode_lib->vba.MaxDppclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity) |
4136 | || (mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK > mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity)) { |
4137 | locals->DISPCLK_DPPCLK_Support[i][j] = false; |
4138 | } |
4139 | } |
4140 | locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] = 0.0; |
4141 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) |
4142 | locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] = locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] + locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k]; |
4143 | if (j == 1) { |
4144 | while (locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] < mode_lib->vba.MaxNumDPP |
4145 | && locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] < 2 * mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes) { |
4146 | double BWOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth; |
4147 | unsigned int NumberOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth; |
4148 | |
4149 | BWOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth = 0; |
4150 | NumberOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth = 0; |
4151 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
4152 | if (locals->ReadBandwidth[k] > BWOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth && locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k] == 1) { |
4153 | BWOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth = locals->ReadBandwidth[k]; |
4154 | NumberOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth = k; |
4155 | } |
4156 | } |
4157 | locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][NumberOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth] = 2; |
4158 | locals->RequiredDPPCLK[i][j][NumberOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth] = |
4159 | locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[NumberOfNonSplitPlaneOfMaximumBandwidth] |
4160 | * (1 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100) / 2; |
4161 | locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] = locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] + 1; |
4162 | } |
4163 | } |
4164 | if (locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] > mode_lib->vba.MaxNumDPP) { |
4165 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j] = 0.0; |
4166 | locals->DISPCLK_DPPCLK_Support[i][j] = true; |
4167 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4168 | locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] = dm_odm_combine_mode_disabled; |
4169 | if (locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] <= locals->MaximumSwathWidth[k]) { |
4170 | locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k] = 1; |
4171 | locals->RequiredDPPCLK[i][j][k] = locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] |
4172 | * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0); |
4173 | } else { |
4174 | locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k] = 2; |
4175 | locals->RequiredDPPCLK[i][j][k] = locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] |
4176 | * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) / 2.0; |
4177 | } |
4178 | if (i != mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states) { |
4179 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK = |
4180 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
4181 | * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) |
4182 | * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKRampingMargin / 100.0); |
4183 | } else { |
4184 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK = mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] |
4185 | * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0); |
4186 | } |
4187 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j] = dml_max( |
4188 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j], |
4189 | mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK); |
4190 | if (locals->MinDPPCLKUsingSingleDPP[k] / locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k] * (1.0 + mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) |
4191 | > mode_lib->vba.MaxDppclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity |
4192 | || mode_lib->vba.PlaneRequiredDISPCLK > mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity) |
4193 | locals->DISPCLK_DPPCLK_Support[i][j] = false; |
4194 | } |
4195 | locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] = 0.0; |
4196 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) |
4197 | locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] = locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] + locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k]; |
4198 | } |
4199 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j] = dml_max( |
4200 | locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j], |
4201 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackRequiredDISPCLK); |
4202 | if (mode_lib->vba.MaxDispclkRoundedDownToDFSGranularity |
4203 | < mode_lib->vba.WritebackRequiredDISPCLK) { |
4204 | locals->DISPCLK_DPPCLK_Support[i][j] = false; |
4205 | } |
4206 | } |
4207 | } |
4208 | |
4209 | |
4210 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4211 | locals->ViewportSizeSupport[i][0] = true; |
4212 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4213 | if (locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) { |
4214 | if (dml_min(locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k], dml_round(mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] / 2.0 * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k])) |
4215 | > locals->MaximumSwathWidth[k]) { |
4216 | locals->ViewportSizeSupport[i][0] = false; |
4217 | } |
4218 | } else { |
4219 | if (locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] / 2.0 > locals->MaximumSwathWidth[k]) { |
4220 | locals->ViewportSizeSupport[i][0] = false; |
4221 | } |
4222 | } |
4223 | } |
4224 | } |
4225 | |
4226 | |
4227 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4228 | for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { |
4229 | if (locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j] <= mode_lib->vba.MaxNumDPP) |
4230 | locals->TotalAvailablePipesSupport[i][j] = true; |
4231 | else |
4232 | locals->TotalAvailablePipesSupport[i][j] = false; |
4233 | } |
4234 | } |
4235 | |
4236 | |
4237 | mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG = 0.0; |
4238 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4239 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
4240 | mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG = mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG |
4241 | + 1.0; |
4242 | } |
4243 | } |
4244 | if (mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG <= mode_lib->vba.MaxNumOTG) { |
4245 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfOTGSupport = true; |
4246 | } else { |
4247 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfOTGSupport = false; |
4248 | } |
4249 | |
4250 | |
4251 | mode_lib->vba.NonsupportedDSCInputBPC = false; |
4252 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4253 | if (!(mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k] == 12.0 |
4254 | || mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k] == 10.0 |
4255 | || mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k] == 8.0)) { |
4256 | mode_lib->vba.NonsupportedDSCInputBPC = true; |
4257 | } |
4258 | } |
4259 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4260 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4261 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = false; |
4262 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = 0; |
4263 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
4264 | if (mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_hdmi) { |
4265 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = false; |
4266 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = 0; |
4267 | locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] = TruncToValidBPP( |
4268 | dml_min(600.0, mode_lib->vba.PHYCLKPerState[i]) / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] * 24, |
4269 | mode_lib->vba.ForcedOutputLinkBPP[k], |
4270 | false, |
4271 | mode_lib->vba.Output[k], |
4272 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
4273 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k]); |
4274 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_dp |
4275 | || mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_edp) { |
4276 | if (mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_edp) { |
4277 | mode_lib->vba.EffectiveFECOverhead = 0.0; |
4278 | } else { |
4279 | mode_lib->vba.EffectiveFECOverhead = |
4280 | mode_lib->vba.FECOverhead; |
4281 | } |
4282 | if (mode_lib->vba.PHYCLKPerState[i] >= 270.0) { |
4283 | mode_lib->vba.Outbpp = TruncToValidBPP( |
4284 | (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.Downspreading / 100.0) * 270.0 |
4285 | * mode_lib->vba.OutputLinkDPLanes[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] * 8.0, |
4286 | mode_lib->vba.ForcedOutputLinkBPP[k], |
4287 | false, |
4288 | mode_lib->vba.Output[k], |
4289 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
4290 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k]); |
4291 | mode_lib->vba.OutbppDSC = TruncToValidBPP( |
4292 | (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.Downspreading / 100.0) * (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.EffectiveFECOverhead / 100.0) * 270.0 |
4293 | * mode_lib->vba.OutputLinkDPLanes[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] * 8.0, |
4294 | mode_lib->vba.ForcedOutputLinkBPP[k], |
4295 | true, |
4296 | mode_lib->vba.Output[k], |
4297 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
4298 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k]); |
4299 | if (mode_lib->vba.DSCEnabled[k] == true) { |
4300 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = true; |
4301 | if (mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_dp) { |
4302 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = true; |
4303 | } else { |
4304 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = false; |
4305 | } |
4306 | mode_lib->vba.Outbpp = mode_lib->vba.OutbppDSC; |
4307 | } else { |
4308 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = false; |
4309 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = false; |
4310 | } |
4311 | locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] = mode_lib->vba.Outbpp; |
4312 | } |
4313 | if (mode_lib->vba.Outbpp == BPP_INVALID && mode_lib->vba.PHYCLKPerState[i] >= 540.0) { |
4314 | mode_lib->vba.Outbpp = TruncToValidBPP( |
4315 | (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.Downspreading / 100.0) * 540.0 |
4316 | * mode_lib->vba.OutputLinkDPLanes[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] * 8.0, |
4317 | mode_lib->vba.ForcedOutputLinkBPP[k], |
4318 | false, |
4319 | mode_lib->vba.Output[k], |
4320 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
4321 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k]); |
4322 | mode_lib->vba.OutbppDSC = TruncToValidBPP( |
4323 | (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.Downspreading / 100.0) * (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.EffectiveFECOverhead / 100.0) * 540.0 |
4324 | * mode_lib->vba.OutputLinkDPLanes[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] * 8.0, |
4325 | mode_lib->vba.ForcedOutputLinkBPP[k], |
4326 | true, |
4327 | mode_lib->vba.Output[k], |
4328 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
4329 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k]); |
4330 | if (mode_lib->vba.DSCEnabled[k] == true) { |
4331 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = true; |
4332 | if (mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_dp) { |
4333 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = true; |
4334 | } else { |
4335 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = false; |
4336 | } |
4337 | mode_lib->vba.Outbpp = mode_lib->vba.OutbppDSC; |
4338 | } else { |
4339 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = false; |
4340 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = false; |
4341 | } |
4342 | locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] = mode_lib->vba.Outbpp; |
4343 | } |
4344 | if (mode_lib->vba.Outbpp == BPP_INVALID |
4345 | && mode_lib->vba.PHYCLKPerState[i] |
4346 | >= 810.0) { |
4347 | mode_lib->vba.Outbpp = TruncToValidBPP( |
4348 | (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.Downspreading / 100.0) * 810.0 |
4349 | * mode_lib->vba.OutputLinkDPLanes[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] * 8.0, |
4350 | mode_lib->vba.ForcedOutputLinkBPP[k], |
4351 | false, |
4352 | mode_lib->vba.Output[k], |
4353 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
4354 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k]); |
4355 | mode_lib->vba.OutbppDSC = TruncToValidBPP( |
4356 | (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.Downspreading / 100.0) * (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.EffectiveFECOverhead / 100.0) * 810.0 |
4357 | * mode_lib->vba.OutputLinkDPLanes[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] * 8.0, |
4358 | mode_lib->vba.ForcedOutputLinkBPP[k], |
4359 | true, |
4360 | mode_lib->vba.Output[k], |
4361 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k], |
4362 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k]); |
4363 | if (mode_lib->vba.DSCEnabled[k] == true || mode_lib->vba.Outbpp == BPP_INVALID) { |
4364 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = true; |
4365 | if (mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_dp) { |
4366 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = true; |
4367 | } else { |
4368 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = false; |
4369 | } |
4370 | mode_lib->vba.Outbpp = mode_lib->vba.OutbppDSC; |
4371 | } else { |
4372 | locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] = false; |
4373 | locals->RequiresFEC[i][k] = false; |
4374 | } |
4375 | locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] = |
4376 | mode_lib->vba.Outbpp; |
4377 | } |
4378 | } |
4379 | } else { |
4380 | locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] = BPP_BLENDED_PIPE; |
4381 | } |
4382 | } |
4383 | } |
4384 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4385 | locals->DIOSupport[i] = true; |
4386 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4387 | if (!mode_lib->vba.skip_dio_check[k] |
4388 | && (locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] == BPP_INVALID |
4389 | || (mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k] == dm_420 |
4390 | && mode_lib->vba.Interlace[k] == true |
4391 | && mode_lib->vba.ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP == true))) { |
4392 | locals->DIOSupport[i] = false; |
4393 | } |
4394 | } |
4395 | } |
4396 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4397 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4398 | locals->DSCCLKRequiredMoreThanSupported[i] = false; |
4399 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
4400 | if ((mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_dp |
4401 | || mode_lib->vba.Output[k] == dm_edp)) { |
4402 | if (mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k] == dm_420 |
4403 | || mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k] |
4404 | == dm_n422) { |
4405 | mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor = 2; |
4406 | } else { |
4407 | mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor = 1; |
4408 | } |
4409 | if (locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] == true) { |
4410 | if (locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) { |
4411 | if (mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] / 6.0 / mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor |
4412 | > (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) * mode_lib->vba.MaxDSCCLK[i]) { |
4413 | locals->DSCCLKRequiredMoreThanSupported[i] = |
4414 | true; |
4415 | } |
4416 | } else { |
4417 | if (mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] / 3.0 / mode_lib->vba.DSCFormatFactor |
4418 | > (1.0 - mode_lib->vba.DISPCLKDPPCLKDSCCLKDownSpreading / 100.0) * mode_lib->vba.MaxDSCCLK[i]) { |
4419 | locals->DSCCLKRequiredMoreThanSupported[i] = |
4420 | true; |
4421 | } |
4422 | } |
4423 | } |
4424 | } |
4425 | } |
4426 | } |
4427 | } |
4428 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4429 | locals->NotEnoughDSCUnits[i] = false; |
4430 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDSCUnitsRequired = 0.0; |
4431 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4432 | if (locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] == true) { |
4433 | if (locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) { |
4434 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDSCUnitsRequired = |
4435 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDSCUnitsRequired + 2.0; |
4436 | } else { |
4437 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDSCUnitsRequired = |
4438 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDSCUnitsRequired + 1.0; |
4439 | } |
4440 | } |
4441 | } |
4442 | if (mode_lib->vba.TotalDSCUnitsRequired > mode_lib->vba.NumberOfDSC) { |
4443 | locals->NotEnoughDSCUnits[i] = true; |
4444 | } |
4445 | } |
4446 | |
4447 | |
4448 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4449 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4450 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] != k) { |
4451 | mode_lib->vba.slices = 0; |
4452 | } else if (locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] == 0 |
4453 | || locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] == false) { |
4454 | mode_lib->vba.slices = 0; |
4455 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] > 3200.0) { |
4456 | mode_lib->vba.slices = dml_ceil( |
4457 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] / 400.0, |
4458 | 4.0); |
4459 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] > 1360.0) { |
4460 | mode_lib->vba.slices = 8.0; |
4461 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] > 680.0) { |
4462 | mode_lib->vba.slices = 4.0; |
4463 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k] > 340.0) { |
4464 | mode_lib->vba.slices = 2.0; |
4465 | } else { |
4466 | mode_lib->vba.slices = 1.0; |
4467 | } |
4468 | if (locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] == BPP_BLENDED_PIPE |
4469 | || locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k] == BPP_INVALID) { |
4470 | mode_lib->vba.bpp = 0.0; |
4471 | } else { |
4472 | mode_lib->vba.bpp = locals->OutputBppPerState[i][k]; |
4473 | } |
4474 | if (locals->RequiresDSC[i][k] == true && mode_lib->vba.bpp != 0.0) { |
4475 | if (locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_disabled) { |
4476 | locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][k] = |
4477 | dscceComputeDelay( |
4478 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k], |
4479 | mode_lib->vba.bpp, |
4480 | dml_ceil( |
4481 | mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] |
4482 | / mode_lib->vba.slices, |
4483 | 1.0), |
4484 | mode_lib->vba.slices, |
4485 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k]) |
4486 | + dscComputeDelay( |
4487 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k]); |
4488 | } else { |
4489 | locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][k] = |
4490 | 2.0 * (dscceComputeDelay( |
4491 | mode_lib->vba.DSCInputBitPerComponent[k], |
4492 | mode_lib->vba.bpp, |
4493 | dml_ceil(mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] / mode_lib->vba.slices, 1.0), |
4494 | mode_lib->vba.slices / 2, |
4495 | mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k]) |
4496 | + dscComputeDelay(mode_lib->vba.OutputFormat[k])); |
4497 | } |
4498 | locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][k] = |
4499 | locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][k] * mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClockBackEnd[k]; |
4500 | } else { |
4501 | locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][k] = 0.0; |
4502 | } |
4503 | } |
4504 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4505 | for (m = 0; m <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; m++) { |
4506 | for (j = 0; j <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; j++) { |
4507 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == m && locals->RequiresDSC[i][m] == true) |
4508 | locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][k] = locals->DSCDelayPerState[i][m]; |
4509 | } |
4510 | } |
4511 | } |
4512 | } |
4513 | |
4514 | |
4515 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; ++i) { |
4516 | for (j = 0; j <= 1; ++j) { |
4517 | locals->TotalNumberOfDCCActiveDPP[i][j] = 0; |
4518 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
4519 | if (mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k] == true) |
4520 | locals->TotalNumberOfDCCActiveDPP[i][j] = locals->TotalNumberOfDCCActiveDPP[i][j] + locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k]; |
4521 | } |
4522 | } |
4523 | } |
4524 | |
4525 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency = dml_max3( |
4526 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatencyPixelDataOnly, |
4527 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
4528 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatencyVMDataOnly); |
4529 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchERROR = CalculateMinAndMaxPrefetchMode( |
4530 | mode_lib->vba.AllowDRAMSelfRefreshOrDRAMClockChangeInVblank, |
4531 | &mode_lib->vba.MinPrefetchMode, |
4532 | &mode_lib->vba.MaxPrefetchMode); |
4533 | |
4534 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
4535 | for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { |
4536 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4537 | locals->RequiredDPPCLKThisState[k] = locals->RequiredDPPCLK[i][j][k]; |
4538 | locals->NoOfDPPThisState[k] = locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k]; |
4539 | if (locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[i][k] == dm_odm_combine_mode_2to1) { |
4540 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k] = |
4541 | dml_min(locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k], dml_round(mode_lib->vba.HActive[k] / 2.0 * mode_lib->vba.HRatio[k])); |
4542 | } else { |
4543 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k] = locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP[k] / locals->NoOfDPP[i][j][k]; |
4544 | } |
4545 | mode_lib->vba.SwathWidthGranularityY = 256.0 |
4546 | / dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k], 1.0) |
4547 | / locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k]; |
4548 | mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY = |
4549 | (dml_ceil(locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k] - 1.0, mode_lib->vba.SwathWidthGranularityY) |
4550 | + mode_lib->vba.SwathWidthGranularityY) * locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k] * locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k]; |
4551 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10) { |
4552 | mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY = dml_ceil( |
4553 | mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY, |
4554 | 256.0) + 256; |
4555 | } |
4556 | if (locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k] > 0.0) { |
4557 | mode_lib->vba.SwathWidthGranularityC = 256.0 / dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k], 2.0) / locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k]; |
4558 | mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC = (dml_ceil(locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k] / 2.0 - 1.0, mode_lib->vba.SwathWidthGranularityC) |
4559 | + mode_lib->vba.SwathWidthGranularityC) * locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k] * locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k]; |
4560 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] == dm_420_10) { |
4561 | mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC = dml_ceil(mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC, 256.0) + 256; |
4562 | } |
4563 | } else { |
4564 | mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC = 0.0; |
4565 | } |
4566 | if (mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesY + mode_lib->vba.RoundedUpMaxSwathSizeBytesC |
4567 | <= mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0] * 1024.0 / 2.0) { |
4568 | locals->SwathHeightYThisState[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightY[k]; |
4569 | locals->SwathHeightCThisState[k] = locals->MaxSwathHeightC[k]; |
4570 | } else { |
4571 | locals->SwathHeightYThisState[k] = |
4572 | locals->MinSwathHeightY[k]; |
4573 | locals->SwathHeightCThisState[k] = |
4574 | locals->MinSwathHeightC[k]; |
4575 | } |
4576 | } |
4577 | |
4578 | CalculateDCFCLKDeepSleep( |
4579 | mode_lib, |
4580 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
4581 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY, |
4582 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC, |
4583 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio, |
4584 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState, |
4585 | locals->NoOfDPPThisState, |
4586 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio, |
4587 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock, |
4588 | locals->PSCL_FACTOR, |
4589 | locals->PSCL_FACTOR_CHROMA, |
4590 | locals->RequiredDPPCLKThisState, |
4591 | &mode_lib->vba.ProjectedDCFCLKDeepSleep[0][0]); |
4592 | |
4593 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4594 | if ((mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_64 |
4595 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_32 |
4596 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_16 |
4597 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_16 |
4598 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_8)) { |
4599 | mode_lib->vba.PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrameC = CalculateVMAndRowBytes( |
4600 | mode_lib, |
4601 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
4602 | locals->Read256BlockHeightC[k], |
4603 | locals->Read256BlockWidthC[k], |
4604 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
4605 | mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k], |
4606 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k], 2.0), |
4607 | mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k], |
4608 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k] / 2.0, |
4609 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k] / 2.0, |
4610 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k] / 2.0, |
4611 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
4612 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
4613 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
4614 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
4615 | mode_lib->vba.VMMPageSize, |
4616 | mode_lib->vba.PTEBufferSizeInRequestsChroma, |
4617 | mode_lib->vba.PitchC[k], |
4618 | 0.0, |
4619 | &locals->MacroTileWidthC[k], |
4620 | &mode_lib->vba.MetaRowBytesC, |
4621 | &mode_lib->vba.DPTEBytesPerRowC, |
4622 | &locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceededC[i][j][k], |
4623 | locals->dpte_row_width_chroma_ub, |
4624 | &locals->dpte_row_height_chroma[k], |
4625 | &locals->meta_req_width_chroma[k], |
4626 | &locals->meta_req_height_chroma[k], |
4627 | &locals->meta_row_width_chroma[k], |
4628 | &locals->meta_row_height_chroma[k], |
4629 | &locals->vm_group_bytes_chroma, |
4630 | &locals->dpte_group_bytes_chroma, |
4631 | locals->PixelPTEReqWidthC, |
4632 | locals->PixelPTEReqHeightC, |
4633 | locals->PTERequestSizeC, |
4634 | locals->dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c, |
4635 | locals->meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c); |
4636 | locals->PrefetchLinesC[0][0][k] = CalculatePrefetchSourceLines( |
4637 | mode_lib, |
4638 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k]/2, |
4639 | mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma[k], |
4640 | mode_lib->vba.Interlace[k], |
4641 | mode_lib->vba.ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
4642 | locals->SwathHeightCThisState[k], |
4643 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportYStartC[k], |
4644 | &locals->PrefillC[k], |
4645 | &locals->MaxNumSwC[k]); |
4646 | locals->PTEBufferSizeInRequestsForLuma = mode_lib->vba.PTEBufferSizeInRequestsLuma; |
4647 | } else { |
4648 | mode_lib->vba.PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrameC = 0.0; |
4649 | mode_lib->vba.MetaRowBytesC = 0.0; |
4650 | mode_lib->vba.DPTEBytesPerRowC = 0.0; |
4651 | locals->PrefetchLinesC[0][0][k] = 0.0; |
4652 | locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceededC[i][j][k] = true; |
4653 | locals->PTEBufferSizeInRequestsForLuma = mode_lib->vba.PTEBufferSizeInRequestsLuma + mode_lib->vba.PTEBufferSizeInRequestsChroma; |
4654 | } |
4655 | mode_lib->vba.PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrameY = CalculateVMAndRowBytes( |
4656 | mode_lib, |
4657 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
4658 | locals->Read256BlockHeightY[k], |
4659 | locals->Read256BlockWidthY[k], |
4660 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
4661 | mode_lib->vba.SurfaceTiling[k], |
4662 | dml_ceil(locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k], 1.0), |
4663 | mode_lib->vba.SourceScan[k], |
4664 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k], |
4665 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportHeight[k], |
4666 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k], |
4667 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
4668 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
4669 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
4670 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
4671 | mode_lib->vba.VMMPageSize, |
4672 | locals->PTEBufferSizeInRequestsForLuma, |
4673 | mode_lib->vba.PitchY[k], |
4674 | mode_lib->vba.DCCMetaPitchY[k], |
4675 | &locals->MacroTileWidthY[k], |
4676 | &mode_lib->vba.MetaRowBytesY, |
4677 | &mode_lib->vba.DPTEBytesPerRowY, |
4678 | &locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceededY[i][j][k], |
4679 | locals->dpte_row_width_luma_ub, |
4680 | &locals->dpte_row_height[k], |
4681 | &locals->meta_req_width[k], |
4682 | &locals->meta_req_height[k], |
4683 | &locals->meta_row_width[k], |
4684 | &locals->meta_row_height[k], |
4685 | &locals->vm_group_bytes[k], |
4686 | &locals->dpte_group_bytes[k], |
4687 | locals->PixelPTEReqWidthY, |
4688 | locals->PixelPTEReqHeightY, |
4689 | locals->PTERequestSizeY, |
4690 | locals->dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l, |
4691 | locals->meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l); |
4692 | locals->PrefetchLinesY[0][0][k] = CalculatePrefetchSourceLines( |
4693 | mode_lib, |
4694 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
4695 | mode_lib->vba.vtaps[k], |
4696 | mode_lib->vba.Interlace[k], |
4697 | mode_lib->vba.ProgressiveToInterlaceUnitInOPP, |
4698 | locals->SwathHeightYThisState[k], |
4699 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportYStartY[k], |
4700 | &locals->PrefillY[k], |
4701 | &locals->MaxNumSwY[k]); |
4702 | locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame[0][0][k] = |
4703 | mode_lib->vba.PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrameY + mode_lib->vba.PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrameC; |
4704 | locals->MetaRowBytes[0][0][k] = mode_lib->vba.MetaRowBytesY + mode_lib->vba.MetaRowBytesC; |
4705 | locals->DPTEBytesPerRow[0][0][k] = mode_lib->vba.DPTEBytesPerRowY + mode_lib->vba.DPTEBytesPerRowC; |
4706 | |
4707 | CalculateActiveRowBandwidth( |
4708 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
4709 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
4710 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
4711 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
4712 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / |
4713 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
4714 | mode_lib->vba.MetaRowBytesY, |
4715 | mode_lib->vba.MetaRowBytesC, |
4716 | locals->meta_row_height[k], |
4717 | locals->meta_row_height_chroma[k], |
4718 | mode_lib->vba.DPTEBytesPerRowY, |
4719 | mode_lib->vba.DPTEBytesPerRowC, |
4720 | locals->dpte_row_height[k], |
4721 | locals->dpte_row_height_chroma[k], |
4722 | &locals->meta_row_bw[k], |
4723 | &locals->dpte_row_bw[k]); |
4724 | } |
4725 | mode_lib->vba.ExtraLatency = CalculateExtraLatency( |
4726 | locals->UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatencyPerState[i], |
4727 | locals->TotalNumberOfActiveDPP[i][j], |
4728 | mode_lib->vba.PixelChunkSizeInKByte, |
4729 | locals->TotalNumberOfDCCActiveDPP[i][j], |
4730 | mode_lib->vba.MetaChunkSize, |
4731 | locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0], |
4732 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
4733 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
4734 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
4735 | locals->NoOfDPPThisState, |
4736 | locals->dpte_group_bytes, |
4737 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
4738 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
4739 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
4740 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels); |
4741 | |
4742 | mode_lib->vba.TimeCalc = 24.0 / mode_lib->vba.ProjectedDCFCLKDeepSleep[0][0]; |
4743 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4744 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
4745 | if (mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
4746 | locals->WritebackDelay[i][k] = mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency |
4747 | + CalculateWriteBackDelay( |
4748 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[k], |
4749 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[k], |
4750 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[k], |
4751 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[k], |
4752 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[k], |
4753 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[k], |
4754 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[k], |
4755 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[k]) / locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j]; |
4756 | } else { |
4757 | locals->WritebackDelay[i][k] = 0.0; |
4758 | } |
4759 | for (m = 0; m <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; m++) { |
4760 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[m] == k |
4761 | && mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable[m] |
4762 | == true) { |
4763 | locals->WritebackDelay[i][k] = dml_max(locals->WritebackDelay[i][k], |
4764 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency + CalculateWriteBackDelay( |
4765 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat[m], |
4766 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackHRatio[m], |
4767 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackVRatio[m], |
4768 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaHTaps[m], |
4769 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLumaVTaps[m], |
4770 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaHTaps[m], |
4771 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChromaVTaps[m], |
4772 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth[m]) / locals->RequiredDISPCLK[i][j]); |
4773 | } |
4774 | } |
4775 | } |
4776 | } |
4777 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4778 | for (m = 0; m <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; m++) { |
4779 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == m) { |
4780 | locals->WritebackDelay[i][k] = locals->WritebackDelay[i][m]; |
4781 | } |
4782 | } |
4783 | } |
4784 | mode_lib->vba.MaxMaxVStartup[0][0] = 0; |
4785 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4786 | locals->MaximumVStartup[0][0][k] = mode_lib->vba.VTotal[k] - mode_lib->vba.VActive[k] |
4787 | - dml_max(1.0, dml_ceil(locals->WritebackDelay[i][k] / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]), 1.0)); |
4788 | mode_lib->vba.MaxMaxVStartup[0][0] = dml_max(mode_lib->vba.MaxMaxVStartup[0][0], locals->MaximumVStartup[0][0][k]); |
4789 | } |
4790 | |
4791 | mode_lib->vba.NextPrefetchMode = mode_lib->vba.MinPrefetchMode; |
4792 | mode_lib->vba.NextMaxVStartup = mode_lib->vba.MaxMaxVStartup[0][0]; |
4793 | do { |
4794 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[i][j] = mode_lib->vba.NextPrefetchMode; |
4795 | mode_lib->vba.MaxVStartup = mode_lib->vba.NextMaxVStartup; |
4796 | |
4797 | mode_lib->vba.TWait = CalculateTWait( |
4798 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[i][j], |
4799 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
4800 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
4801 | mode_lib->vba.SREnterPlusExitTime); |
4802 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) |
4803 | CalculatePrefetchSchedulePerPlane(mode_lib, i, j, k); |
4804 | |
4805 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithoutPrefetch = 0.0; |
4806 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithPrefetch = 0.0; |
4807 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4808 | unsigned int m; |
4809 | |
4810 | locals->cursor_bw[k] = 0; |
4811 | locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] = 0; |
4812 | for (m = 0; m < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfCursors[k]; m++) { |
4813 | locals->cursor_bw[k] = mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][m] * mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][m] |
4814 | / 8.0 / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k]; |
4815 | locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] = mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][m] * mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][m] |
4816 | / 8.0 / (mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k]) * locals->VRatioPreY[i][j][k]; |
4817 | } |
4818 | |
4819 | CalculateUrgentBurstFactor( |
4820 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0], |
4821 | locals->SwathHeightYThisState[k], |
4822 | locals->SwathHeightCThisState[k], |
4823 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState[k], |
4824 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
4825 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
4826 | mode_lib->vba.CursorBufferSize, |
4827 | mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][0] + mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][1], |
4828 | dml_max(mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][0], mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][1]), |
4829 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
4830 | locals->VRatioPreY[i][j][k], |
4831 | locals->VRatioPreC[i][j][k], |
4832 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY[k], |
4833 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC[k], |
4834 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k], |
4835 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k], |
4836 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k], |
4837 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k], |
4838 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k], |
4839 | &locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k], |
4840 | &locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding[0][0], |
4841 | &locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre); |
4842 | |
4843 | if (mode_lib->vba.UseUrgentBurstBandwidth == false) { |
4844 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k] = 1; |
4845 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k] = 1; |
4846 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] = 1; |
4847 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] = 1; |
4848 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] = 1; |
4849 | locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] = 1; |
4850 | } |
4851 | |
4852 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithoutPrefetch = mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithoutPrefetch |
4853 | + locals->cursor_bw[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthLuma[k] |
4854 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthChroma[k] |
4855 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] + locals->meta_row_bw[k] + locals->dpte_row_bw[k]; |
4856 | mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithPrefetch = mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithPrefetch |
4857 | + dml_max3(locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
4858 | locals->ReadBandwidthLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthChroma[k] |
4859 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] + locals->cursor_bw[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k] |
4860 | + locals->meta_row_bw[k] + locals->dpte_row_bw[k], |
4861 | locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWLuma[i][j][k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] |
4862 | + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWChroma[i][j][k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] |
4863 | + locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k]); |
4864 | } |
4865 | locals->BandwidthWithoutPrefetchSupported[i][0] = true; |
4866 | if (mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithoutPrefetch > locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0] |
4867 | || locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding[0][0] == 1) { |
4868 | locals->BandwidthWithoutPrefetchSupported[i][0] = false; |
4869 | } |
4870 | |
4871 | locals->PrefetchSupported[i][j] = true; |
4872 | if (mode_lib->vba.MaximumReadBandwidthWithPrefetch > locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0] |
4873 | || locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding[0][0] == 1 |
4874 | || locals->NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre == 1) { |
4875 | locals->PrefetchSupported[i][j] = false; |
4876 | } |
4877 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4878 | if (locals->LineTimesForPrefetch[k] < 2.0 |
4879 | || locals->LinesForMetaPTE[k] >= 32.0 |
4880 | || locals->LinesForMetaAndDPTERow[k] >= 16.0 |
4881 | || mode_lib->vba.IsErrorResult[i][j][k] == true) { |
4882 | locals->PrefetchSupported[i][j] = false; |
4883 | } |
4884 | } |
4885 | locals->VRatioInPrefetchSupported[i][j] = true; |
4886 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4887 | if (locals->VRatioPreY[i][j][k] > 4.0 |
4888 | || locals->VRatioPreC[i][j][k] > 4.0 |
4889 | || mode_lib->vba.IsErrorResult[i][j][k] == true) { |
4890 | locals->VRatioInPrefetchSupported[i][j] = false; |
4891 | } |
4892 | } |
4893 | mode_lib->vba.AnyLinesForVMOrRowTooLarge = false; |
4894 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
4895 | if (locals->LinesForMetaAndDPTERow[k] >= 16 || locals->LinesForMetaPTE[k] >= 32) { |
4896 | mode_lib->vba.AnyLinesForVMOrRowTooLarge = true; |
4897 | } |
4898 | } |
4899 | |
4900 | if (mode_lib->vba.MaxVStartup <= 13 || mode_lib->vba.AnyLinesForVMOrRowTooLarge == false) { |
4901 | mode_lib->vba.NextMaxVStartup = mode_lib->vba.MaxMaxVStartup[0][0]; |
4902 | mode_lib->vba.NextPrefetchMode = mode_lib->vba.NextPrefetchMode + 1; |
4903 | } else { |
4904 | mode_lib->vba.NextMaxVStartup = mode_lib->vba.NextMaxVStartup - 1; |
4905 | } |
4906 | } while ((locals->PrefetchSupported[i][j] != true || locals->VRatioInPrefetchSupported[i][j] != true) |
4907 | && (mode_lib->vba.NextMaxVStartup != mode_lib->vba.MaxMaxVStartup[0][0] |
4908 | || mode_lib->vba.NextPrefetchMode <= mode_lib->vba.MaxPrefetchMode)); |
4909 | |
4910 | if (locals->PrefetchSupported[i][j] == true && locals->VRatioInPrefetchSupported[i][j] == true) { |
4911 | mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip = locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0]; |
4912 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4913 | mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip = mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip |
4914 | - dml_max(locals->ReadBandwidthLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] |
4915 | + locals->ReadBandwidthChroma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] |
4916 | + locals->cursor_bw[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k], |
4917 | locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWLuma[i][j][k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] |
4918 | + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWChroma[i][j][k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] |
4919 | + locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k]); |
4920 | } |
4921 | mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes = 0.0; |
4922 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4923 | mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes = mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes |
4924 | + locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame[0][0][k] + locals->MetaRowBytes[0][0][k] + locals->DPTEBytesPerRow[0][0][k]; |
4925 | } |
4926 | |
4927 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4928 | CalculateFlipSchedule( |
4929 | mode_lib, |
4930 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
4931 | mode_lib->vba.PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
4932 | mode_lib->vba.ExtraLatency, |
4933 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
4934 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
4935 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable, |
4936 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
4937 | mode_lib->vba.HostVMCachedPageTableLevels, |
4938 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
4939 | locals->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame[0][0][k], |
4940 | locals->MetaRowBytes[0][0][k], |
4941 | locals->DPTEBytesPerRow[0][0][k], |
4942 | mode_lib->vba.BandwidthAvailableForImmediateFlip, |
4943 | mode_lib->vba.TotImmediateFlipBytes, |
4944 | mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k], |
4945 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal[k] / mode_lib->vba.PixelClock[k], |
4946 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio[k], |
4947 | locals->Tno_bw[k], |
4948 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k], |
4949 | locals->dpte_row_height[k], |
4950 | locals->meta_row_height[k], |
4951 | locals->dpte_row_height_chroma[k], |
4952 | locals->meta_row_height_chroma[k], |
4953 | &locals->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip[k], |
4954 | &locals->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip[k], |
4955 | &locals->final_flip_bw[k], |
4956 | &locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe[k]); |
4957 | } |
4958 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip = 0.0; |
4959 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4960 | mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip = mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip + dml_max3( |
4961 | locals->prefetch_vmrow_bw[k], |
4962 | locals->final_flip_bw[k] + locals->ReadBandwidthLuma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLuma[k] |
4963 | + locals->ReadBandwidthChroma[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChroma[k] |
4964 | + locals->cursor_bw[k] * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursor[k], |
4965 | locals->final_flip_bw[k] + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWLuma[i][j][k] |
4966 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre[k] + locals->RequiredPrefetchPixelDataBWChroma[i][j][k] |
4967 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre[k] + locals->cursor_bw_pre[k] |
4968 | * locals->UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre[k]); |
4969 | } |
4970 | locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForState[i][j] = true; |
4971 | if (mode_lib->vba.total_dcn_read_bw_with_flip |
4972 | > locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0]) { |
4973 | locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForState[i][j] = false; |
4974 | } |
4975 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
4976 | if (locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForPipe[k] == false) { |
4977 | locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForState[i][j] = false; |
4978 | } |
4979 | } |
4980 | } else { |
4981 | locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForState[i][j] = false; |
4982 | } |
4983 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannel = dml_max3( |
4984 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelPixelDataOnly, |
4985 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelPixelMixedWithVMData, |
4986 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannelVMDataOnly); |
4987 | CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport( |
4988 | mode_lib, |
4989 | mode_lib->vba.PrefetchMode[i][j], |
4990 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes, |
4991 | mode_lib->vba.MaxLineBufferLines, |
4992 | mode_lib->vba.LineBufferSize, |
4993 | mode_lib->vba.DPPOutputBufferPixels, |
4994 | mode_lib->vba.DETBufferSizeInKByte[0], |
4995 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize, |
4996 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize, |
4997 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKPerState[i], |
4998 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentOutOfOrderReturnPerChannel * mode_lib->vba.NumberOfChannels, |
4999 | locals->ReturnBWPerState[i][0], |
5000 | mode_lib->vba.GPUVMEnable, |
5001 | locals->dpte_group_bytes, |
5002 | mode_lib->vba.MetaChunkSize, |
5003 | mode_lib->vba.UrgentLatency, |
5004 | mode_lib->vba.ExtraLatency, |
5005 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatency, |
5006 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackChunkSize, |
5007 | mode_lib->vba.SOCCLKPerState[i], |
5008 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
5009 | mode_lib->vba.SRExitTime, |
5010 | mode_lib->vba.SREnterPlusExitTime, |
5011 | mode_lib->vba.ProjectedDCFCLKDeepSleep[0][0], |
5012 | locals->NoOfDPPThisState, |
5013 | mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable, |
5014 | locals->RequiredDPPCLKThisState, |
5015 | locals->SwathWidthYSingleDPP, |
5016 | locals->SwathHeightYThisState, |
5017 | locals->ReadBandwidthLuma, |
5018 | locals->SwathHeightCThisState, |
5019 | locals->ReadBandwidthChroma, |
5020 | mode_lib->vba.LBBitPerPixel, |
5021 | locals->SwathWidthYThisState, |
5022 | mode_lib->vba.HRatio, |
5023 | mode_lib->vba.vtaps, |
5024 | mode_lib->vba.VTAPsChroma, |
5025 | mode_lib->vba.VRatio, |
5026 | mode_lib->vba.HTotal, |
5027 | mode_lib->vba.PixelClock, |
5028 | mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming, |
5029 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETY, |
5030 | locals->BytePerPixelInDETC, |
5031 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackEnable, |
5032 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackPixelFormat, |
5033 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationWidth, |
5034 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackDestinationHeight, |
5035 | mode_lib->vba.WritebackSourceHeight, |
5036 | &locals->DRAMClockChangeSupport[i][j], |
5037 | &mode_lib->vba.UrgentWatermark, |
5038 | &mode_lib->vba.WritebackUrgentWatermark, |
5039 | &mode_lib->vba.DRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
5040 | &mode_lib->vba.WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
5041 | &mode_lib->vba.StutterExitWatermark, |
5042 | &mode_lib->vba.StutterEnterPlusExitWatermark, |
5043 | &mode_lib->vba.MinActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencySupported); |
5044 | } |
5045 | } |
5046 | |
5047 | |
5048 | { |
5049 | double MaxTotalVActiveRDBandwidth = 0.0; |
5050 | for (k = 0; k < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5051 | MaxTotalVActiveRDBandwidth = MaxTotalVActiveRDBandwidth + locals->ReadBandwidth[k]; |
5052 | } |
5053 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; ++i) { |
5054 | locals->MaxTotalVerticalActiveAvailableBandwidth[i][0] = dml_min( |
5055 | locals->IdealSDPPortBandwidthPerState[i][0] * |
5056 | mode_lib->vba.MaxAveragePercentOfIdealSDPPortBWDisplayCanUseInNormalSystemOperation |
5057 | / 100.0, mode_lib->vba.DRAMSpeedPerState[i] * |
5058 | mode_lib->vba.NumberOfChannels * |
5059 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMChannelWidth * |
5060 | mode_lib->vba.MaxAveragePercentOfIdealDRAMBWDisplayCanUseInNormalSystemOperation |
5061 | / 100.0); |
5062 | |
5063 | if (MaxTotalVActiveRDBandwidth <= locals->MaxTotalVerticalActiveAvailableBandwidth[i][0]) { |
5064 | locals->TotalVerticalActiveBandwidthSupport[i][0] = true; |
5065 | } else { |
5066 | locals->TotalVerticalActiveBandwidthSupport[i][0] = false; |
5067 | } |
5068 | } |
5069 | } |
5070 | |
5071 | |
5072 | |
5073 | for (i = 0; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
5074 | for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { |
5075 | locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded[i][j] = true; |
5076 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
5077 | if (locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceededY[i][j][k] == false |
5078 | || locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceededC[i][j][k] == false) { |
5079 | locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded[i][j] = false; |
5080 | } |
5081 | } |
5082 | } |
5083 | } |
5084 | |
5085 | |
5086 | mode_lib->vba.CursorSupport = true; |
5087 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
5088 | if (mode_lib->vba.CursorWidth[k][0] > 0.0) { |
5089 | for (m = 0; m < mode_lib->vba.NumberOfCursors[k]; m++) { |
5090 | if (mode_lib->vba.CursorBPP[k][m] == 64 && mode_lib->vba.Cursor64BppSupport == false) { |
5091 | mode_lib->vba.CursorSupport = false; |
5092 | } |
5093 | } |
5094 | } |
5095 | } |
5096 | |
5097 | |
5098 | mode_lib->vba.PitchSupport = true; |
5099 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
5100 | locals->AlignedYPitch[k] = dml_ceil( |
5101 | dml_max(mode_lib->vba.PitchY[k], mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k]), |
5102 | locals->MacroTileWidthY[k]); |
5103 | if (locals->AlignedYPitch[k] > mode_lib->vba.PitchY[k]) { |
5104 | mode_lib->vba.PitchSupport = false; |
5105 | } |
5106 | if (mode_lib->vba.DCCEnable[k] == true) { |
5107 | locals->AlignedDCCMetaPitch[k] = dml_ceil( |
5108 | dml_max( |
5109 | mode_lib->vba.DCCMetaPitchY[k], |
5110 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k]), |
5111 | 64.0 * locals->Read256BlockWidthY[k]); |
5112 | } else { |
5113 | locals->AlignedDCCMetaPitch[k] = mode_lib->vba.DCCMetaPitchY[k]; |
5114 | } |
5115 | if (locals->AlignedDCCMetaPitch[k] > mode_lib->vba.DCCMetaPitchY[k]) { |
5116 | mode_lib->vba.PitchSupport = false; |
5117 | } |
5118 | if (mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_64 |
5119 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_32 |
5120 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_444_16 |
5121 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_16 |
5122 | && mode_lib->vba.SourcePixelFormat[k] != dm_mono_8) { |
5123 | locals->AlignedCPitch[k] = dml_ceil( |
5124 | dml_max( |
5125 | mode_lib->vba.PitchC[k], |
5126 | mode_lib->vba.ViewportWidth[k] / 2.0), |
5127 | locals->MacroTileWidthC[k]); |
5128 | } else { |
5129 | locals->AlignedCPitch[k] = mode_lib->vba.PitchC[k]; |
5130 | } |
5131 | if (locals->AlignedCPitch[k] > mode_lib->vba.PitchC[k]) { |
5132 | mode_lib->vba.PitchSupport = false; |
5133 | } |
5134 | } |
5135 | |
5136 | |
5137 | for (i = mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i >= 0; i--) { |
5138 | for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { |
5139 | enum dm_validation_status status = DML_VALIDATION_OK; |
5140 | |
5141 | if (!mode_lib->vba.ScaleRatioAndTapsSupport) { |
5142 | status = DML_FAIL_SCALE_RATIO_TAP; |
5143 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.SourceFormatPixelAndScanSupport) { |
5145 | } else if (!locals->ViewportSizeSupport[i][0]) { |
5146 | status = DML_FAIL_VIEWPORT_SIZE; |
5147 | } else if (!locals->DIOSupport[i]) { |
5148 | status = DML_FAIL_DIO_SUPPORT; |
5149 | } else if (locals->NotEnoughDSCUnits[i]) { |
5150 | status = DML_FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_DSC; |
5151 | } else if (locals->DSCCLKRequiredMoreThanSupported[i]) { |
5152 | status = DML_FAIL_DSC_CLK_REQUIRED; |
5153 | } else if (!locals->ROBSupport[i][0]) { |
5155 | } else if (!locals->DISPCLK_DPPCLK_Support[i][j]) { |
5156 | status = DML_FAIL_DISPCLK_DPPCLK; |
5157 | } else if (!locals->TotalAvailablePipesSupport[i][j]) { |
5159 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.NumberOfOTGSupport) { |
5160 | status = DML_FAIL_NUM_OTG; |
5161 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.WritebackModeSupport) { |
5162 | status = DML_FAIL_WRITEBACK_MODE; |
5163 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.WritebackLatencySupport) { |
5165 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.WritebackScaleRatioAndTapsSupport) { |
5167 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.CursorSupport) { |
5168 | status = DML_FAIL_CURSOR_SUPPORT; |
5169 | } else if (!mode_lib->vba.PitchSupport) { |
5170 | status = DML_FAIL_PITCH_SUPPORT; |
5171 | } else if (!locals->TotalVerticalActiveBandwidthSupport[i][0]) { |
5172 | status = DML_FAIL_TOTAL_V_ACTIVE_BW; |
5173 | } else if (!locals->PTEBufferSizeNotExceeded[i][j]) { |
5174 | status = DML_FAIL_PTE_BUFFER_SIZE; |
5175 | } else if (mode_lib->vba.NonsupportedDSCInputBPC) { |
5176 | status = DML_FAIL_DSC_INPUT_BPC; |
5177 | } else if ((mode_lib->vba.HostVMEnable |
5178 | && !locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForState[i][j])) { |
5180 | } else if (!locals->PrefetchSupported[i][j]) { |
5181 | status = DML_FAIL_PREFETCH_SUPPORT; |
5182 | } else if (!locals->VRatioInPrefetchSupported[i][j]) { |
5183 | status = DML_FAIL_V_RATIO_PREFETCH; |
5184 | } |
5185 | |
5186 | if (status == DML_VALIDATION_OK) { |
5187 | locals->ModeSupport[i][j] = true; |
5188 | } else { |
5189 | locals->ModeSupport[i][j] = false; |
5190 | } |
5191 | locals->ValidationStatus[i] = status; |
5192 | } |
5193 | } |
5194 | { |
5195 | unsigned int MaximumMPCCombine = 0; |
5196 | mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel = mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states + 1; |
5197 | for (i = mode_lib->vba.VoltageOverrideLevel; i <= mode_lib->vba.soc.num_states; i++) { |
5198 | if (locals->ModeSupport[i][0] == true || locals->ModeSupport[i][1] == true) { |
5199 | mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel = i; |
5200 | if (locals->ModeSupport[i][1] == true && (locals->ModeSupport[i][0] == false |
5201 | || mode_lib->vba.WhenToDoMPCCombine == dm_mpc_always_when_possible |
5202 | || (mode_lib->vba.WhenToDoMPCCombine == dm_mpc_reduce_voltage_and_clocks |
5203 | && ((locals->DRAMClockChangeSupport[i][1] == dm_dram_clock_change_vactive |
5204 | && locals->DRAMClockChangeSupport[i][0] != dm_dram_clock_change_vactive) |
5205 | || (locals->DRAMClockChangeSupport[i][1] == dm_dram_clock_change_vblank |
5206 | && locals->DRAMClockChangeSupport[i][0] == dm_dram_clock_change_unsupported))))) { |
5207 | MaximumMPCCombine = 1; |
5208 | } else { |
5209 | MaximumMPCCombine = 0; |
5210 | } |
5211 | break; |
5212 | } |
5213 | } |
5214 | mode_lib->vba.ImmediateFlipSupport = |
5215 | locals->ImmediateFlipSupportedForState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][MaximumMPCCombine]; |
5216 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
5217 | mode_lib->vba.DPPPerPlane[k] = locals->NoOfDPP[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][MaximumMPCCombine][k]; |
5218 | locals->DPPCLK[k] = locals->RequiredDPPCLK[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][MaximumMPCCombine][k]; |
5219 | } |
5220 | mode_lib->vba.DISPCLK = locals->RequiredDISPCLK[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][MaximumMPCCombine]; |
5221 | mode_lib->vba.maxMpcComb = MaximumMPCCombine; |
5222 | } |
5223 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLK = mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKPerState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel]; |
5224 | mode_lib->vba.DRAMSpeed = mode_lib->vba.DRAMSpeedPerState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel]; |
5225 | mode_lib->vba.FabricClock = mode_lib->vba.FabricClockPerState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel]; |
5226 | mode_lib->vba.SOCCLK = mode_lib->vba.SOCCLKPerState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel]; |
5227 | mode_lib->vba.ReturnBW = locals->ReturnBWPerState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][0]; |
5228 | for (k = 0; k <= mode_lib->vba.NumberOfActivePlanes - 1; k++) { |
5229 | if (mode_lib->vba.BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
5230 | mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k] = |
5231 | locals->ODMCombineEnablePerState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k]; |
5232 | } else { |
5233 | mode_lib->vba.ODMCombineEnabled[k] = dm_odm_combine_mode_disabled; |
5234 | } |
5235 | mode_lib->vba.DSCEnabled[k] = |
5236 | locals->RequiresDSC[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k]; |
5237 | mode_lib->vba.OutputBpp[k] = |
5238 | locals->OutputBppPerState[mode_lib->vba.VoltageLevel][k]; |
5239 | } |
5240 | } |
5241 | |
5242 | static void CalculateWatermarksAndDRAMSpeedChangeSupport( |
5243 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
5244 | unsigned int PrefetchMode, |
5245 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
5246 | unsigned int MaxLineBufferLines, |
5247 | unsigned int LineBufferSize, |
5248 | unsigned int DPPOutputBufferPixels, |
5249 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
5250 | unsigned int WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize, |
5251 | unsigned int WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize, |
5252 | double DCFCLK, |
5253 | double UrgentOutOfOrderReturn, |
5254 | double ReturnBW, |
5255 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
5256 | int dpte_group_bytes[], |
5257 | unsigned int MetaChunkSize, |
5258 | double UrgentLatency, |
5259 | double ExtraLatency, |
5260 | double WritebackLatency, |
5261 | double WritebackChunkSize, |
5262 | double SOCCLK, |
5263 | double DRAMClockChangeLatency, |
5264 | double SRExitTime, |
5265 | double SREnterPlusExitTime, |
5266 | double DCFCLKDeepSleep, |
5267 | int DPPPerPlane[], |
5268 | bool DCCEnable[], |
5269 | double DPPCLK[], |
5270 | double SwathWidthSingleDPPY[], |
5271 | unsigned int SwathHeightY[], |
5272 | double ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[], |
5273 | unsigned int SwathHeightC[], |
5274 | double ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[], |
5275 | unsigned int LBBitPerPixel[], |
5276 | double SwathWidthY[], |
5277 | double HRatio[], |
5278 | unsigned int vtaps[], |
5279 | unsigned int VTAPsChroma[], |
5280 | double VRatio[], |
5281 | unsigned int HTotal[], |
5282 | double PixelClock[], |
5283 | unsigned int BlendingAndTiming[], |
5284 | double BytePerPixelDETY[], |
5285 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
5286 | bool WritebackEnable[], |
5287 | enum source_format_class WritebackPixelFormat[], |
5288 | double WritebackDestinationWidth[], |
5289 | double WritebackDestinationHeight[], |
5290 | double WritebackSourceHeight[], |
5291 | enum clock_change_support *DRAMClockChangeSupport, |
5292 | double *UrgentWatermark, |
5293 | double *WritebackUrgentWatermark, |
5294 | double *DRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
5295 | double *WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark, |
5296 | double *StutterExitWatermark, |
5297 | double *StutterEnterPlusExitWatermark, |
5298 | double *MinActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencySupported) |
5299 | { |
5300 | double EffectiveLBLatencyHidingY; |
5301 | double EffectiveLBLatencyHidingC; |
5302 | double DPPOutputBufferLinesY; |
5303 | double DPPOutputBufferLinesC; |
5304 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeY; |
5305 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeC; |
5306 | double LinesInDETY[DC__NUM_DPP__MAX]; |
5307 | double LinesInDETC; |
5308 | unsigned int LinesInDETYRoundedDownToSwath[DC__NUM_DPP__MAX]; |
5309 | unsigned int LinesInDETCRoundedDownToSwath; |
5310 | double FullDETBufferingTimeY[DC__NUM_DPP__MAX]; |
5311 | double FullDETBufferingTimeC; |
5312 | double ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginY; |
5313 | double ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginC; |
5314 | double WritebackDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin; |
5315 | double PlaneWithMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin; |
5316 | double SecondMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMarginOneDisplayInVBLank; |
5317 | double FullDETBufferingTimeYStutterCriticalPlane = 0; |
5318 | double TimeToFinishSwathTransferStutterCriticalPlane = 0; |
5319 | unsigned int k, j; |
5320 | |
5321 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveDPP = 0; |
5322 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDCCActiveDPP = 0; |
5323 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 37 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 5330 | |
5324 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveDPP = mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveDPP + DPPPerPlane[k]; |
5325 | if (DCCEnable[k] == true) { |
5326 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDCCActiveDPP = mode_lib->vba.TotalDCCActiveDPP + DPPPerPlane[k]; |
5327 | } |
5328 | } |
5329 | |
5330 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth = 0; |
5331 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 38 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 5336 | |
5332 | mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth = mode_lib->vba.TotalDataReadBandwidth |
5333 | + ReadBandwidthPlaneLuma[k] + ReadBandwidthPlaneChroma[k]; |
5334 | } |
5335 | |
5336 | *UrgentWatermark = UrgentLatency + ExtraLatency; |
5337 | |
5338 | *DRAMClockChangeWatermark = DRAMClockChangeLatency + *UrgentWatermark; |
5339 | |
5340 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback = 0; |
5341 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 39 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 5347 | |
5342 | if (WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
5343 | mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback = mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback + 1; |
5344 | } |
5345 | } |
5346 | |
5347 | if (mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback <= 1) { |
| |
5348 | *WritebackUrgentWatermark = WritebackLatency; |
5349 | } else { |
5350 | *WritebackUrgentWatermark = WritebackLatency |
5351 | + WritebackChunkSize * 1024.0 / 32.0 / SOCCLK; |
5352 | } |
5353 | |
5354 | if (mode_lib->vba.TotalActiveWriteback <= 1) { |
| |
5355 | *WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark = DRAMClockChangeLatency + WritebackLatency; |
5356 | } else { |
5357 | *WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark = DRAMClockChangeLatency + WritebackLatency |
5358 | + WritebackChunkSize * 1024.0 / 32.0 / SOCCLK; |
5359 | } |
5360 | |
5361 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 42 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 5458 | |
5362 | |
5363 | mode_lib->vba.LBLatencyHidingSourceLinesY = dml_min((double) MaxLineBufferLines, |
5364 | dml_floor(LineBufferSize / LBBitPerPixel[k] / (SwathWidthY[k] / dml_max(HRatio[k], 1.0)), 1)) |
5365 | - (vtaps[k] - 1); |
5366 | |
5367 | mode_lib->vba.LBLatencyHidingSourceLinesC = dml_min((double) MaxLineBufferLines, |
5368 | dml_floor(LineBufferSize / LBBitPerPixel[k] / (SwathWidthY[k] / 2 / dml_max(HRatio[k] / 2, 1.0)), 1)) |
5369 | - (VTAPsChroma[k] - 1); |
5370 | |
5371 | EffectiveLBLatencyHidingY = mode_lib->vba.LBLatencyHidingSourceLinesY / VRatio[k] |
5372 | * (HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k]); |
5373 | |
5374 | EffectiveLBLatencyHidingC = mode_lib->vba.LBLatencyHidingSourceLinesC |
5375 | / (VRatio[k] / 2) * (HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k]); |
5376 | |
5377 | if (SwathWidthY[k] > 2 * DPPOutputBufferPixels) { |
5378 | DPPOutputBufferLinesY = (double) DPPOutputBufferPixels / SwathWidthY[k]; |
5379 | } else if (SwathWidthY[k] > DPPOutputBufferPixels) { |
5380 | DPPOutputBufferLinesY = 0.5; |
5381 | } else { |
5382 | DPPOutputBufferLinesY = 1; |
5383 | } |
5384 | |
5385 | if (SwathWidthY[k] / 2.0 > 2 * DPPOutputBufferPixels) { |
5386 | DPPOutputBufferLinesC = (double) DPPOutputBufferPixels |
5387 | / (SwathWidthY[k] / 2.0); |
5388 | } else if (SwathWidthY[k] / 2.0 > DPPOutputBufferPixels) { |
5389 | DPPOutputBufferLinesC = 0.5; |
5390 | } else { |
5391 | DPPOutputBufferLinesC = 1; |
5392 | } |
5393 | |
5394 | CalculateDETBufferSize( |
5395 | DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
5396 | SwathHeightY[k], |
5397 | SwathHeightC[k], |
5398 | &DETBufferSizeY, |
5399 | &DETBufferSizeC); |
5400 | |
5401 | LinesInDETY[k] = (double)DETBufferSizeY / BytePerPixelDETY[k] / SwathWidthY[k]; |
5402 | LinesInDETYRoundedDownToSwath[k] = dml_floor(LinesInDETY[k], SwathHeightY[k]); |
5403 | FullDETBufferingTimeY[k] = LinesInDETYRoundedDownToSwath[k] |
5404 | * (HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k]) / VRatio[k]; |
5405 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
5406 | LinesInDETC = (double)DETBufferSizeC / BytePerPixelDETC[k] / (SwathWidthY[k] / 2.0); |
5407 | LinesInDETCRoundedDownToSwath = dml_floor(LinesInDETC, SwathHeightC[k]); |
5408 | FullDETBufferingTimeC = LinesInDETCRoundedDownToSwath |
5409 | * (HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k]) / (VRatio[k] / 2); |
5410 | } else { |
5411 | LinesInDETC = 0; |
5412 | FullDETBufferingTimeC = 999999; |
5413 | } |
5414 | |
5415 | ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginY = HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] |
5416 | * DPPOutputBufferLinesY + EffectiveLBLatencyHidingY |
5417 | + FullDETBufferingTimeY[k] - *DRAMClockChangeWatermark; |
5418 | |
5419 | if (NumberOfActivePlanes > 1) { |
5420 | ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginY = ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginY |
5421 | - (1 - 1.0 / NumberOfActivePlanes) * SwathHeightY[k] * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / VRatio[k]; |
5422 | } |
5423 | |
5424 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
5425 | ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginC = HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] |
5426 | * DPPOutputBufferLinesC + EffectiveLBLatencyHidingC |
5427 | + FullDETBufferingTimeC - *DRAMClockChangeWatermark; |
5428 | if (NumberOfActivePlanes > 1) { |
5429 | ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginC = ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginC |
5430 | - (1 - 1.0 / NumberOfActivePlanes) * SwathHeightC[k] * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / (VRatio[k] / 2); |
5431 | } |
5432 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k] = dml_min( |
5433 | ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginY, |
5434 | ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginC); |
5435 | } else { |
5436 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k] = ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMarginY; |
5437 | } |
5438 | |
5439 | if (WritebackEnable[k] == true) { |
5440 | if (WritebackPixelFormat[k] == dm_444_32) { |
5441 | WritebackDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin = (WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize |
5442 | + WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize) / (WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
5443 | * WritebackDestinationHeight[k] / (WritebackSourceHeight[k] * HTotal[k] |
5444 | / PixelClock[k]) * 4) - *WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark; |
5445 | } else { |
5446 | WritebackDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin = dml_min( |
5447 | WritebackInterfaceLumaBufferSize * 8.0 / 10, |
5448 | 2 * WritebackInterfaceChromaBufferSize * 8.0 / 10) / (WritebackDestinationWidth[k] |
5449 | * WritebackDestinationHeight[k] / (WritebackSourceHeight[k] * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k])) |
5450 | - *WritebackDRAMClockChangeWatermark; |
5451 | } |
5452 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k] = dml_min( |
5453 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k], |
5454 | WritebackDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin); |
5455 | } |
5456 | } |
5457 | |
5458 | mode_lib->vba.MinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin = 999999; |
5459 | PlaneWithMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin = 0; |
5460 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 43 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 5477 | |
5461 | if (mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k] |
5462 | < mode_lib->vba.MinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin) { |
5463 | mode_lib->vba.MinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin = |
5464 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k]; |
5465 | if (BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
5466 | PlaneWithMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin = k; |
5467 | } else { |
5468 | for (j = 0; j < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++j) { |
5469 | if (BlendingAndTiming[k] == j) { |
5470 | PlaneWithMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin = j; |
5471 | } |
5472 | } |
5473 | } |
5474 | } |
5475 | } |
5476 | |
5477 | *MinActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencySupported = mode_lib->vba.MinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin + DRAMClockChangeLatency; |
5478 | |
5479 | SecondMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMarginOneDisplayInVBLank = 999999; |
5480 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
| 44 | | Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 5490 | |
5481 | if (!((k == PlaneWithMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin) && (BlendingAndTiming[k] == k)) |
5482 | && !(BlendingAndTiming[k] == PlaneWithMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin) |
5483 | && mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k] |
5484 | < SecondMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMarginOneDisplayInVBLank) { |
5485 | SecondMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMarginOneDisplayInVBLank = |
5486 | mode_lib->vba.ActiveDRAMClockChangeLatencyMargin[k]; |
5487 | } |
5488 | } |
5489 | |
5490 | mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG = 0; |
5491 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5492 | if (BlendingAndTiming[k] == k) { |
5493 | mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG = mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG + 1; |
5494 | } |
5495 | } |
5496 | |
5497 | if (mode_lib->vba.MinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin > 0 && PrefetchMode == 0) { |
| 45 | | Assuming field 'MinActiveDRAMClockChangeMargin' is > 0 | |
| 46 | | Assuming 'PrefetchMode' is equal to 0 | |
| |
5498 | *DRAMClockChangeSupport = dm_dram_clock_change_vactive; |
5499 | } else if (((mode_lib->vba.SynchronizedVBlank == true |
5500 | || mode_lib->vba.TotalNumberOfActiveOTG == 1 |
5501 | || SecondMinActiveDRAMClockChangeMarginOneDisplayInVBLank > 0) |
5502 | && PrefetchMode == 0)) { |
5503 | *DRAMClockChangeSupport = dm_dram_clock_change_vblank; |
5504 | } else { |
5505 | *DRAMClockChangeSupport = dm_dram_clock_change_unsupported; |
5506 | } |
5507 | |
5508 | FullDETBufferingTimeYStutterCriticalPlane = FullDETBufferingTimeY[0]; |
| 48 | | Assigned value is garbage or undefined |
5509 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5510 | if (FullDETBufferingTimeY[k] <= FullDETBufferingTimeYStutterCriticalPlane) { |
5511 | TimeToFinishSwathTransferStutterCriticalPlane = (SwathHeightY[k] |
5512 | - (LinesInDETY[k] - LinesInDETYRoundedDownToSwath[k])) |
5513 | * (HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k]) / VRatio[k]; |
5514 | } |
5515 | } |
5516 | |
5517 | *StutterExitWatermark = SRExitTime + mode_lib->vba.LastPixelOfLineExtraWatermark |
5518 | + ExtraLatency + 10 / DCFCLKDeepSleep; |
5519 | *StutterEnterPlusExitWatermark = dml_max( |
5520 | SREnterPlusExitTime + mode_lib->vba.LastPixelOfLineExtraWatermark |
5521 | + ExtraLatency + 10 / DCFCLKDeepSleep, |
5522 | TimeToFinishSwathTransferStutterCriticalPlane); |
5523 | |
5524 | } |
5525 | |
5526 | static void CalculateDCFCLKDeepSleep( |
5527 | struct display_mode_lib *mode_lib, |
5528 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
5529 | double BytePerPixelDETY[], |
5530 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
5531 | double VRatio[], |
5532 | double SwathWidthY[], |
5533 | int DPPPerPlane[], |
5534 | double HRatio[], |
5535 | double PixelClock[], |
5536 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT[], |
5537 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[], |
5538 | double DPPCLK[], |
5539 | double *DCFCLKDeepSleep) |
5540 | { |
5541 | unsigned int k; |
5542 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma; |
5543 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma; |
5544 | |
5545 | |
5546 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5547 | if (VRatio[k] <= 1) { |
5548 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma = SwathWidthY[k] * DPPPerPlane[k] |
5549 | / HRatio[k] / PixelClock[k]; |
5550 | } else { |
5551 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma = SwathWidthY[k] / PSCL_THROUGHPUT[k] |
5552 | / DPPCLK[k]; |
5553 | } |
5554 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] == 0) { |
5555 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma = 0; |
5556 | } else { |
5557 | if (VRatio[k] / 2 <= 1) { |
5558 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma = SwathWidthY[k] / 2.0 |
5559 | * DPPPerPlane[k] / (HRatio[k] / 2) / PixelClock[k]; |
5560 | } else { |
5561 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma = SwathWidthY[k] / 2.0 |
5563 | } |
5564 | } |
5565 | |
5566 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
5567 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleepPerPlane[k] = dml_max( |
5568 | 1.1 * SwathWidthY[k] * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1) |
5569 | / 32.0 / DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma, |
5570 | 1.1 * SwathWidthY[k] / 2.0 |
5571 | * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETC[k], 2) / 32.0 |
5572 | / DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma); |
5573 | } else { |
5574 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleepPerPlane[k] = 1.1 * SwathWidthY[k] |
5575 | * dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1) / 64.0 |
5576 | / DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma; |
5577 | } |
5578 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleepPerPlane[k] = dml_max( |
5579 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleepPerPlane[k], |
5580 | PixelClock[k] / 16); |
5581 | |
5582 | } |
5583 | |
5584 | *DCFCLKDeepSleep = 8; |
5585 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5586 | *DCFCLKDeepSleep = dml_max( |
5587 | *DCFCLKDeepSleep, |
5588 | mode_lib->vba.DCFCLKDeepSleepPerPlane[k]); |
5589 | } |
5590 | } |
5591 | |
5592 | static void CalculateDETBufferSize( |
5593 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
5594 | unsigned int SwathHeightY, |
5595 | unsigned int SwathHeightC, |
5596 | unsigned int *DETBufferSizeY, |
5597 | unsigned int *DETBufferSizeC) |
5598 | { |
5599 | if (SwathHeightC == 0) { |
5600 | *DETBufferSizeY = DETBufferSizeInKByte * 1024; |
5601 | *DETBufferSizeC = 0; |
5602 | } else if (SwathHeightY <= SwathHeightC) { |
5603 | *DETBufferSizeY = DETBufferSizeInKByte * 1024 / 2; |
5604 | *DETBufferSizeC = DETBufferSizeInKByte * 1024 / 2; |
5605 | } else { |
5606 | *DETBufferSizeY = DETBufferSizeInKByte * 1024 * 2 / 3; |
5607 | *DETBufferSizeC = DETBufferSizeInKByte * 1024 / 3; |
5608 | } |
5609 | } |
5610 | |
5611 | static void CalculateUrgentBurstFactor( |
5612 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
5613 | unsigned int SwathHeightY, |
5614 | unsigned int SwathHeightC, |
5615 | unsigned int SwathWidthY, |
5616 | double LineTime, |
5617 | double UrgentLatency, |
5618 | double CursorBufferSize, |
5619 | unsigned int CursorWidth, |
5620 | unsigned int CursorBPP, |
5621 | double VRatio, |
5622 | double VRatioPreY, |
5623 | double VRatioPreC, |
5624 | double BytePerPixelInDETY, |
5625 | double BytePerPixelInDETC, |
5626 | double *UrgentBurstFactorCursor, |
5627 | double *UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre, |
5628 | double *UrgentBurstFactorLuma, |
5629 | double *UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre, |
5630 | double *UrgentBurstFactorChroma, |
5631 | double *UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre, |
5632 | unsigned int *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding, |
5633 | unsigned int *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre) |
5634 | { |
5635 | double LinesInDETLuma; |
5636 | double LinesInDETChroma; |
5637 | unsigned int LinesInCursorBuffer; |
5638 | double CursorBufferSizeInTime; |
5639 | double CursorBufferSizeInTimePre; |
5640 | double DETBufferSizeInTimeLuma; |
5641 | double DETBufferSizeInTimeLumaPre; |
5642 | double DETBufferSizeInTimeChroma; |
5643 | double DETBufferSizeInTimeChromaPre; |
5644 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeY; |
5645 | unsigned int DETBufferSizeC; |
5646 | |
5647 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding = 0; |
5648 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre = 0; |
5649 | |
5650 | if (CursorWidth > 0) { |
5651 | LinesInCursorBuffer = 1 << (unsigned int) dml_floor( |
5652 | dml_log2(CursorBufferSize * 1024.0 / (CursorWidth * CursorBPP / 8.0)), 1.0); |
5653 | CursorBufferSizeInTime = LinesInCursorBuffer * LineTime / VRatio; |
5654 | if (CursorBufferSizeInTime - UrgentLatency <= 0) { |
5655 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding = 1; |
5656 | *UrgentBurstFactorCursor = 0; |
5657 | } else { |
5658 | *UrgentBurstFactorCursor = CursorBufferSizeInTime |
5659 | / (CursorBufferSizeInTime - UrgentLatency); |
5660 | } |
5661 | if (VRatioPreY > 0) { |
5662 | CursorBufferSizeInTimePre = LinesInCursorBuffer * LineTime / VRatioPreY; |
5663 | if (CursorBufferSizeInTimePre - UrgentLatency <= 0) { |
5664 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre = 1; |
5665 | *UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre = 0; |
5666 | } else { |
5667 | *UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre = CursorBufferSizeInTimePre |
5668 | / (CursorBufferSizeInTimePre - UrgentLatency); |
5669 | } |
5670 | } else { |
5671 | *UrgentBurstFactorCursorPre = 1; |
5672 | } |
5673 | } |
5674 | |
5675 | CalculateDETBufferSize( |
5676 | DETBufferSizeInKByte, |
5677 | SwathHeightY, |
5678 | SwathHeightC, |
5679 | &DETBufferSizeY, |
5680 | &DETBufferSizeC); |
5681 | |
5682 | LinesInDETLuma = (double)DETBufferSizeY / BytePerPixelInDETY / SwathWidthY; |
5683 | DETBufferSizeInTimeLuma = dml_floor(LinesInDETLuma, SwathHeightY) * LineTime / VRatio; |
5684 | if (DETBufferSizeInTimeLuma - UrgentLatency <= 0) { |
5685 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding = 1; |
5686 | *UrgentBurstFactorLuma = 0; |
5687 | } else { |
5688 | *UrgentBurstFactorLuma = DETBufferSizeInTimeLuma |
5689 | / (DETBufferSizeInTimeLuma - UrgentLatency); |
5690 | } |
5691 | if (VRatioPreY > 0) { |
5692 | DETBufferSizeInTimeLumaPre = dml_floor(LinesInDETLuma, SwathHeightY) * LineTime |
5693 | / VRatioPreY; |
5694 | if (DETBufferSizeInTimeLumaPre - UrgentLatency <= 0) { |
5695 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre = 1; |
5696 | *UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre = 0; |
5697 | } else { |
5698 | *UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre = DETBufferSizeInTimeLumaPre |
5699 | / (DETBufferSizeInTimeLumaPre - UrgentLatency); |
5700 | } |
5701 | } else { |
5702 | *UrgentBurstFactorLumaPre = 1; |
5703 | } |
5704 | |
5705 | if (BytePerPixelInDETC > 0) { |
5706 | LinesInDETChroma = (double)DETBufferSizeC / BytePerPixelInDETC / (SwathWidthY / 2); |
5707 | DETBufferSizeInTimeChroma = dml_floor(LinesInDETChroma, SwathHeightC) * LineTime |
5708 | / (VRatio / 2); |
5709 | if (DETBufferSizeInTimeChroma - UrgentLatency <= 0) { |
5710 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHiding = 1; |
5711 | *UrgentBurstFactorChroma = 0; |
5712 | } else { |
5713 | *UrgentBurstFactorChroma = DETBufferSizeInTimeChroma |
5714 | / (DETBufferSizeInTimeChroma - UrgentLatency); |
5715 | } |
5716 | if (VRatioPreC > 0) { |
5717 | DETBufferSizeInTimeChromaPre = dml_floor(LinesInDETChroma, SwathHeightC) |
5718 | * LineTime / VRatioPreC; |
5719 | if (DETBufferSizeInTimeChromaPre - UrgentLatency <= 0) { |
5720 | *NotEnoughUrgentLatencyHidingPre = 1; |
5721 | *UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre = 0; |
5722 | } else { |
5723 | *UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre = DETBufferSizeInTimeChromaPre |
5724 | / (DETBufferSizeInTimeChromaPre - UrgentLatency); |
5725 | } |
5726 | } else { |
5727 | *UrgentBurstFactorChromaPre = 1; |
5728 | } |
5729 | } |
5730 | } |
5731 | |
5732 | static void CalculatePixelDeliveryTimes( |
5733 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
5734 | double VRatio[], |
5735 | double VRatioPrefetchY[], |
5736 | double VRatioPrefetchC[], |
5737 | unsigned int swath_width_luma_ub[], |
5738 | unsigned int swath_width_chroma_ub[], |
5739 | int DPPPerPlane[], |
5740 | double HRatio[], |
5741 | double PixelClock[], |
5742 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT[], |
5743 | double PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[], |
5744 | double DPPCLK[], |
5745 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
5746 | enum scan_direction_class SourceScan[], |
5747 | unsigned int BlockWidth256BytesY[], |
5748 | unsigned int BlockHeight256BytesY[], |
5749 | unsigned int BlockWidth256BytesC[], |
5750 | unsigned int BlockHeight256BytesC[], |
5751 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma[], |
5752 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma[], |
5753 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[], |
5754 | double DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[], |
5755 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLuma[], |
5756 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChroma[], |
5757 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[], |
5758 | double DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[]) |
5759 | { |
5760 | double req_per_swath_ub; |
5761 | unsigned int k; |
5762 | |
5763 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5764 | if (VRatio[k] <= 1) { |
5765 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma[k] = swath_width_luma_ub[k] * DPPPerPlane[k] |
5766 | / HRatio[k] / PixelClock[k]; |
5767 | } else { |
5768 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma[k] = swath_width_luma_ub[k] |
5769 | / PSCL_THROUGHPUT[k] / DPPCLK[k]; |
5770 | } |
5771 | |
5772 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] == 0) { |
5773 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma[k] = 0; |
5774 | } else { |
5775 | if (VRatio[k] / 2 <= 1) { |
5776 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma[k] = swath_width_chroma_ub[k] |
5777 | * DPPPerPlane[k] / (HRatio[k] / 2) / PixelClock[k]; |
5778 | } else { |
5779 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma[k] = swath_width_chroma_ub[k] |
5781 | } |
5782 | } |
5783 | |
5784 | if (VRatioPrefetchY[k] <= 1) { |
5785 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[k] = swath_width_luma_ub[k] |
5786 | * DPPPerPlane[k] / HRatio[k] / PixelClock[k]; |
5787 | } else { |
5788 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[k] = swath_width_luma_ub[k] |
5789 | / PSCL_THROUGHPUT[k] / DPPCLK[k]; |
5790 | } |
5791 | |
5792 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] == 0) { |
5793 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[k] = 0; |
5794 | } else { |
5795 | if (VRatioPrefetchC[k] <= 1) { |
5796 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[k] = |
5797 | swath_width_chroma_ub[k] * DPPPerPlane[k] |
5798 | / (HRatio[k] / 2) / PixelClock[k]; |
5799 | } else { |
5800 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[k] = |
5801 | swath_width_chroma_ub[k] / PSCL_THROUGHPUT_CHROMA[k] / DPPCLK[k]; |
5802 | } |
5803 | } |
5804 | } |
5805 | |
5806 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5807 | if (SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
5808 | req_per_swath_ub = swath_width_luma_ub[k] / BlockWidth256BytesY[k]; |
5809 | } else { |
5810 | req_per_swath_ub = swath_width_luma_ub[k] / BlockHeight256BytesY[k]; |
5811 | } |
5812 | DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLuma[k] = DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLuma[k] |
5813 | / req_per_swath_ub; |
5814 | DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[k] = |
5815 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeLumaPrefetch[k] / req_per_swath_ub; |
5816 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] == 0) { |
5817 | DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChroma[k] = 0; |
5818 | DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[k] = 0; |
5819 | } else { |
5820 | if (SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
5821 | req_per_swath_ub = swath_width_chroma_ub[k] |
5822 | / BlockWidth256BytesC[k]; |
5823 | } else { |
5824 | req_per_swath_ub = swath_width_chroma_ub[k] |
5825 | / BlockHeight256BytesC[k]; |
5826 | } |
5827 | DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChroma[k] = |
5828 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChroma[k] / req_per_swath_ub; |
5829 | DisplayPipeRequestDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[k] = |
5830 | DisplayPipeLineDeliveryTimeChromaPrefetch[k] / req_per_swath_ub; |
5831 | } |
5832 | } |
5833 | } |
5834 | |
5835 | static void CalculateMetaAndPTETimes( |
5836 | unsigned int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
5837 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
5838 | unsigned int MetaChunkSize, |
5839 | unsigned int MinMetaChunkSizeBytes, |
5840 | unsigned int GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
5841 | unsigned int HTotal[], |
5842 | double VRatio[], |
5843 | double VRatioPrefetchY[], |
5844 | double VRatioPrefetchC[], |
5845 | double DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[], |
5846 | double DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip[], |
5847 | double DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank[], |
5848 | double DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip[], |
5849 | bool DCCEnable[], |
5850 | double PixelClock[], |
5851 | double BytePerPixelDETY[], |
5852 | double BytePerPixelDETC[], |
5853 | enum scan_direction_class SourceScan[], |
5854 | unsigned int dpte_row_height[], |
5855 | unsigned int dpte_row_height_chroma[], |
5856 | unsigned int meta_row_width[], |
5857 | unsigned int meta_row_height[], |
5858 | unsigned int meta_req_width[], |
5859 | unsigned int meta_req_height[], |
5860 | int dpte_group_bytes[], |
5861 | unsigned int PTERequestSizeY[], |
5862 | unsigned int PTERequestSizeC[], |
5863 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqWidthY[], |
5864 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqHeightY[], |
5865 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqWidthC[], |
5866 | unsigned int PixelPTEReqHeightC[], |
5867 | unsigned int dpte_row_width_luma_ub[], |
5868 | unsigned int dpte_row_width_chroma_ub[], |
5869 | unsigned int vm_group_bytes[], |
5870 | unsigned int dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[], |
5871 | unsigned int dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[], |
5872 | unsigned int meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[], |
5873 | unsigned int meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[], |
5874 | double DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_L[], |
5875 | double DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_C[], |
5876 | double DST_Y_PER_META_ROW_NOM_L[], |
5877 | double TimePerMetaChunkNominal[], |
5878 | double TimePerMetaChunkVBlank[], |
5879 | double TimePerMetaChunkFlip[], |
5880 | double time_per_pte_group_nom_luma[], |
5881 | double time_per_pte_group_vblank_luma[], |
5882 | double time_per_pte_group_flip_luma[], |
5883 | double time_per_pte_group_nom_chroma[], |
5884 | double time_per_pte_group_vblank_chroma[], |
5885 | double time_per_pte_group_flip_chroma[], |
5886 | double TimePerVMGroupVBlank[], |
5887 | double TimePerVMGroupFlip[], |
5888 | double TimePerVMRequestVBlank[], |
5889 | double TimePerVMRequestFlip[]) |
5890 | { |
5891 | unsigned int meta_chunk_width; |
5892 | unsigned int min_meta_chunk_width; |
5893 | unsigned int meta_chunk_per_row_int; |
5894 | unsigned int meta_row_remainder; |
5895 | unsigned int meta_chunk_threshold; |
5896 | unsigned int meta_chunks_per_row_ub; |
5897 | unsigned int dpte_group_width_luma; |
5898 | unsigned int dpte_group_width_chroma; |
5899 | unsigned int dpte_groups_per_row_luma_ub; |
5900 | unsigned int dpte_groups_per_row_chroma_ub; |
5901 | unsigned int num_group_per_lower_vm_stage; |
5902 | unsigned int num_req_per_lower_vm_stage; |
5903 | unsigned int k; |
5904 | |
5905 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5906 | if (GPUVMEnable == true) { |
5907 | DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_L[k] = dpte_row_height[k] / VRatio[k]; |
5908 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] == 0) { |
5909 | DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_C[k] = 0; |
5910 | } else { |
5911 | DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_C[k] = dpte_row_height_chroma[k] / (VRatio[k] / 2); |
5912 | } |
5913 | } else { |
5914 | DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_L[k] = 0; |
5915 | DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_C[k] = 0; |
5916 | } |
5917 | if (DCCEnable[k] == true) { |
5918 | DST_Y_PER_META_ROW_NOM_L[k] = meta_row_height[k] / VRatio[k]; |
5919 | } else { |
5920 | DST_Y_PER_META_ROW_NOM_L[k] = 0; |
5921 | } |
5922 | } |
5923 | |
5924 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5925 | if (DCCEnable[k] == true) { |
5926 | meta_chunk_width = MetaChunkSize * 1024 * 256 |
5927 | / dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1) / meta_row_height[k]; |
5928 | min_meta_chunk_width = MinMetaChunkSizeBytes * 256 |
5929 | / dml_ceil(BytePerPixelDETY[k], 1) / meta_row_height[k]; |
5930 | meta_chunk_per_row_int = meta_row_width[k] / meta_chunk_width; |
5931 | meta_row_remainder = meta_row_width[k] % meta_chunk_width; |
5932 | if (SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
5933 | meta_chunk_threshold = 2 * min_meta_chunk_width - meta_req_width[k]; |
5934 | } else { |
5935 | meta_chunk_threshold = 2 * min_meta_chunk_width |
5936 | - meta_req_height[k]; |
5937 | } |
5938 | if (meta_row_remainder <= meta_chunk_threshold) { |
5939 | meta_chunks_per_row_ub = meta_chunk_per_row_int + 1; |
5940 | } else { |
5941 | meta_chunks_per_row_ub = meta_chunk_per_row_int + 2; |
5942 | } |
5943 | TimePerMetaChunkNominal[k] = meta_row_height[k] / VRatio[k] * HTotal[k] |
5944 | / PixelClock[k] / meta_chunks_per_row_ub; |
5945 | TimePerMetaChunkVBlank[k] = DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[k] |
5946 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / meta_chunks_per_row_ub; |
5947 | TimePerMetaChunkFlip[k] = DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip[k] |
5948 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / meta_chunks_per_row_ub; |
5949 | } else { |
5950 | TimePerMetaChunkNominal[k] = 0; |
5951 | TimePerMetaChunkVBlank[k] = 0; |
5952 | TimePerMetaChunkFlip[k] = 0; |
5953 | } |
5954 | } |
5955 | |
5956 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
5957 | if (GPUVMEnable == true) { |
5958 | if (SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
5959 | dpte_group_width_luma = dpte_group_bytes[k] / PTERequestSizeY[k] |
5960 | * PixelPTEReqWidthY[k]; |
5961 | } else { |
5962 | dpte_group_width_luma = dpte_group_bytes[k] / PTERequestSizeY[k] |
5963 | * PixelPTEReqHeightY[k]; |
5964 | } |
5965 | dpte_groups_per_row_luma_ub = dml_ceil( |
5966 | (float) dpte_row_width_luma_ub[k] / dpte_group_width_luma, |
5967 | 1); |
5968 | time_per_pte_group_nom_luma[k] = DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_L[k] * HTotal[k] |
5969 | / PixelClock[k] / dpte_groups_per_row_luma_ub; |
5970 | time_per_pte_group_vblank_luma[k] = DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[k] |
5971 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / dpte_groups_per_row_luma_ub; |
5972 | time_per_pte_group_flip_luma[k] = |
5973 | DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip[k] * HTotal[k] |
5974 | / PixelClock[k] |
5975 | / dpte_groups_per_row_luma_ub; |
5976 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] == 0) { |
5977 | time_per_pte_group_nom_chroma[k] = 0; |
5978 | time_per_pte_group_vblank_chroma[k] = 0; |
5979 | time_per_pte_group_flip_chroma[k] = 0; |
5980 | } else { |
5981 | if (SourceScan[k] == dm_horz) { |
5982 | dpte_group_width_chroma = dpte_group_bytes[k] |
5983 | / PTERequestSizeC[k] * PixelPTEReqWidthC[k]; |
5984 | } else { |
5985 | dpte_group_width_chroma = dpte_group_bytes[k] |
5986 | / PTERequestSizeC[k] |
5987 | * PixelPTEReqHeightC[k]; |
5988 | } |
5989 | dpte_groups_per_row_chroma_ub = dml_ceil( |
5990 | (float) dpte_row_width_chroma_ub[k] |
5991 | / dpte_group_width_chroma, |
5992 | 1); |
5993 | time_per_pte_group_nom_chroma[k] = DST_Y_PER_PTE_ROW_NOM_C[k] |
5994 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] |
5995 | / dpte_groups_per_row_chroma_ub; |
5996 | time_per_pte_group_vblank_chroma[k] = |
5997 | DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank[k] * HTotal[k] |
5998 | / PixelClock[k] |
5999 | / dpte_groups_per_row_chroma_ub; |
6000 | time_per_pte_group_flip_chroma[k] = |
6001 | DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip[k] |
6002 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] |
6003 | / dpte_groups_per_row_chroma_ub; |
6004 | } |
6005 | } else { |
6006 | time_per_pte_group_nom_luma[k] = 0; |
6007 | time_per_pte_group_vblank_luma[k] = 0; |
6008 | time_per_pte_group_flip_luma[k] = 0; |
6009 | time_per_pte_group_nom_chroma[k] = 0; |
6010 | time_per_pte_group_vblank_chroma[k] = 0; |
6011 | time_per_pte_group_flip_chroma[k] = 0; |
6012 | } |
6013 | } |
6014 | |
6015 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; ++k) { |
6016 | if (GPUVMEnable == true && (DCCEnable[k] == true || GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels > 1)) { |
6017 | if (DCCEnable[k] == false) { |
6018 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
6019 | num_group_per_lower_vm_stage = |
6020 | dml_ceil((double) (dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1) |
6021 | + dml_ceil((double) (dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1); |
6022 | } else { |
6023 | num_group_per_lower_vm_stage = |
6024 | dml_ceil((double) (dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1); |
6025 | } |
6026 | } else { |
6027 | if (GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels == 1) { |
6028 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
6029 | num_group_per_lower_vm_stage = |
6030 | dml_ceil((double) (meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1) |
6031 | + dml_ceil((double) (meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1); |
6032 | } else { |
6033 | num_group_per_lower_vm_stage = |
6034 | dml_ceil((double) (meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1); |
6035 | } |
6036 | } else { |
6037 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
6038 | num_group_per_lower_vm_stage = |
6039 | dml_ceil((double) (dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1) |
6040 | + dml_ceil((double) (dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1) |
6041 | + dml_ceil((double) (meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1) |
6042 | + dml_ceil((double) (meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1); |
6043 | } else { |
6044 | num_group_per_lower_vm_stage = |
6045 | dml_ceil((double) (dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1) |
6046 | + dml_ceil((double) (meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k]) / (double) (vm_group_bytes[k]), 1); |
6047 | } |
6048 | } |
6049 | } |
6050 | |
6051 | if (DCCEnable[k] == false) { |
6052 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
6053 | num_req_per_lower_vm_stage = dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] |
6054 | / 64 + dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k] / 64; |
6055 | } else { |
6056 | num_req_per_lower_vm_stage = dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] |
6057 | / 64; |
6058 | } |
6059 | } else { |
6060 | if (GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels == 1) { |
6061 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
6062 | num_req_per_lower_vm_stage = meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] / 64 |
6063 | + meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k] / 64; |
6064 | } else { |
6065 | num_req_per_lower_vm_stage = meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] / 64; |
6066 | } |
6067 | } else { |
6068 | if (BytePerPixelDETC[k] > 0) { |
6069 | num_req_per_lower_vm_stage = dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] / 64 |
6070 | + dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k] / 64 |
6071 | + meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] / 64 |
6072 | + meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_c[k] / 64; |
6073 | } else { |
6074 | num_req_per_lower_vm_stage = dpde0_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] / 64 |
6075 | + meta_pte_bytes_per_frame_ub_l[k] / 64; |
6076 | } |
6077 | } |
6078 | } |
6079 | |
6080 | TimePerVMGroupVBlank[k] = DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank[k] * HTotal[k] |
6081 | / PixelClock[k] / num_group_per_lower_vm_stage; |
6082 | TimePerVMGroupFlip[k] = DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip[k] |
6083 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / num_group_per_lower_vm_stage; |
6084 | TimePerVMRequestVBlank[k] = DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank[k] |
6085 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / num_req_per_lower_vm_stage; |
6086 | TimePerVMRequestFlip[k] = DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip[k] |
6087 | * HTotal[k] / PixelClock[k] / num_req_per_lower_vm_stage; |
6088 | |
6089 | if (GPUVMMaxPageTableLevels > 2) { |
6090 | TimePerVMGroupVBlank[k] = TimePerVMGroupVBlank[k] / 2; |
6091 | TimePerVMGroupFlip[k] = TimePerVMGroupFlip[k] / 2; |
6092 | TimePerVMRequestVBlank[k] = TimePerVMRequestVBlank[k] / 2; |
6093 | TimePerVMRequestFlip[k] = TimePerVMRequestFlip[k] / 2; |
6094 | } |
6095 | |
6096 | } else { |
6097 | TimePerVMGroupVBlank[k] = 0; |
6098 | TimePerVMGroupFlip[k] = 0; |
6099 | TimePerVMRequestVBlank[k] = 0; |
6100 | TimePerVMRequestFlip[k] = 0; |
6101 | } |
6102 | } |
6103 | } |
6104 | |
6105 | static double CalculateExtraLatency( |
6106 | double UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatency, |
6107 | int TotalNumberOfActiveDPP, |
6108 | int PixelChunkSizeInKByte, |
6109 | int TotalNumberOfDCCActiveDPP, |
6110 | int MetaChunkSize, |
6111 | double ReturnBW, |
6112 | bool GPUVMEnable, |
6113 | bool HostVMEnable, |
6114 | int NumberOfActivePlanes, |
6115 | int NumberOfDPP[], |
6116 | int dpte_group_bytes[], |
6117 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData, |
6118 | double PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly, |
6119 | int HostVMMaxPageTableLevels, |
6120 | int HostVMCachedPageTableLevels) |
6121 | { |
6122 | double CalculateExtraLatency; |
6123 | double HostVMInefficiencyFactor; |
6124 | int HostVMDynamicLevels; |
6125 | |
6126 | if (GPUVMEnable && HostVMEnable) { |
6127 | HostVMInefficiencyFactor = |
6128 | PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyPixelMixedWithVMData |
6129 | / PercentOfIdealDRAMFabricAndSDPPortBWReceivedAfterUrgLatencyVMDataOnly; |
6130 | HostVMDynamicLevels = HostVMMaxPageTableLevels - HostVMCachedPageTableLevels; |
6131 | } else { |
6132 | HostVMInefficiencyFactor = 1; |
6133 | HostVMDynamicLevels = 0; |
6134 | } |
6135 | |
6136 | CalculateExtraLatency = UrgentRoundTripAndOutOfOrderLatency |
6137 | + (TotalNumberOfActiveDPP * PixelChunkSizeInKByte |
6138 | + TotalNumberOfDCCActiveDPP * MetaChunkSize) * 1024.0 |
6139 | / ReturnBW; |
6140 | |
6141 | if (GPUVMEnable) { |
6142 | int k; |
6143 | |
6144 | for (k = 0; k < NumberOfActivePlanes; k++) { |
6145 | CalculateExtraLatency = CalculateExtraLatency |
6146 | + NumberOfDPP[k] * dpte_group_bytes[k] |
6147 | * (1 + 8 * HostVMDynamicLevels) |
6148 | * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / ReturnBW; |
6149 | } |
6150 | } |
6151 | return CalculateExtraLatency; |
6152 | } |
6153 | |